Personal Ramblings

Bony’s 2024 Bookish & Personal Goals

Hi friends and happy new year! I’m back at it again for the 6th year to set some goals for myself in this brand new year. Let’s jump right into it.

Read more: Bony’s 2024 Bookish & Personal Goals

Every year I say to myself, and I’ve written it on this blog (usually in my wrap up posts) that I want to be more intentional and specific with my goals, so this year, that’s what I plan to do. Let’s see how well it goes!

Bookish Goals

Like every year I’m going to start with the bookish!

Read 100 books. Last year was a bit bumpy with my reading, but I still managed to surpass 100 books so, again, this year that will be my goal. I think this is going to be my goal until the year I can’t hit it.

Read More Diversely. I enjoy keeping track of how diversely I’m reading. It’s become something I’m more conscious of and I really like doing it, for myself. Over the past few years I’ve been able to shift my reading from majority white authors, to more BIPOC authors and I love that. Being more intentional and specific with this goal, I’d like to hit 50% white authors and 50% BIPOC authors. Last year it was still a 60/40 balance so I’m trying to really balance it this year.

Start doing challenges on StoryGraph. This was a goal of mine last year that kinda went somewhere but kinda didn’t. I did a few things here and there, mostly in January & December… the rest of the year was kinda just a flop. This year, I know for a fact that I want to:

  • Participate in the January Pages Challenges – a challenge where you read every day for the month of January. Along the same line, I’d also like to,
  • Continue my reading streak and hit 365 days – currently I’m sitting at 222, so I’m really close.
  • Participate in the StoryGraph Reads the World Challenge – I thought this one sounded pretty chill and low-key, they have picked 10 countries to read from so I’m excited for this to also expand my reading

Continue my Classics Project. To continue the theme of expanding my reading, I want to continue reading more classics this year. Last year was such a success, that I want to keep it going.

Continue my Stephen King Project. I’m going to add this as an actual goal this year (I mean, it was one last year, but now it feels more official all on its own! πŸ˜‚). I have no doubts that I’ll be able to keep this up, so I’m excited the books I’ll explore this year.

Read all the books on the Canada Reads longlist. I almost didn’t make it last year, but I did it. I like doing this every year, it brings a new perspective to the Canadian lifestyle and I’ve enjoyed most of the books because they’re books I would have never picked up.

Reread at least 5 books. I really want to get into rereading the books I have on my shelves because the reason I own them is because I love them, so I want to keep this goal really small to see if it’s achievable.

Use Instagram More. I’m going to keep the wording of this goal from last year, but I want to continue to use Instagram in a way that I like to… and less about the algorithm, because honestly, can’t stand it. If you see my post, you see it. That’s how I’m feeling these days. So in order to ‘use Instagram more’ I’d like to:

  • Dedicate a day to posting bookish content (which will usually be my classic updates)
  • Dedicate a day to posting more life updates and photo dumps… I kinda want to get away from monthly wrap up reels because they can be so cumbersome to create

Continue to Make YouTube Videos. I’ve been doing really well with posting on YouTube the last 2 years. Last year I started talking about my Stephen King reads on there on top of my library book hauls. This year, I’m not really sure what new type of video I’ll make (if any) but I just know that I want to continue with what I’ve got.

Revamp the blog. I want to give my blog a bit of a refresh. The last time I did it was 2020 and that now feels like a million years ago, so it just feels like time.

Personal Goals

Finish watching all things Star Trek. I really feel like I have it in me to do that this year; even if I don’t quite get there, if I’m close to it, I’ll still be proud of myself.

Continue with my Disney Challenge. I know this one can be a bit of a pain to get through, but I have faith in myself. I want to be able to get to, at least, the year 1985, so we’ll see how well the year goes. I took a break in December, but I’m itching to get back to it!

Bake at Least Once. I dropped the ‘a month’ part of this goal because it didn’t work for me last year. I’m hoping that having this as bake at least once will give me motivation to bake more… we’ll see.

Travel at Least Twice this Year. I’m making it more specific than just saying travel more, I want to explore more and maybe go on at least 1 big trip. I miss traveling.

Continue to Knit. I’m keeping this from last year, too because even though I didn’t really talk about it or show it… I’ve been knitting quite regularly. I’m hoping to make a few blankets this year, and maybe sell them.

Continue Learning French and Italian on Duolingo. I’m so close to 1500 (1499, tomorrow is the day) and I’ve just been having a good time with this. I’ve gotten both my mom and another friend of mine onto Duolingo… I’m the Duolingo lady πŸ˜‚ but I really think it’s helped me understand the languages better, so I want to keep going.

Start Doing Yoga. I don’t know where this goal is going to go, but I always say I need to stretch more and become more flexible and what better way to do that, than yoga! I’ve already started looking up some of the more simpler moves… I just have to actually start doing them!

Be One Step Closer to My Own Place. This is a big one… one I’ve been working towards since 2022. Every year another little baby step is accomplished, so I’m going to be kind to myself and say just one step closer because I don’t want to put too much pressure and say be moved out because it’s hard out there!

Continue to Grow and Be a Work In Progress. I feel like this is always going to be on my list of goals because the minute I stop trying and stop growing, then I’ve failed as a person. So I know that I’m always constantly learning to be a better version of myself. I’m curious to see where that will lead me in 2024.

I think I might have more goals on my list compared to last year, who knew? I want to do it all, I wish I could, I know I can’t. Check in on me in 6 months to see how I’m doing πŸ˜‚. But before then, do you have any new year’s goals of your own? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy 2024!

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