
The New Year Book Tag

Hello friends, happy Thursday! Today I’m participating in the New Year Book Tag… I know it’s not really close to New Years anymore, but it’s a new month! I was tagged by Kristen @The Brunette Bookworm Blog. Thank you so much Kristen! If you’re not following her, you definitely should, not only is she a super nice blogger- her photos are stellar! ๐Ÿ˜

The New Year Book Tag was created by Heather atย Bookables.

How many books are you planning on reading in 2020?

Like Kristen, my Goodreads goal is to read 100. Every year (minus last year) I’ve been able to surpass 100, so I’m going to try… but I think Goodreads is going to continue to tell me I’m 1 book behind schedule ๐Ÿ™„

Name five books you didnโ€™t get to read in 2019, but want to make a priority in 2020:

5 books that have been on my TBR since 2016 (I’m so close to finishing my 2016 TBR):

  1. A Map of Days by: Ransom Riggs (I just bought this!)
  2. The Memory of Things by: Gae Polisner
  3. The Reader by: Traci Chee
  4. Replica by: Lauren Oilver
  5. Scythe by: Neal Shusterman

Name a genre you wan to read more of in 2020:

That’s a good question… I’m not really sure. What I am sure of though is that I want to read more books by Canadian authors!

Three non-book related goals for 2020:

I wrote a whole post about this on January 1, you can read my goals here.

In a nutshell though:

  1. I want to ride my bike more… Spring can’t get here sooner!
  2. In relation to number 1, I want to be a bit more active… we’ll see if I can do that
  3. I want to try new things… I haven’t really done that yet this year but I still have 11 months!

Whatโ€™s a book youโ€™ve had forever that you still need to read?

I’ve had The Bone Season by: Samantha Shanon on my shelf since 2017… I don’t know why I haven’t read it yet… maybe 2020 will be the year?

One word that youโ€™re hoping 2020 will be?

Magical โœจ

Since it’s no longer New Years I’m going to refrain from tagging anyone. But by all means, if you want to do, I won’t stop you!

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