TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… The Good Place Season Four

Hi friends! It’s TV Tuesday! Today I’m talking about The Good Place season four, the final season!

I can’t believe the Good Place is in its final season.

The season starts right where the last season left off, and man did that rip out my heart. Everything that happened last season just rushed back and oof it hurt.

Chidi doesn’t remember Eleanor and now she’s in charge of the good place and everyone’s lives in the good place; those are some big shoes to fill, since Michael had a breakdown.

So we know that the new people who are coming to the good place are secretly sent from the bad place to torture them.

Simone shows up and she thinks it’s all in her head, she doesn’t believe the place is real.

Brent shows up and he thinks he deserves to be in a better place than the good place. He’s so self centred and full of bullshit… sorry bullshirt.

And then they have the gossip queen who is hella annoying.

Things they think are going to help them, actually just backfire on them. Now everyone wants a new leader, they don’t think Eleanor is a good leader.

Hmm, so Brent is supposed to be like the old Eleanor, which okay I get it, but I like who she has become, seeing a character based on her old self makes me appreciate how far she’s come.

Ohhhh how hard it must be to tell Chidi that Simone is his soulmate, just watching it hurts.

I like how Tahini and Jason are finally friends now that Janet broke up with Jason. That whole weird love triangle between them all was not my favourite thing. If they can all just be friends, I’m happy about that.

Every time Chidi and Eleanor have a scene together I always wish that he would just snap out of it and remember her, I know that won’t happen, I just feel so sad for the both of them.

Wow, lots to unpack. So they reconvene in the middle place at Mindy’s house where Glenn from the bad place shows up. He tells them that Michael isn’t who they think he is. He tells them that Michael is really Vicky dresses in a Michael suit. When they confront Michael, he’s not willing to take off his Michael suit to prove that it’s just the demon under it. He’s embarrassed by it. This only leaves Eleanor more confused about who’s telling the truth.

They get Janet to make a demon liar detector, but all that does is blow Glenn up instead of making him tell the truth. This leads Michael to sacrifice his life by blowing himself up so that they can believe him once and for all that he’s not lying.

Of all people, it’s Jason who figures out who the bad place spy is. Man, that was a shocker, but it was so well done. Just as Michael is about to blow himself up, Jason, I don’t even know what he did, he handcuffed Janet and she turned into the bad Janet. He goes, I knew she wasn’t Janet because when he told her ‘my girl’ Janet always responds with ‘not a girl’ and when she didn’t something seemed off.

Huh, go Jason.

So now, Michael and Jason are off to the bad place to hopefully stop Shaun from damnation, while Eleanor will continue to keep charge in the good place.

So Michael and Jason go to Evil Con. Michael pretending you be Vicky in the Michael suit, and it works… until Vicky shows up in the suit.

But before Vicky arrives, the whole point was the rescue Janet. Jason pretends to be Glenn in a Jason suit, which these demons believe… my gosh they are so gullible it’s rather hilarious. They claim they’re going to torture Janet some more so they almost get away with rescuing her, but Vicky arrives.

Michael threatens to shoot Vicky with the gun, no one thinks he’ll actually do it, and he shoots Vicky who turns into a pile of goo.

Back in the good place, Eleanor is in charge and well she tries to get all the subjects in one place and of course Chidi stays behind and Eleanor has to convince him. But while she’s doing that she leaves Tahani in charge… who then puts Derek in charge, and he creates so much chaos, it’s a lot of fun chaos though. In the end the world doesn’t crumble and Chidi makes it to the cottage they’re all supposed to be at.

I do like when Jason calls Michael a nice big happy old dude.

This show really knows how to pull those one liners! Damn, some of the jokes are just so good.

So Brent, one of the humans brought to the good place to terrorize them writes a book that is horrible, horrible, horrible. So much so that it gets a lot of hate, and makes Brent really upset. But it gets so heated that Chidi punches him out. Oh, that was such a good scene. I love Chidi so much. His outlook on life, and how he respects women, man I love him.

Then there’s Michael who’s talking to the bad Janet about if humans are good or bad, and it leaves a lot to discuss. But in the end, they (well, really it’s only Michael because Janet couldn’t care less) come to terms that humans are not all good or bad and so he sends bad Janet back to where she came from.

This shows ability to pull on so many philosophical theories but present them in such a fun way is incredible. The writing is stellar.

The time has come, it’s the end of the experiment where Eleanor believes and hopes that the subjects will all come together and become better people… well. That failed miserably.

They started to figure out that something was up, especially since they were the only four that got picked on. And when a giant hole is created and Brent falls in, well the only one who is willing to save him is Chidi… who ultimately falls in too.

Eleanor and Michael get them out and that’s when Chidi and Brent realize that they must be in the bad place, and that they’re not actually good people. This gets Brent to almost admit to being a bad person… but nope.

I’m totally here chanting Chidi, Chidi, Chidi!

Now that the experiment is over, the judge has to judge if their specimen became better people. Overall, they did, Brent was well a lost cause, but in the end the judge rules that the good win, and so Shaun is a bit annoyed. BUT even though they won, the judge wants to end earth as it is.

She’s so close to ending it, but Janet steals the remote and puts it in her void. The judge goes to take it back, but can’t find it. That’s because, plot twist, bad Janet has it in her void. Bad Janet is now on the good side and Shaun is so not happy about that.

The judge makes a plan to go to her void, but all these Janets appear and now the judge has to go through all their voids to find it.

Meanwhile, Eleanor begs Michael to wake Chidi up so that they can figure out a solution to get out of the mess they’re in.

We spend the whole episode living through Chidi’s life until the moment they wake him up.

We find out he wrote a note that says “there are no ‘answers’ but Eleanor is the answer” their love makes my heart swell and break and swoon and crash. I love this couple. I can’t even explain why or how, I’ve honestly never loved so a fictional characters so much.

Chidi does wake up and he’s this new man… he’s no longer riddled by indecision but he’s this confident man who just kisses Eleanor, hot damn!

So they spend the whole episode trying to figure out a plan to save the afterlife. They need to convince the judge and Shaun… which ends up being harder than they thought. After coming up with this elaborate plan of creating this middle place where people go to get a shot of getting to the good place… Shaun still says no.

But the reason he says no, aww Shaun tells Michael that fighting him has been the most fun he’s had, cute. But in the end Shaun agrees and now they must create this afterlife… in which Chidi says ‘don’t look at me, I’m just the idea guy’. I love Chidi!

So now they’re putting into action the middle place. What a journey; I loved every moment of it.

Michael is so dead set on everything working out, but guess who shows up to ruin everything, Vicky. Vicky thinks she knows everything but this isn’t the only thing that bothers Michael, the fact that he’ll be out of a job as a demon, a job that he’s had for centuries and he’s scared about what the future holds. It’s so honest and raw to watch Michael admit these things and that’s what really moves this show… as much as it deals with a world outside our own, it very much relates to this one on so many levels.

In the end, he decides to work with Vicky and pretend that she’s taking over… and it works out beautifully. The middle place becomes a place where people take a test to see where they should end up. Our main cast of characters don’t have to take the test, after everything they’ve been through. So Michael leads them to a hot air balloon… and of course they’re weary, the last time they stepped into a hot air balloon thinking it was taking them to the good place, it was a trick.

They make it to the good place… but what they find is that no one new has arrived in like 500 years and everyone is so bored of living in existence for forever.

On top of that, the creators and people who run the good place trick Michael into signing on to be the manger of the good place… I knew as soon as he signed that document something was going to happen. They run away and leave Michael to clean up their mess. Now Michael doesn’t know what to do because even the four and Janet are so bored.

So they come up with this plan, when you’re done living through everything you want to do, you can leave the good place and your time on the universe is over. I can’t lie, that sounds like a pretty sweet deal.

I love what Chidi says, it’s having enough time with the people you love.

Wow, that series finale. Just wow.

So the premise is that they’ve been in the good place for years living and doing all the things they want to do, and it’s one by one they decide it’s their time to leave.

First it’s Jason, which I was surprised he’d be the first but watching him leave Janet was sad.

The second was Tahani but as she’s getting ready to leave, she realizes that she doesn’t want to actually leave. She doesn’t want to stay in the good place, but she doesn’t want to not exist either. Instead, she wants to become an architect like Michael. And she does just that.

Next is Chidi… and this is where it really got me because Eleanor is trying to make him stay, but she comes to the realization on her own that that is selfish and she can’t do that. UGH, watching those two say goodbye to each other was so freakin sad. But the calendar he leaves for her, that had to have been THE best thing ever!

Eleanor isn’t ready yet, even though she thinks she is. Instead she thinks she needs to do some more in order to be fulfilled. She helps Mindy from the middle place, helps her to take the test to see if she belongs in the good place, and even when she does convince her, which was SUPER sweet, it’s still not enough.

That’s when Michael says he’s ready to go through, and he runs through the door but nothing happens… because he’s a demon. So Eleanor talks to the judge to make Michael human so that he can die and take the test to see if he makes it through to the good place. The judge thinks about it and realizing that none of them will be around to annoy her anymore after this, she agrees.

Watching Michael on earth was a treat because Michael has always been about the small things in life, not the big things.

And that’s when Eleanor finally is able to walk through the doorway.

The fact that this show still talks about not knowing what happens after your existence in the universe, like I love that Janet goes I don’t even know what happens beyond that door is something special. Because as much as we can fictionalize and fantasize about the what if’s, we’ll still never know.

Kristen Bell said it so well in an interview after the show aired and that was this show is a lot like life, it’s so short and you want more of it, so enjoy it while you can. So, so beautiful.

All I can say is, if you haven’t watched this show, you definitely should- it’s hilarious, heartwarming and will make you think.

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