Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Highly Illogical Behavior

Happy Wednesday my lovely followers! And Happy first day of Spring! 🌷Today I’m going to be posting my review of John Corey Whaley’s novel Highly Illogical Behavior.

Highly Illogical Behavior

Highly Illogical Behavior by: John Corey Whaley: At sixteen, Solomon hasn’t left the house in three years, hiding from the world and creating his own. Lisa, once a fellow peer, is deadest on getting into one of the best psychological programs in the country, the only way to do that is to write an essay on her personal experience with mental illness. When she finds Solomon, she’s got her sights set on fixing him, but what transpires is a lot more than just fixing. The beginning of this novel is a little off-putting because we meet our two main characters, who are so different from one another, and so dead-set on two completely different things; reading that one of the main characters wanted to fix the other felt so forced and so wrong, all for an essay. It takes about halfway through this short novel for the reader to start to change their mind about them. The plot was always fast-paced which made it easy to read, even if the characters didn’t at first. Whaley’s characters have this way of doing a 180, from strongly disliking them to actually liking them, but all throughout they are always these strong, bold characters that catch the reader’s attention. This story really evolves and it’s amazing to see where everyone ends up and the lessons they learn. At first this felt like a strange representation for mental illness, but in the end turns out to be a better representation than what the reader initially thought. This was a thought-provoking and compelling journey that was full of surprises and twists at every turn that did make for an enjoyable read.

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