TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Dead to Me Season Three

Hi guys, welcome back TV Tuesday. I hope everyone is doing well. Today I’m going to be talking about the third and final season of Dead to Me.

This season starts off right where the previous one did – Jen and Judy have been involved in a hit and run, are taken to the hospital where they are checked out and deemed ok.

My first thought was why is EVERYONE acting SO weird? Like no one can have a normal conversation, everyone is all wooden and suspicious.

So we know that Ben was the one to hit Jen and Judy… only he doesn’t remember. Then they find out that Steve is dead. The police find him in the woods, buried and they both start talking like they’re trying to cover for the girls. Now, I know Perez knows the truth about Steve… but now she’s helping Jen? Every time they find something else out, Perez wants to meet Jen to discuss.

Like when they find Steve’s body and they find a piece of wood lodged into his head… the tail of the wooden bird Jen used to basically kill him, she’s like what is that, and telling her she should get rid of the dumb bird… only that’s easier said than done.

Jen’s youngest son, Henry, has it, who then gives it to Ben, of all people, who then goes to Judy to ask her to fix it so he can give it back to Henry fixed. In the end it does get back to Jen and they of course burn it… all evidence gone… or so we think. I’m sure it’s not over just yet.

Perez has also told Jen that the FBI are now on the case and a really good detective, Glenn is on the case. Judy knows Glenn because she talked to them about this Greek mafia who she’s made them believe did it. So, when Judy finds out he’s on the case, I think her goal is to try and get him away from thinking it’s them… but I have a feeling it’s going to do the complete opposite.

Also, speaking of Judy, she has cancer?!?! After they both have to do scans because of the accident, the doctor gives Jen the diagnosis that they found shadows… only apparently it was Judy’s results not hers. I have to say, at first I didn’t believe her, but as the story continued it is definitely Judy. She goes to get checked out, and when she gets the phone call, it doesn’t sound positive… but when she talks to Jen, she says she’s fine… but I think she’s lying.  

Oh yes, she’s lying, she’s at stage four ovarian cancer and it’s spread to her liver. She’s so in denial that she’s sick, won’t say the word, won’t admit to it existing.

Damn, then when she’s finally ready to say it out loud, the person she says it to, has fallen asleep. But at least she’s finally admitted it to herself because I can only imagine how hard it must be to hear that you have it. 

The person she admits it to is non-other than Michelle. I like those two together, they have really good chemistry so I’m happy that they’re talking to each other – maybe they’ll be able to lean on one another as they both go through tough times in their lives.

It’s now Steve’s funeral… in which they have an open casket… for his suit… that was interesting. Jen and Judy want to say their respects and leave but Jen gets sucked into staying because Steve and Ben’s mom seems to really like Jen.

Ohhhh so Ben does remember, or he got his memory back, and he tells Jen that he hit her and Judy… oh shit! Wait, her response is to kiss him?! Just after they talked about how she felt when Ted died and saying it wasn’t Ben who hit him… nope just his twin brother Steve.

Turns out, Michelle DID hear Judy when she said she had cancer and at first Michelle fled and didn’t know what to do, but then she told her if she needed anything she’d be there for her, which was really nice.

So Ben finds out that his brother didn’t die by a blow to the head, the FBI said he drowned. And just as he tells Jen this, he falls into that same pool his brother drowned in… love this call back.

Oooo Charlie getting defensive over his mom was so sweet. Charlie has given Ben a few chances, but now after the drunk pool incidence, Charlie is out. I like seeing his protective side.

Judy FINALLY tells Jen about her cancer. Gosh that scene was SO heartbreaking. When Jen gets mad at Judy because she thought she’d be a burden and then when Jen says Judy is her heart, god I’m melting because these two are the best of friends. Then when Judy says she’s scared the vulnerability they both show, I love these two.

Things are starting to fall loose… literally. The bathtub that Jen used to get rid of evidence… has now fallen right through the floor. Then Ben is talking with the cops, and the one wants to know where he got the stupid bird, and when he says Jen… his wheels are turning. Lord, are they really going to get away with all the lies?!?!

My brain is on drugs after watching that episode, WHAT THE HECK DID I JUST WATCH?!?!?!

I don’t even know where to start with episode 6. Judy goes through her treatment and for the most part, Jen does a really good job of keeping her feelings in check. She breaks down when she talks to Perez because the other cop, Nick WON’T LET IT GO!!! He’s so onto the bird theory and Perez wants him to drop it, gosh it’s so awkward. She tells him to try and find the person who hit them.

OH HE DOES… but not THE RIGHT GUY!!! So he pulls up footage from AFTER the crash when Charlie is driving Ben’s car because he’s taking Ben to the hospital. So now Nick thinks it’s Charlie who hit his own mother, GREAT!

We got a lot of great Charlie moments this episode though, you can see him start to warm up to Judy because he completely hates her. Then he drives his mom to the hospital after she ODs on mushrooms. My god, when she put them all in her mouth gasped because she took, a lot! So she’s there where the doctor tells her she’s pregnant… WHAT?!? It’s obviously Ben’s baby… right?!

She’s four months pregnant so that’s crazy! I was waiting for her to tell Judy because I knew this would hit her hard. She always wanted a kid and now her best friend is having another one at her age. I truly feel like this is what inspires what happens at the end of the episode with Ben.

Ok, each episode ends crazier than the one before it.

L-O-L Nick is so self-centred, god! So instead of thinking Perez is hiding things from her, he thinks she thinks he’s a bad cop. Alright then. In the end Perez has to give him something because he is NEVER going to let this case go. So she tells him it was Ben not Charlie… and Ben gets arrested at the perfect time!

Why did Judy go to see Ben? Ohhhhh that twist got me. I thought she had told him Jen was pregnant, but she tells him that his brother killed Jen’s husband… BUT WAIT… HE ALREADY KNEW… BECAUSE HE WAS IN THE CAR THAT NIGHT!!!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!!???

This means that he already knows it was Judy… he just didn’t know it was Jen’s husband they hit. Woof! Well now everyone knows the truth.

So the FBI comes around for a visit and ask Judy and Jen questions because they found DNA on Steve’s body. They haven’t figured out whose yet… but Perez tells Jen, it’s probably the killer’s DNA and so now Jen is on edge, like to the max.

Her first thought after they speak to the FBI agent, Glenn, is to murder him. That escalated quickly. Then at the end of the episode we see her going to see him… bring him scones… did she poison or drug those scones?

We get a fake out scene where Jen is talking to Glenn, while eating the scone, and he starts coughing, spoiler… he doesn’t die… yet. She went to see him to tell him that it was Steve’s baby she was carrying so if any of her DNA was found on him, that was why. Clever. So now Jen thinks everything is settled… oh but Judy has plans of her own.

This season, I think every episode has made me cry, gosh. So we find out Judy’s cancer is terminal and now she wants to die on her terms… meaning she’s going a bit off script.

She backs everything up, she goes to visit her mother one last time, then she goes to Nick to confess to everything because she figures she’s dying, might as well – and I get that mentality, but Jen is so heartbroken over it and I also don’t blame her for it. She just wants her friend to be there, for, the kids, the new baby.

She wants to get Judy into a clinical trial, but Judy says no and she continues to say no. I think Judy did what she did so that Jen would finally listen to her because Jen was SO strong in her convictions until then.

So, Judy’s mother was NOT happy with the way Judy left things, felt Judy owed her something, I don’t know – I also don’t know how selfless Judy came from her because wow they are polar opposites. That’s when Jen has to scream over her mother that Judy has cancer. That’s when things start to change in her mind; she wants to actually help Judy, wow.

After Judy’s confession, Jen tries to reason with Nick that she doesn’t know what she’s saying, she has chemo brain, and just let Judy live the last 3 weeks she has left. He agrees to let her wear an ankle monitor for I’m assuming the 3 weeks.

Before I get to the end of that episode, we get a few scenes between Nick and Perez; she accidentally tells Nick that Jen is pregnant with Ben’s kid and that’s why she doesn’t want to press charges. Nick tells her that she needs to tell the FBI what she knows. So she goes, reluctantly… we don’t know what transpires there all we know Glenn is now dead and we don’t know who did it. Was it Jen with her scones? Or did Perez do something? Will we even find out?

So at the end of this episode we see Judy’s mom driving in Judy’s car for San Francisco and Jen and Judy driving to Mexico.

I think her mother took the ankle bracelet and is doing this one last thing for her daughter after everything she put her daughter through… I hope I’m right about that. It’s not said, but I believe that is what happened.

This felt like it ended full circle and I kinda liked that.

So, Jen and Judy are on the lamb in Mexico. Apparently Steve and Judy had a place there. But before they get there, they’re stopped by the Greek mafia… THEY’RE REAL?!? I thought that the two of them had made them up the entire time because it didn’t sound real. But here they are asking for the money that Steve stole.

They plead with them, but that doesn’t really work so Judy being bold takes a gun and shoots at their car, damn girl! We also learn that it was the Greeks who killed Glenn, interesting.

The two spend however much time Judy has left in Mexico and it was just so beautiful. When Jen gets a call from Ben saying he’s being released because the FBI have tied everything dealing with Steve and his murder to the Greek mafia, well that’s tidy. Jen tells Judy she can come home, and Judy says no.

The way they showed her passing was also really well done. We’re left to assume she took herself out to the water on the boat to pass the way she wanted to, how very Judy.

I’m so sad that she had to come to an end like that, but it really showed the circle of life because Jen finds out she’s having a girl and she’s so excited.

We end with Jen at the grief circle, just like where she met Judy and she brings her daughter, Joey… named after Judy. It’s really sweet.

The last scene is all of them, her, the baby, the boys and Ben hanging out at the pool and Ben says he never thought he’d be happy after Steve died but here he is… and then Jen goes ‘I have to tell you something’ DAMN what a way to end it.

Who knows if she’ll actually tell him, but they actually got away with EVERYTHING and that was amazing to watch. This show was not only masterfully written about murder and mystery but also the power of friendship, how strong it can be. How your marriage doesn’t have to be the strongest relationship, but that all your relationships should be just as strong. I loved how much those two loved each other and I will miss them.  

3 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About… Dead to Me Season Three

    1. I hope you enjoy your re-watch of season 2 and you enjoy season 3. This last season was wild (like most of the show) but it just felt extra wild! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it!


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