Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The Forbidden Game

Hi! Today I’m going to be reviewing The Forbidden Game by L.J. Smith.

L.J Smith’s writing is very inciting to read. I haven’t gotten around to reading the Vampire Diaries yet, but someday hopefully. I have read Night World and I can’t wait for her to continue, and finish it! But for now, here’s The Forbidden Game!

The Forbidden Game

The Forbidden Game by: L.J. Smith: In this series there are three stories in this one volume, The Hunter, The Chase, and The Kill. It starts off with our main character Jenny who wants to find the perfect game for her boyfriend, Tom’s birthday party. Her and her seven friends get together to play this game, but as they start to play, the things start to become a reality of their worst nightmares and they can’t get out until they win the game. Each novel has a game that the characters have to play to survive. It’s a really interesting theme for a novel, and it would make a great movie, but after the second game, the plot gets boring, and readers just want to figure out if they’ll win or lose. The plotline grows stale, while the characters get predictable. The first two books are great, but the third just shouldn’t have been included it just dragged on. Overall, it wasn’t really worth the read to get to the end, but hey, read if you want to!

2 thoughts on “Review: The Forbidden Game

    1. I have read Dark Visions. I don’t remember exactly what happens because I read it a few years ago, but I know that I liked the Forbidden Game better. Her Night World series is what got me hooked on her writing, that is sun a good series! 🙂

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