Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Collateral

Hello, today I’m going to be reviewing Collateral by Ellen Hopkins.

Her novels, all told in the form of a poem, are incredible. If you ever get the change to read any I highly recommend it. This novel wasn’t her best work, but some of her other stuff (which I will be reviewing in the near future) is so captivating. She really has  talent!


Collateral by: Ellen Hopkins: The story of a boy and girl. The girl fell in love with the boy who happened to be a Marine Soldier. Ashley loves Cole, but when he’s gone all the time she’s left all alone. Her friends are army wives too, and they warn her about marrying Cole, but she doesn’t listen until something bad happens. The novel was very insightful on women who date or marry soldiers, but the plotline was somewhat boring, and the reader didn’t really know where the story was going, or what the point of the story was. The characters were well rounded which made it easy to love some, and very easy to hate some. Overall, if you’re interested in a quick read with a relatively good plot, well then read the novel. It’s definitely not one of Hopkins best works, but it’s still something interesting to read.

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