Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Hag-Seed

Hi friends! Happy Monday! Even though today was dreary and gloomy, today was an okay day. I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy!
Today I’m going to be posting my review of Margaret Atwood’s novel Hag-Seed.


Hag-Seed by: Margaret Atwood: Felix had a great job as the Artistic Director of the Makeshiweg Theatre Festival, ready to showcase Shakespeare’s The Tempest until he isn’t. After unfortunate circumstances, he finds himself without a job, living in exile. Felix ends up finding himself teaching a theatre course at a prison where he’s finally able to put on The Tempest. This novel was unexpected, but in a good way. The reader had no idea what to expect when it came to this plot. The plot had so many highs and lows, and the fact that the reader didn’t know where any of it was going is what made it fun and engaging. Atwood can definitely write, and her ability to weave plots together is fantastic. The way she writes prose is so beautiful and it really leaves the reader in awe. The characters were all super interesting; they all had these complex backgrounds that left the reader wanting to know more about them. Even though they were complex, it didn’t take effort to keep track of them, which made this easy to read. This novel was engrossing and something rather different, which was a breath of fresh air.

7 thoughts on “Review: Hag-Seed

  1. OOOH unpopular opinion time because lol it’s me. 💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️ I cant stand Atwood’s writing! 🙈🙈🙈 I’m still curious to read this because *masochist*…. I know Meghan. I’m exhausting really 😂😂😂😂😂

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      1. Haha! I’m glad that you didn’t hate it. I haven’t read much Atwood either; this was my first real novel that I’ve read and it doesn’t discourage me picking up something else she’s written!

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    1. HA! EMER, YOU KILL ME 😂😭
      I didn’t hate this, and thought it was quite good. The story does go in different directions a bit but it’s short and for the most part easy to read. I would LOVE to read your review if you do read this though! 😀

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      1. I just find Atwood to be a bit too obvious with her turn of phrase. For whatever reason I keep expecting her books to be more subtle, a little more light and shade but instead she writes with a bludgeon…. I’m just still salty that The Testaments won the Booker (jointly). It just wasn’t as good as the other books I’ve read from last year’s list… I KNOW. I AM A TERRIBLE PERSON…. Too many opinions that I give rather too voluntarily and much too decidedly 🙈🙈🙈😂😂😂

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      2. Oh haha! You are not a terrible person, and you have a right to an opinion! But I have heard that there are other better books that should have won. Like I say, if you ever decide to read this, I can’t wait for the day that I get to read your review! 🙂

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