
Liebster Award XI

Hello friends and happy Thursday! I hope you’re all doing well. It’s been a little while since I did a tag/award and so today I bring to you, the Liebster Award, in which I was nominated by Elli @Ace Reader. Thank you so much for tagging me! 😊 Now I’m ready to get this tag on, for the 9th time!

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and add a link to their blog
  • Answer the 11 questions given to you
  • Nominate 11 bloggers that you think deserve the award
  • Ask 11 innovative questions to the ones you have nominated
  • Remember to notify your nominees once you have uploaded your acknowledgement post

What books did you read as a child?

Anything I could get my hands on, really. I started with picture books like Arthur, Franklin, The Bearstein Bears. Then I moved into chapter books such as all the Mary-Kate & Ashley books they made.

Do you have any signed editions of books? If no – what books would you like to have a signed copy of?

I do! The first book I ever got signed and I wouldn’t give away is a book called Hoop Crazy by: Eric Walters. And he signed it “Meghan, go Hoop Crazy!”

What’s your go to pizza toppings?

My first thought was cheese 😂 but I also love black olives and Italian sausage.

Have you ever picked up a book because it had a great cover but the inside wasn’t very good?

Yes. I feel like as a book lover, you have to go through this at least once; it’s almost like a rite of passage. But I bought Caraval by: Stephanie Garber and I just didn’t really like it. I read the rest of the trilogy and loved it! But yeah, that first one… nope.

Where do you get your book recommendations from?

At the moment, Goodreads. You should see my email (or maybe you shouldn’t 😅) I have a folder with Goodreads newsletters going back a few years and I’ve been slowly making my way through that. I also get recommendations from bloggers and Instagram – those ones I end up buying 😅

Do you think buying books and actually reading books are two completely different hobbies?

Ha! I do because I still have books from earlier this year on my shelf just waiting for me to read… I’ll get to them I swear!

Are you part of a book club?

At the moment no. I’ve tried but I just don’t seem to jive well reading with others on a set schedule. I really want to because it sounds so fun, but I’m not very good at it.

What book is at the top of your wish-list right now?

Hmm. Probably A Psalm of Storms and Silence by: Roseanne A. Brown. I read the first book earlier this year and really enjoyed it, so I want to see how this story is going to conclude.

Do you have pets? (and can I see photos?!)

Unfortunately, I don’t. I would love a pet, but that hasn’t been in the cards for me as of yet. Maybe one day!

What book are you reading next?

This is hard to answer when you’re writing it days in advance of it going up. I wanted to say that by the time this post goes live my next read will be Firekeeper’s Daughter by: Angeline Boulley.

What’s the best thing that happened to you this year?

Oh man, off the top of my head just being able to leave the house and see my friends again has been so nice. The amount of people I’ve seen that I haven’t been able to since the pandemic has been just lovely.

And there you have it. I enjoyed answering these questions, they were a lot of fun!

I’m not going to tag anyone specific, but if you see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged! 😊

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