Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The Edge of Everything

Hi friends, happy Friday! The end of another week, I hope you’re all doing well! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Jeff Giles’ novel The Edge of Everything.

The Edge of Everything

The Edge of Everything by: Jeff Giles: In the middle of a snowstorm, Zoe and her brother Jonah are attacked, but it’s a mysterious bounty hunter named X who saves them. Sent from the depths of hell called the Lowlands, X has been sent on a mission to kill. He’s not to reveal his true self to anyone, but when he meets Zoe, he starts to unravel and ugly truths start to be revealed. For the most part, this novel was interesting; the concept was really intriguing and that’s what is propelling the reader to read the next book, but this one fell flat. Right from the start we get an instalove plot between the two main characters that was really off-putting. There was no build-up to their relationship and that made it really hard to believe. The world building was really lacklustre; the reader found they had to keep going back to read something because they thought they missed something, unfortunately, it was just that certain parts of the novel weren’t explained properly. This made it hard to stay engaged with the story. The reader did appreciate the two separate plots for each of the main characters and how they slowly merged together to bring a point to the novel; that was done well. The characters were okay, they felt very one dimensional, especially the secondary characters. The reader could see that the author tried to give some life to the characters, but they just came off feeling kinda boring. The one character who was a lot of fun to read was Jonah; the reader really liked him and grew attached to him. Overall, this novel wasn’t bad, but it had so much potential that it unfortunately didn’t tap into; the reader is hoping the second novel will be better.

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