Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The Creeping

Hi everyone, Happy October! 🎃 Since we’re entering the spooky month of the year I thought it appropriate to post my review of Alexandra Sirowy’s novel The Creeping.

The Creeping

The Creeping by: Alexandra Sirowy: Stella and Jeanie disappeared eleven years ago, only Jeanie never came back. Now Stella is very determined to figure out what happened to her no matter the cost, even if it’s not what she wants to hear. This novel had an interesting plot; it started off good, but as the novel wore on things got a little boring. For most of the novel the plot didn’t get real exciting until the end because that’s where all the hype was. It felt like a lot of this novel was the main character whining about finding a dead friend and nothing was really being done; it made the novel feel like it was going nowhere and made it feel longer than it really was. There was no action, and when there was action it didn’t start until past the halfway point. The characters were your basic teenagers; there wasn’t anything to really set them apart. This was a good subject for a novel, but the execution was poor. It was an alright novel, but nothing special.

6 thoughts on “Review: The Creeping

  1. Ohh, this definitely seems like a perfect book to kick off October, and the start of Halloween I guess. 😀 I’m sorry this was one you didn’t enjoy all that much though Meghan, but I’m sure there are plenty other creepy reads out there you’ll love more.
    Great review. 🙂

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