Children's Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Land of Stories Series

Hi! Happy Wednesday! 🙂 Today I’m going to be posting my review on Chris Colfer’s Land of Stories series.

The Wishing Spell

The Wishing Spell by: Chris Colfer: The first novel in the Land of Stories series. Alex and Conner Bailey are 12-year-old twins who have grown up knowing all the fairy tales, when one day they fall into the Land of Stories book. Feeling like it’s a dream, the twins have to collect a number of objects from all the well known fairy tales in order to conjure up the wishing spell. But it can’t be that easy, obviously there are challenges along the way, with a lot of surprising twists and turns. This novel was written very simply, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t well done. Colfer knows how to keep a reader engaged, as well as creating a story that can be enjoyed by anyone. His characters were very well put together, which helped keep the story fully rounded. This novel ended, but there was definitely a hint that these characters will be back in the Land of Stories.

The Enchantress Returns

The Enchantress Returns by: Chris Colfer: The second novel in the Land of Stories series. Conner and Alex miss the fairy tale world; so when their mother gets kidnapped in the fairy world, the twins don’t waste a minute trying to fight and save her. This novel, like the first was a conquest to finding a bunch of objects to create something. This time it was to collect items to create a wand to defeat the Enchantress. As much as the plot was a lot like the first in the adventure regards, the plot took on new aspects with saving the ones you love. The characters definitely developed since the first novel, finding more strengths, and they started to bloom and figure out the type of people they are, and will become in the following novels. There were a few cheesy moments sprinkled throughout the novel, but for the most part, Colfer tried to make nothing come off as predictable to keep the reader always on their toes.

A Grimm Warning

A Grimm Warning by: Chris Colfer: Conner and Alex have gone their separate ways; Conner in the real world to take a trip to Germany for school, and Alex to the fairy tale world to learn to be the next fairy Godmother. Their worlds come crashing together when an army from decades ago is let loose; now it’s up to everyone in all the lands to stop this army. This novel was written in a way that really let the readers explore and get to know the characters better. Now that the twins have plotlines away from each other it was a great way to see who these characters are separately, as much as they are together. The plots that they are thrown into really shows who they are too. The plots were very engaging and exciting; the pacing was very well done, and the ending plot twist just sent the reader over the tipping point to start reading the next novel. Colfer is crafty in his work, and definitely knows how to keep a reader hooked.

Beyond the Kingdoms

Beyond The Kingdoms by: Chris Colfer: Alex and Corner have spent countless hours trying to track down the Masked Man when one day Alex figures out who he is. Now the twins, with the help of all their friends are on a mission to catch him throughout the different worlds; every book the Masked Man touches becomes a portal to that land. This novel takes the reader through multiple stories such as The Land of Oz, Neverland, and many more. It’s exciting to read all of these adventures, on top of that the mystery behind the Masked Man, and friends of Conner. The plot was non-stop, as it’s still going, and the reader can’t wait to pick up the next book to continue with all the action. The plots are also starting to really weave into one another, which is exciting because everything is starting to come together. Not only do Alex and Conner continue to grow as characters, but all of their friends around them continue to grow; it really makes for wonderful story telling. Reading about characters who come out of their shells, or learn to be a better person is always entertaining. This novel sure went out with a bang; there are still so many things that need to be revealed. Colfer’s writing just gets better and better with each novel.

An Author’s Odyssey

An Author’s Odyssey by: Chris Colfer: Conner and Alex have a major task ahead of themselves: getting an army ready to take down the evil army the Masked Man has created. This is easier said than done and in order for them to create an army, they need people. Who do they turn to? well Conner’s fictional characters of course. This novel takes the reader into new territories and stories we’ve never seen or heard before. Diving into the stories that our main character created is such a clever and fresh idea that it left every page a new adventure, leaving the reader wanting more and curious as to what will happen. The characters, namely the main characters, developed so well, and that’s what makes this novel and series so exciting and original to read. The pacing is done so well, that all the reader wants is what will happen next. It is never a dull moment in the Land of Stories, with new twists and turns happening at the drop of a hat, keeping things interesting and readers on their toes.

Worlds Collide

Worlds Collide by: Chris Colfer: The epic finale to the Land of Stories series. Dropped right in the middle of the action from the last novel, saving the world, both the fairy tale world, and the real world lies on the shoulders of Conner and his twin sister Alex, only Alex is under a deep curse and is the one creating the damage. Conner, with the help of not only his family and friends, but his story book characters they band together to take down all of the evil characters. This novel was worth the wait as from start to finish Colfer made the plots incredibly enjoyable, whether with amazing action scenes or with witty dialogue. All the characters really go through the rigmarole and it’s just entertaining to read their journey. The plot never wavered and things stayed on track, which made it that much more engaging. This ending was well done, and left the readers feeling satisfied.

4 thoughts on “Review: The Land of Stories Series

  1. Hi i am a huge fan of land of stories do you know if there is a movie and if you word like to follow me that would be great thank you and ps i am following you

    Liked by 1 person

    1. These books are great and I’m glad you enjoyed them as well. I have no idea if there are movies based on them. As far as I know there aren’t, but there could be something in the works!

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