TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Riverdale Season Four

Hi guys! Welcome to another TV Tuesday! Today I’m going to be talking all about Riverdale, season four… yes I’m still watching this šŸ˜…

What a way to start a season, Iā€™m in tears and I didnā€™t think that would happen.

It first starts off with bad acting and horrendous camera angles of the Fourth of July. This slowly progresses into Fred, Archieā€™s father being killed.

I was wondering what was going to happen to Fred, well I got my answer. He gets killed by a hit and run while trying to help someone on the side of the road.

We spend the whole first episode remembering him, which is really tame for a Riverdale episode. It was a sweet tribute to Luke Perry. I didnā€™t expect to feel so much, but it hit the heartstring.

But of course, we learn that Veronicaā€™s father paid for all the funeral expenses… so weā€™ve gotten a touch of the old Riverdale.

So Cheryl is now talking and taking advice from her dead brother, who is literally a propped up body. Itā€™s gross and why?

So why bring up now that Reggie gets beat by his father, who openly yells at him and makes it SO obvious that heā€™s getting beaten now? Where is this going?

Jughead is now being recruited by this big literary school, Stonewall. He wants to go, but he doesnā€™t at the same time. I have a bad feeling about it. I have a feeling someone wants Jughead, either dead or away from his gang.

Then thereā€™s Betty who is trying to figure what is up with the farm. She thinks she can get info from Kevin, but she finds out that heā€™s still talking to Fangs from the farm, she finds that out from her half brother Charles…. I donā€™t remember Charles from last season, I feel like he just showed up.

And Mr. Honey hahaha I love Ker Smith, this role is interesting for him, heā€™s usually the good, nice guy so the fact that heā€™s the bad guy, we should see how this goes.

Anyways heā€™s ruining all of Cherylā€™s fun and thinks Veronica is too much drama, which is so true.
Veronica is all about changing her name so as not to be a Lodge any longer. Her father is furious, and then we find out that he wanted to change his name because his old name was a name people looked down on. So he changed to Lodge so people would respect him. Whatever. This show changes its narrative so many times to fit plots itā€™s annoying.

The Farm and Edgar are back. Betty hasnā€™t heard from her mother, thatā€™s when Edgar calls Betty to say that heā€™ll release a hostage, but he needs a list of things. She somehow gets them, because people in Riverdale donā€™t mind doing things no questions asked, and so she shows up to where the Farm have congregated. She tries to get everyone in the bus she drove in to save them, but of course Edgar tries to stop her. Itā€™s Bettyā€™s mom who ends up shooting Edgar, damn. I knew he was going to die, but damn, that was easy… too easy.

God, come on Iā€™m so tired of the stupid black hood. Can we put it to rest? So itā€™s Halloween and Betty keeps getting prank calls from someone pretending to be the black hood. Charles just happens to come over, and just happens to have his equipment in his car to trace calls. He traces it to the place where Polly is staying, he pretends to be Edgar so that sheā€™ll pick up… so Polly is still infatuated with Edgar? When Betty accuses her of pretending to be their dad she hangs up. Which is weird, but then, we find out that Charles is tapping Bettyā€™s phone… I think heā€™s not her real half brother and it has something to do with Jughead.

Speaking of Jughead, he gets hazed at his new school, drugged and left in a pine box over night. I think theyā€™re going to haze him until he leaves.

WAIT A MINUTE… is Jughead dead?! And weā€™re just leading up to it?! What?! Ugh. Weā€™ve seen snippets here and there where theyā€™re looking for him, but I never placed it until I actually saw Betty and FP in the morgue. Nooooo.

So at the end of every episode weā€™re getting a snippet of the present I guess, so Archie, Betty and Veronica are now being arrested for Jugheadā€™s murder, Iā€™m not surprised.

But back in the past, speaking of Jughead, heā€™s finding all about his grandfather, how he went to Stonewall Prep and he was known as this great writer, but he dropped out, weā€™re still not really sure why. FPā€™s memory of his father is that he was a drunk who walked out on them; there is a lot of hate there.

Since Jughead knows nothing of his grandfather, he thinks heā€™s some great writer somewhere and he decides to take on his true name.

Ok- this whole court drama between the Lodges is getting ridiculous. Iā€™m so tired of it. And then I began to wonder who this chick walking around was, of course sheā€™s Hiramā€™s other daughter, of course. I love how sheā€™s like, he needed me so I came… uhm ok, but like where have you been? Why are you only coming out now? Ugh I hate this plot, this show sucks but Iā€™m still going to watch it.

Just like this plot with Betty and the serial killer gene. She has the gene, I think we found that out last season, but now her step brother has it too… UHM. Iā€™m glad Betty at least sees the weirdness in this and wants to check it out. Like, thank you. This guy is weird.

So what does Betty do, she goes to Chip, the guy who she thought was her half brother, questions about Charles, as they worked together… and boy did they work together… they are in love with each other. Interesting. So this proves that theyā€™re two murderers in love, ok.

Then thereā€™s Veronicaā€™s weird family. So after ALL the trials and everything they went through, her mother is just going to go back to Hiram… I SO thought she was stronger than that… UGH this show.

Then thereā€™s Archie with his club and trying to get the boys off the streets. That doesnā€™t seem to be going so well for him. He even goes to Hiram, of all people, to try and get this Dodger guy away from his place and the kids. But Hiram says no, haha.

Iā€™m also getting tired of Cherylā€™s plot with the doll and her dead brother. Itā€™s so creepy. Then her long lost aunt and uncle come to town and her uncle finds Jason and wants her, what arrested, he wants to call the authorities.

They have an interesting thanksgiving episode, an episode I donā€™t even know where to begin.

Letā€™s start with the adults. Hiram, Hermione, FP and Alice all have dinner together. We find out that FP is being forced to do Hiramā€™s bidding and he hates it. I donā€™t know how much heā€™s going to be doing that.

Hiram wants Archieā€™s club gone, but FP is very against that.

Speaking of, Archie invites all the kids to come for dinner. Only guess who show up, Dodgers family… wanting revenge since Dodger is in a coma. They think Archie is the one who put him there. Somehow theyĀ  threaten to get them to leave… but not before smuggling Dodger out of town.

Then Betty and Jughead end up locked in his dorm due to a storm with two of his classmates, Bret and Donna. Jughead thinks theyā€™re part of secret club and this is why his professor killed himself. In the end Donna tells this sob story about having an affair with the professor and how he abused her. Jughead thinks itā€™s the truth, while Betty thinks itā€™s a lie.

To be honest, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if it is. The way this show works is that itā€™s built on lies and the strangest acting.

Then weā€™ll end in on Cheryl and how she gets her pesky aunt to leave… after she kills her uncle, she cooks him and has it fed to her aunt. Talk about a great thanksgiving meal.

What is with the therapy sessions? A new councillor is in town and everyone is going. First Betty who is trying to get away from her overbearing mother, who we learn is her motherā€™s favourite.

Then Archie who is just utterly angry and thinks moving out and becoming a vigilante is the key to all his problems.

Then Cheryl who breaks down and confessed to talking to her dead brother and admitting to being haunted… and apparently thereā€™s a test to tell if youā€™ve basically eaten a fetus in the womb, like huh. Anyways, turns out she hasnā€™t and her dead brother Julien isnā€™t apart of her body.

Veronica is next and this brings out her daddy issues. We find out she got into Harvard but of course it was her fatherā€™s doing, so she needs to cut ties with the man to be free of him.

Lastly, Jughead sees her only to talk about things he already knows, but it does spark him to start thinking about his future.

This whole back and forth fight that Veronica and her father are having is getting so annoying. Both of them are too proud to admit defeat… this is going to be a fight to the death.

Uhm okay so Betty needs to kill her dark self and the way to do it is by hypnotizing the people around her… that is until she hypnotizes herself. She thinks sheā€™s killed the dark part of her… but we get another glimpse into Jugheadā€™s death and itā€™s Betty?

These plots are getting to be too much, but what else is new?

Cheryl finally says goodbye to Jason by giving him the funeral he deserves because she now knows itā€™s been her mother gas lighting her into thinking sheā€™s being haunted.

Quill and Skull society… like the midnight society? What has Jughead signed up for? This helps him get into Yale though.

Uhm Frank?! So now all of a sudden Archie has this new found uncle? He seems kinda dodgy if you ask me. Archieā€™s mom doesnā€™t like him, and now heā€™s giving pain pills to a teen on the football team, hmm seems like trouble. So heā€™s a gambler too, taking money so he can try and make more. Archie makes him the Forman of Andrews construction and well, the guys arenā€™t happy about that. Archie keeps seeing the bad in this guy, but keeps him around because you donā€™t turn your back on family, ugh.

Veronica is now, or should I say still in a rivalry with her father but now itā€™s about rum making. So sheā€™s going to team up with Cheryl to make maple flavoured rum?

Since when were Stonewall and Riverdale truly rivals? Now all of a sudden the two schools are going up against each other and Stonewall is out to hurt every player on the football team, alright then.

And when can you all of a sudden create a team at the end of the season? Betty has this idea to create a quiz bowl team just so she can beat Stonewall and Brett. They make it to the finals, but Bettyā€™s mom takes it too far and gives her the answers to the finals questions. Betty was dumb enough to rip it up and throw it in the garbage of her green room… so obviously someone found it. All her chances of 1) beating Brett and 2) getting into Yale are out the window now.

So this whole Betty takes down Brett plot is really taking new heights. Betty gets wind that Brett has been filming people having sex. She finds the tapes, but Brett claims they are peopleā€™s confessions of their initiation into the Quill and Bones. What it does lead to is that Brett may not be the ring leader, but his cohort Donna could be.

Damn Toni! She gets ready to take down Nick like a badass! When he shows up Cheryl freaks out… which is understandable for what he did to her so Toni takes it upon herself to give him a taste of his own medicine. She drugs him and has Kevin and his weird tickle side hustle have his way with him.

Uhm what? So now Veronicaā€™s father has MS… and now she feels sorry for him so sheā€™s going to change her name back to Lodge and be nice to him?! WHAT IS HAPPENING?

Now sheā€™s upset because her father told her half sister and not her… blah. What if heā€™s faking?!

Oh boy this Stonewall school is getting out of hand. So now Jughead is trying to clear his name because heā€™s being accused of plagiarism… how is all of this connected?

And what is going on with Archie? All of a sudden his uncle has people after him, wanting him dead? What the hell? Then when all is said and done his uncle up and leaves town. Well alright then. Then weā€™re told all of a sudden that heā€™s not going to graduate, why now?

The plot keeps thickening, so the Stonewall Stonies are letting Betty believe that she killed Jughead… ugh I hate that Betty keeps saying sheā€™s the daughter of the black hood, like can we give that a rest? Is that supposed to make her look tough? Itā€™s just annoying.

Itā€™s all this big game, Betty, Veronica and Archie all make a move to counteract what the Stonewall kids do, but it isnā€™t until Betty calls for a search for Jugheadā€™s body that the Stonewall kids are getting worried… because we know they killed him.

This whole game of back and forth ā€œgameā€ of Betty knowing the ā€œStoniesā€ did it and then the Stonies throwing it back saying it was betty, itā€™s getting old.

Alison starts a documentary of Jugheadā€™s death.

Now there are rumours that Jughead is still alive, oh dear me.

What is Cheryl up to? She overhears Betty and Archie and puts a little vigil for Jughead. Then she catches Betty and Archie kissing and blasts it to the whole school. Well this upsets Veronica, obviously. But it seems like Betty has no remorse for kissing Archie when she knows Archie isnā€™t available.

W-o-w so they were pretending, it was all just an act. They even went so far Betty pretending to sleep with Archie just to get Donna the Stonie off their backs.

WHAT?! JUGHEAD IS ALIVE?!?! So everyone was in on it? But why!? All for this game?

I was wondering what Veronicaā€™s sisterā€™s deal was and apparently she finds out dirt on Donna that will help them take her down for good. Sheā€™s such an evil character and I love to hate her.

Alright so the whole point that Jughead faked his death was to prove that his little cult club were actually killing people to write this great stories, and Jughead was just next… only the Stonies didnā€™t think to check that Jughead was actually dead.

So instead of coming up with murder mysteries in their heads these people actually tried to commit murder. How fucked up is that? And it all started with Jugheadā€™s grandfather who has created the idea of the ā€œBaxter Brothersā€ but someone else wanted credit for it. Oh and that thing we learn about Donna, her grandmother was one of the original in the secret society… basically Donna got involved to avenge her grandmotherā€™s killer.


Of course we have to have the honorary musical episode. Can I just say that Archie does not make a good musician? He just looks funny with a guitar in his hands.

So I understood the whole wanting to sing Hedwig songs and the reliability of it to their generation, but man did everything have to be turned into a song?! I canā€™t stand these episodes.

But that closing scene with Jughead watching this video tape of two people wearing a Jughead and a Betty mask and Betty is killing Jughead… interesting.

Who is making these videos? And why? Like they are so disturbing. I want to know what their point is.

And can we stop this whole Betty and Archie secret love affair, like meh Iā€™m not into it at all.

This tickle business is hilarious though. Iā€™m curious where itā€™s going to go!

Even though the finale doesnā€™t give us any answers, I still really liked it for its writing and itā€™s progression.

I still have so many questions, who are these people making the tapes?!

We spent the whole episode fixated on the principle Mr. Honey. Heā€™s made their final year hell, so Jughead writes a fan fiction about killing him off… which then these people filming these videos have brought his story to life!

Talk about creepy! I now want more!

This show is riddled with dull episodes, but when you get a good one, itā€™s really good… and I think thatā€™s why I still continue to watch this show!

5 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About… Riverdale Season Four

  1. Iā€™ve never watched Riverdale but my gosh it seems like a rollercoaster ride šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ AND HELLO DAWSONā€™S CREEK ALUM KERR SMITH! I think it shows Iā€™m of a certain age when I only know the actors in the adult roles lol. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ§”šŸ’œ

    Liked by 1 person

    1. HA! It is… and some episodes are just really dumb that I end up rolling my eyes a lot. Or they’ll change the plot to fit the story they want to tell, and it’s frustrating because then nothing makes sense.
      HA! Right, Jack McPhee baby! I loved Kerr Smith on Dawson’s Creek. It’s funny when I first saw him on Riverdale I’m like, I’ve seen you before but where… I had to do some Googling to rememberšŸ˜‚

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