Memes · WWW

WWW Wednesday #28 🍉

Hi friends, I hope you’re all doing well. Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday; I thought this would be a fun way to see a snapshot of what I’m reading!

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at.


On page 931
On page 73
On page 91









The Stand: I’m 81% of the way through; I’ve reached the end of book 2 and the way it ended leaves me with hope that the last book is going to be very fast paced and I’m hoping full of action; only 20% left!
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before: I’m 20% of the way through; this book is just so cute so far! I had a feeling I would fall in love with this series, and so far I’m truly loving getting to know all the characters.
Lastly I’m reading Felix Ever After by: Kacen Callender; my copy finally came in the mail Friday so I’m diving right into this. So far I’m enjoying this, the plot and the characters have already brought up so many important topics I can’t wait to read more!


I finished The Black Flamingo by: Dean Atta and wooof, this novel packed a punch and I enjoyed all the themes and elements that went into this. I enjoyed that it really got me thinking about things I wouldn’t normally think about regarding race, acceptance, queerness and so much more. It’s strange, this made me think about if I was to ever have children I don’t want to limit them and to constrict them to the stereotypes of gender where you’re a boy, you do this, you’re a girl, you do this; I want them to experience it all, allow them to figure out what they like. I’m not sure why this book brought out raising a child for me, but it did.



My mum bribed me with books to go out with her… and I knew I was going to find something to buy at the thrift shop and I I found Get a Life, Chloe Brown by: Talia Hibbert. I’ve seen a lot of bloggers rave about this book, so I thought why not. I may read this or another ebook from the library; I haven’t decided yet.

What are you all reading?

9 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #28 🍉

  1. Omg the black flamingo really is brilliant isn’t it. I was amazed by how moved I was by it because normally I’m not a fan of verse novels but that one… woah! Ooh I’ll be interested to hear what you think of Chloe Brown. It’s got great illness rep which I loved about it but wow is it steamy lol! I am pretty sure I went bright read reading it a few times …I know… I’m a delicate little flower really… 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤️🧡💖

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    1. It was not what I expected, but in a good way. It hit on so many things that I just don’t think about… I was like wow my eyes are fully open now!
      Oh really? I’m not into the romance genre too much, so I’m curious to see. I’ve heard nothing but gushing things and when I saw it for 2.99 how could I say no? 😅

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  2. You’re almost done with The Stand!!!! Woooo!!! 😀 When you finish it, there has to be some sort of celebration post 😀
    And I’ve been seeing Felix Ever After everywhere. I hope you’ll love it, and I think I’ll wait for your review before deciding whether I should buy it or not. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am!! It didn’t feel like I was going to get to the end, but I can kinda see it in sight! 😀
      Oh I’m going to have a wrap up post for sure! I plan on watching the adaptations once I’m done too!
      I finished Felix last night and man, talk about emotional! I completely adored it! I still have to write the review… it may be a while I have like 15 books that I gotta post reviews of 😅

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      1. Ahaha, I will wait then! 😀 Actually this year I’ve been (surprisingly) very good with staying on top of reviews and I think the main reason for that is my excel spreadsheet. Whenever I finish a book, I highlight the whole row red, so I know that I need to review it asap. And it really bugs me to have red rows there. Ahaha *facepalm*

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      2. That sounds like a really nifty system! It’s like you see red, and think error, need to fix! 😅
        For the most part all of my reviews are written… I’ve just been really slow at posting them to my blog! I will be caught up one day! 😬

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