Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Hello, Goodbye and Everything in Between

Hi everyone, happy Wednesday! 🙂 Today I’m going to be reviewing Jennifer E. Smith’s novel Hello, Goodbye and Everything in Between. 

Hello, Goodbye and Everything in Between

Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between by: Jennifer E. Smith: It’s the last night before heading off to college and Clare and Aiden have to make the inevitable choice of either staying together or breaking apart. Through the course of one night Clare writes up a list of places to visit to make their ultimate decision. This was a very cute novel about first love. Smith really knows how to play with her reader’s heartstrings; she knows how to make them warm and fuzzy, yet heartbroken at the same time. The plot was good and rather thought provoking about long distant relationships and what to do when you come to choosing different paths in life. It was well written as if told from experience. The fact that the whole novel took place in one night made it very fast paced. Smith’s characters all had their quirks and they were extremely pleasant to read about and become part of their world for a night. Even though we don’t spend a lot of time with these characters it still felt like we knew and grew with them for one of the toughest decisions anyone has to make. This was definitely a rollercoaster of a read, but well worth it.

3 thoughts on “Review: Hello, Goodbye and Everything in Between

  1. Great review for this book Meghan, and oh I’m really glad you enjoyed it too. I’ve heard pretty much nothing but amazing things about Smith’s books so they’re all on my TBR list at the moment. I feel like all her books are set over the course of one day/one night, which makes me really intrigued as to how she develops the character and the relationships. I need to get around to these soon I guess. 🙂
    Again great review. 😀

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