
First Impression Friday: Hag-Seed by: Margaret Atwood

Hello! Happy Friday! We’ve made it through the first week of February, anyone else feel like this was the longest week ever? I thought today would be a great day to bring back First Impression Friday! I’m not going to be doing it every Friday, just the ones where I start a new book, and today happens to be that day!

This meme was created by J.W. Martin @Storeys of Stories and the rules are quite simple:

Based on this sampling of your current read, give a few impressions
and predict
 what you’ll think by the end.
• Did you think you’d love and ended up hating it? Or did you think you’d hate it and wound up loving it? Or were you exactly right?
• Link back to Storeys of Stories so I can enjoy reading all the
First Impression Fridays out there!

When Felix is deposed as artistic director of the Makeshiweg Theatre Festival by his devious assistant and longtime enemy, his production of The Tempest is canceled and he is heartbroken. Reduced to a life of exile in rural southern Ontario—accompanied only by his fantasy daughter, Miranda, who died twelve years ago—Felix devises a plan for retribution.

Eventually he takes a job teaching Literacy Through Theatre to the prisoners at the nearby Burgess Correctional Institution, and is making a modest success of it when an auspicious star places his enemies within his reach. With the help of their own interpretations, digital effects, and the talents of a professional actress and choreographer, the Burgess Correctional Players prepare to video their Tempest. Not surprisingly, they view Caliban as the character with whom they have the most in common. However, Felix has another twist in mind, and his enemies are about to find themselves taking part in an interactive and illusion-ridden version of The Tempest that will change their lives forever. But how will Felix deal with his invisible Miranda’s decision to take a part in the play?

Goodreads Synopsis

I’m 36 pages in, and I know nothing of Shakespeare’s The Tempest so I feel like I’m going in very, very blind. So far, I’m invested and I’m really curious as to where this story is going to go. There’s something about Felix that I want to know more about as a character, he seems very complex.

I don’t normally read a lot of literary fiction, but I’m excited to read more.

I think I’ll end up rating it 3 stars.

Have you read this novel? What did you think of it?

3 thoughts on “First Impression Friday: Hag-Seed by: Margaret Atwood

    1. Haha, really? Man, I’m telling you time is standing still in my world… I’m not sure if it’s a good or bad thing though 😅
      Thank you! I haven’t read much of her work, a couple of short stories here and there, but I’m enjoying this. The plot is fascinating and I’m very engaged!

      Liked by 1 person

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