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Review: The Last Emperox

Hi friends, happy Friday, I hope you’re well! Today I’m going to be posting my review of the final novel in the Interdependency trilogy by: John Scalzi, The Last Emperox.

Read more: Review: The Last Emperox

You can read my review of book one: The Collapsing Empire
You can read my review of book two: The Consuming Fire

The Last Emperox

The Last Emperox by: John Scalzi: With the collapse of the Flow fast approaching, billions of people will be cut off from human civilization, which could ultimately lead to their death. Emperox Grayland II has a lot on her plate; between people still not believing it’s real to facing the death of billions, she must come up with a solution yesterday. But, there are others who believe they can do better and threaten to dethrone her as Emerpox. The future is fast approaching and decisions need to be made quick. This was a good ending to an intense trilogy. The reader was quite satisfied with how everything came to an end. There was just enough shock value mixed with a fulfilling ending that made this an exciting read. The plot overall, was well done; this was done in much the same way the second novel was done in the fact that Scalzi made sure that everything had a purpose. There were a few moments here and there where he would go off a bit on a tangent, but in the grand scheme of things, he stuck to the course of action, and action there was. The reader wasn’t really prepared for what was in store for the final novel; the plot shifted a little from when this trilogy first started out. Originally, this had to do with the Flow collapsing and now it was less about saving the Flow and more about saving the people, which the reader thought was interesting. It made sense, but not what the reader was expecting. The reader also found that the main character knowing before anyone else, theoretically, what was going to happen was a bit of a cop out ending; it helped to move the story, and eventually lead to the satisfying ending, but it kinda felt like an easy way out. The way this ended was surprising, but it did make the reader chuckle and they really enjoyed it. The characters have also really grown on the reader; they developed many layers over the course of the three books and it was good to see them grow into themselves, some more than others. They were all so memorable in different ways that Scalzi has a knack for creating different types of characters and either making the reader either really like them or really hate them. In the end, this was a fantastic space opera of a trilogy that had so much going on with unforgettable characters; this is a highly recommend series for those a fan of sci-fi.  

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