Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #22 πŸ‘™

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 248
On page 33
On page

The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde; 21% of the way; I didn’t get very far this week… I blame that on the big book that is 4 3 2 1 that has taken all my time. The one short story I did read this week was interesting, his short stories have been hit or miss for me.

The Bachman Books; 3% of the way; continuing with Rage. The chapters are really short, which does make this go by fast but the thoughts are so fragmented and they don’t really connect, not yet anyways so it feels really confusing.

Lastly, I’m reading 4 3 2 1 by: Paul Auster. This book is loooong, 866 pages, I think I’m making good progress. I have to say I was really confused because each chapter the reality is a little different, people are the same but what happens to them changes, think the Butterfly Effect. It’s been interesting, I do like the writing and the main character is a good character, but the plot isn’t really doing it for me – it feels like there’s no point.

What I’ve Read:

Last week I finished reading Lost Roses by: Martha Hall Kelly. After a bumpy start to the novel, the pace sped up and I figured out who was who to fly through the novel.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #21πŸ‘›

Review: The Ice Beneath Her

Let’s Talk About… ER Season Five

Review: George Lucas: A Life

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Kal @Reader Voracious talked about how video games help mange her anxiety – this was a great post; as someone who has anxiety it was nice to read

Anna @Starlight Kosmos posted her first booktube video – check out her new channel, I enjoyed watching her talk books

I finally finally got to see my friends (technically my bubble friends) after moooonths of not seeing them. We went out for dinner to an all you can eat sushi place where they bring out the food to your car and you eat in your car. Interesting idea, but the service wasn’t the best and they missed a bunch of items we ordered and we ended up there longer than planned. Aside from that, it’s just been work, work, work.

A few positives from this week:
– I saw my friends!

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 6. The wedding is off, after Luke finally tells Lorelei that he has a kid… or more like she finds out by walking into the diner, they both agree they need some time. I’m sad because I love then together and it feels like everything is against them being together. Rory is back with Logan, shocker! I’m also sad that Lane and Zack broke up.

One Tree Hill; season 8. Here we are, starting season “great”. That’s how they advertised it when it aired. So far, it’s been an alright start; I hate hate the girl on girl hate between Mia and Alex over Chase, I know I’m just at the beginning of it, but gah it’s the worst. Brooke is dealing with her company and almost losing it; Nathan decides to quit basketball, which is very responsible of him; Haley decides to volunteer at a help crisis centre, then gets frustrated that the kinds of crises that come through aren’t “enough” not everything is going to be life and death; Clay and Quinn are going to be okay after they’re shot.

The Dead Zone; season 1. I’m still continuing with this show, it’s still really cheesy and the characters feel very surface level, but I’m still enjoying it for the most part.

The Good Doctor; season 4. So they decided to take a trip to Guatemala, which I thought was an interesting choice. All their doctors just upping and leaving, but for what? Like they have the doctors chose a group of people who they will operate on and that’s great and all, but it came off as these characters going to make themselves feel better by going to help out. It didn’t really fit in anywhere.

What I’ve watched:

One Tree Hill; season 7. I finished up this season this week and I hate how we got gay shaming near the end of the season where the actor who acts with Alex sleeps with her to make a sex tape so that the fact that he’s gay doesn’t come out, like really? I like that they do leave it where he’s going to talk to his parents about it, but I didn’t care for that plot. We spend time exploring Haley’s depression, but I also didn’t like that they kept drilling in the fact that one day she’ll just snap out of it, I don’t know how many times they said that, but depression runs deeper than just bouncing back to who you used to be. Obviously by the end of the season Haley’s feeling better and she reveals she’s pregnant. Julian proposes to Brooke and I really do like them as a couple; even though they box Julian into a being a “girly man” (which yes, I hate) it’s the fact that he’s in touch with his feminine side that makes him a better man. Lastly, we end the season with a bang, literally, Quinn and Clay get shot by Katie.

To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before: Always and Forever. I finally watched this and the emotions!!! It was cute and I think this was my favourite movie out of all of them. Yes, things were different from the book, but the changes made sense and still made the overall plot the same as the book. I think I cried the whole last hour of the movie, through the sad the happy and everything in between, tears. I’ve always really loved this book because this one was Lara Jean finding herself out and the movie didn’t disappoint.

Station 19; season 4. This for the most part, was a happy season finale. Mia and Corina get married, it’s SO cute! I totally want to wear what Corina wore if I ever get married; the classiest pant suit! But of course it had to end on a dramatic twist… while they’re all at the wedding, they find out that Mia lost her job… and that Sullivan will probably get the job because the higher ups don’t like the direction that Mia is taking the station, ugh! Then Dean! He lost his chance to tell Vic he loved her! She has moved on, so sad! And last, Travis and Emmett got together, so cute!!

Grey’s Anatomy; season 17. Another episode that ended on a wedding. I like how they did this. They packed 8 months into one episode. It was nice to see the highs and lows of the characters and to see them catch up to our time where people are getting vaccinated. Maggie and Winston’s wedding was beautiful and they waited so that more people could be apart of it, so beautiful! Jo spends months trying to adopt Luna… and she finally gets her and I’m so happy for Jo because she’s been through SO much I’m just so happy that she’s finally getting what she wants… unlike Link, who over the course of the months tries to propose to Amelia… and when she says nothing at his proposal… that was so sad. I like that they ended on a successful double lung transplant and want to focus on the after effects of Covid, so if the show comes back I think that’s what they’ll be focusing on.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

3 thoughts on “Weekly Update #22 πŸ‘™

  1. Omg!! Thank you so much for sharing my video! ❀️ Super sorry for the very late reply, for some reason I didn’t find the notification for it until today πŸ˜…

    Liked by 1 person

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