Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Once a King

Hello friends, happy Monday – I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’m going to be posting my review of the third novel in the A Clash of Kingdoms trilogy, Once a King by: Erin Summerill.

You can read my review of book one: Ever the Hunted
You can read my review of book two: Ever the Brave

Once a King

Once a King by: Erin Summerill: For years it has been a crime to be a Channeler in Malam. Now years later, Aodren wants to dismantle what his father started, but that’s easier said than done. When rumours start to fly about a deadly Channeler-made oil, people begin to fear them. Aodren, with the help of a fellow Channeler, Lirra, come together to find out who is behind it all. This novel was fast-paced and full of action just like the previous two novels. At first the reader didn’t really understand the reason for this novel; the way book two ended felt like a nice ending, but as the reader got through the story and by the end everything made sense and this was truly a great way to end the trilogy. The plot in this one was really good, even though this novel dealt with mostly new characters, the way the new characters and their plots interwove with the ongoing plots in the trilogy was so smooth and well written. There were so many highs and lows that the reader couldn’t help but keep going because they needed to know what was going to happen next. Seeing resolutions to conflicts that were introduced in the first book was satisfying. The new characters were a significant addition to the story. Not only did they bring everything together, but the romance plot that was added just gave the reader a little happy boast to read. The reader enjoyed the spunk and bravery one of the main character’s brought to the story and how well they played with the characters we already know. Summerill did a great job of wrapping up this story and giving all her characters an ending they deserve. The trilogy overall was highly addictive, full of a lot of adventure and some cute romance too.

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