Movies · Reviews

Movie Review: Captain Marvel

Hi guys! Happy Friday! Today I’m going to be posting my thoughts on the new movie Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel: Vers is an extra-terrestrial, but she wasn’t always one, all she knows is that she is Kree and her past she can’t remember. But as snippets of her past life start to hit the surface of her subconscious she starts to wonder who she really is. It’s with the help of agent Fury and the Shield team that she starts to uncover who she truly is, and who she doesn’t want to be. This film was so well done, it was engaging, it was atmospheric, it was action-packed, but it was also heartwarming too. The plot was, for the most part, easy to follow; there were times where the viewer was unsure who’s side was the good, and who was the bad, but it’s those twists and turns that really enhanced the viewers experience. The story was so well told, and the way they decided to tell it was really well done; so many elements came together to make it work, and not only that but it was good to see tie-ins to the rest of the Marvel universe and how she fits in. The cast was great, they all really worked together to bring this stellar movie to life. Even the music that they chose to use, when they did use it, was perfect. How they managed to create the perfect personality and match it up with the music was remarkable. Not only was the music great, but the overall visuals were exceptional; the colours and the amount of action packed battle scenes were outstanding. This truly was an experience to see, and a must-see for every fan of the Marvel Universe.

8 thoughts on “Movie Review: Captain Marvel

  1. Great review for this film Meghan, you’ve pretty put my thoughts exactly into this review! 🙂 I loved Captain Marvel and thought Brie Larson was a brilliant Carol Danvers, I can’t wait to see her again in Endgame. I thought the music was good, and I loved how you were unsure who was good and who was evil. I didn’t even remember we’d seen the Kree before until Ronan made his appearance.
    Again great review, and I’m glad you enjoyed this film too. 🙂 ❤

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  2. I took my son to see this movie recently. I also liked it. You were right about the confusion of who’s really the good guys.. I was wondering the same thing as I watched it hehe Great review!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad to hear that!
      Haha right! But that made you want to keep watching because you’re like I need to know who the good guys are!
      Thank you Jasmine! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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