Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Wild Beauty

Hi friends, happy Wednesday, I hope everyone is doing well! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Anna-Marie McLemore’s novel Wild Beauty.

Wild Beauty

Wild Beauty by: Anna-Marie McLemore: The gardens of La Pradera have been cared for by the Nomeolvides women for years, carrying with it the curse that if one of them loves too deeply, their lover vanishes. When a boy shows up on La Pradera, no one knows anything about him. Some think he’s going to bring good, while others think he could be a warning, all the while, the boy doesn’t even know who he is himself. As he begins to find himself, La Pradera revels secrets of its past. This was such a whimsical tale full fanciful prose that just wrapped itself around the reader. At first, the reader had to get used to the writing style, which made it hard to get into the story. It started off slow, but after the first third of the novel the pace started to pick up, as well as the story. It was a beautiful story of love, family and finding one’s self; the reader couldn’t help but get lost in it. The plots were good because it was never predictable where the characters would end up and that really propelled the reader further. The characters were well thought out; the reader constantly wanted to know more about them and about the land where they live that they’re tied too. Overall, McLemore created this beautiful world filled with lush writing and lovable characters with magical stories to get immersed into. 

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