Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #16 πŸ§

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 393
On page 372
On page 238

The Dead Zone: I’m 74% of the way through; This week’s chapters were good, fast-paced and I can see the main plot starting to form… which yes, is only happening now… everything before this was set up for what is going to come.

City of Bones; I’m 76% of the way through; continuing with my buddy read with Karla @anotherbookworm I’m actually all caught up and I made a huge dent this week! I have really enjoyed re-meeting a lot of the characters; I forgot how much I loved Raphael until he showed up, and of course I love Magnus! As much as this has been fast-paced, I like the pace at which the underlining plot is shaping up; it’s slow but gives the reader enough time to understand it all.

Lastly I’m reading The Bone Witch by: Rin Chupeco. I’m really enjoying it, but there’s something missing that’s stopping me from really falling in love with it. The writing is so lush and beautiful and the world is definitely interesting and I want to read more; I get so excited when I pick it up… but like I say, missing something.

What I’ve Read:

I finished reading The Glass Universe by: Dava Sobel. I finished the last 4 pages Friday night and as much as I didn’t care for the subject of this, I really did like the writing, and that’s what kept me going… and reading about women’s history in astrology.

I also finished After She’s Gone by: Camilla Grebe. I loved her first novel, and this one has characters from that book in this one which played a huge role. I really liked this one; I ended up writing a 500+ word review for this because I felt like I had so much to say – I can’t wait for you all to read my review!

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #15 πŸ₯

Review: Stygian

Let’s Talk About… ER Season Three

Review: Wild Beauty

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

The Orangutan Librarian talked about her thoughts on Game of Thrones and if it was always going to disappoint her; I really liked reading her thoughts and I do look forward to whenever the final book will be released

Kal @Reader Voracious updated her SEO post and I always find them interesting because I know my SEO game could always be better

Elli @AceReader posted about wanting to travel and how she’s traveling through books; I feel this because I’ve been feeling the travel bug lately

Karla @Another Bookworm posted a great list of 2021 releases… this makes my book buying ban very hard!

Kate @Your Tita Kate wrote a great post for authors when their book gets a negative review – this was filled with lots of great advice. She also wrote a fabulous post on how she organizes her life using digital planners – I am in awe

This week started off really crappy, our stay at home order has been extended another 4 weeks (on top of the 4 we’re already in) this just feels very never ending.

My coworker/friend Sunday afternoon came to drop off a gift, which I was completely unprepared for. She gave me a bullet journal that I can’t wait to start using.

Aside from that it was a really uneventful week. I did stop at the library to pick up new books!

A few positives from this week:
– seeing my friend, surprising my with a gift!
– new books!

What I’m watching:

One Tree Hill; season 6. I forgot how much happens in the first couple episodes, like damn. Brooke gets attacked, Dan is kidnapped because we couldn’t leave Nanny Carrie alone (I’ve also never liked the back story they gave her, her son died and she wants Jamie to take his place, just no), Q gets shot; Lucas finally picks the woman he’s going to marry; there’s so much going on. We’re also introduced to Julian… I hate how he clearly knows Peyton but keeps it a secret from Lucas, bleh. HOW DID I FORGET DEREK COMES BACK?! I love Peyton’s brother and seeing him again was great.

Orange is the New Black; season 3. I started the next season; I’m not very far and I don’t know nothing is really intriguing me right now. There’s a threat that the prison is going to close, so I am curious where that’s going to go. I’m not into the Alex/Piper plot at all this season, I can move on from that. Mr. Heeley I thought was gone, but he’s back… and awkwardly asking Red to be a translator in his marriage… yikes! I do like that we’re finally getting a backstory for Boo.

The Good Doctor; season 4. This episode was heavy on how the world is different and harder for women and Shaun is just figuring this out. It was more on the subtle side of pointing it out, especially when they have a patient who is misdiagnosed, where her male doctor just chalked it up to menopause… this also had me thinking about menopause (which I know is years away for me) but I never really thought about all the things that can happen, le sigh.

Station 19; season 4. Speaking of heavy episodes, this week was heavy, but sososos important. I am glad this episode exists. They have a black therapist come in to help all of them talk through their feelings after the death of George Floyd. I like how we heard from all different perspectives from Ben, Vic, Dean and Robert who are black firefighters who are tired, Maya and Jack who are white and feel guilty and don’t know what to say to Travis who is half Asian and dealing with Asian hate surrounding covid-19 and Andy who is Latina and just starting to have her eyes truly opened – all around really, really good episode.

Grey’s Anatomy; season 17. We get more of Meredith on the beach with Derek, but I think her days on he beach are over. Watching Zola was heart-wrenching but seeing her when she saw her mom for the first time in a long time was so special. Overall, this was an uplifting episode.

What I’ve watched:

The Stand; mini seres. I finished this up Friday night… I have no idea what the final episode was because that didn’t happen in the book. It almost felt like they added this so that if they do want to create more, there’s a place to continue from… but I hope that there won’t be another season.

Gilmore Girls; season 5. I finally finished this season. I completely didn’t remember that it ended with Lorelai asking Luke to marry her. Now I need to get on with my re-watch… because I don’t remember what happens! Ah, the Rory gets arrested for stealing a boat, the turning point in her young life. After being told she doesn’t have it to be a journalist she takes it very hard and decides to steal a boat to be with Logan. Obviously her mother thinks Logan is a bad influence, but I have to say this one was really on Rory, she needs to figure her life out… which I think is what is going to happen… with the help of her grandparents.

Urban Legend. I didn’t know what I was in the mood to watch Saturday night, so a scary movie from the 90s was it. I actually didn’t hate this. I thought it was really well done… the ending was weird, but everything before that was good. Did I watch this because of Jared Leto and Joshua Jackson… maybe πŸ˜…

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

3 thoughts on “Weekly Update #16 πŸ§

  1. Lovely post Meghan!! I can’t wait for our final discussion of City of Bones!! You gave me the extra motivaiton I needed to read it!! πŸ₯° And thank you so so so much for featuring my post! It also makes it hard for my book buying ban haha πŸ˜‚ I like the earlier seasons of Gilmore Girls when everything was much simpler and Rory didn’t make stupid decisions!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Karla!
      Aw I’m so glad, I’m also glad you enjoyed City of Bones! 😊 You’re welcome, I already broke the ban πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      Yes! I so agree, the earlier seasons were definitely better… I’m now dragging the last few seasons because I don’t really want to watch them, but I do – conflicted! πŸ˜‚

      Liked by 1 person

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