Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #47 πŸ”Ž

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 709
On page 198

The Bachman Books; 76% of the way; I finished Roadwork last weekend and that epilogue really threw me; it made me think about the story in a different way… which also had me sorta liking the story more… who knew that would happen? Not me!
I have one last book in this volume of books.

Lastly, I’m reading Miss Kopp Investigates by: Amy Stewart. This is the 7th book in the Kopp sisters series and as much as I love reading about these sisters, this one isn’t doing it for me so far. Maybe this will surprise me.

What I’ve Read:

Last week I read Wires and Nerve: Gone Rogue by: Marissa Meyer. This was such a satisfying conclusion to this duology and I loved this. So much kept happening and I was surprised the whole way through.

I also finished Gods of Jade and Shadow by: Silvia Moreno-Garcia. I really enjoyed this story; the writing was so good, so was the story and the characters, oh my! I’ve heard such amazing things about this author so I’m happy I finally started to dive in!

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #46 🎟

Review: The Dark Archive

Review: Stranger Than Fanfiction

31 Horror Goosebumps Books: Mini Reviews

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Kristin @Kristin Kraves Books posted a fun post on books about books – I can never get enough of books

Fadwa @Word Wonders posted 7 tips on creating content on a busy schedule – this was a fantastic and very detailed post so good!

This week started by going out to lunch with a few ladies who also have a November birthday. They used to be coworkers, but now they are friends and it was so good to see them all again. We went to a place called Cactus Club and the drinks, the food and the company was just so good.

Unfortunately after that I began to feel sick and as each day progressed I had a new cold symptom πŸ™„. It’s not Covid related, just your average cold, but it still sucks. Saturday night was a sore throat; Sunday was mild sore throat and a bit of congestion; Monday full on congestion and stuffy nose; Tuesday/Wednesday was slight congestion but I finally felt better… and of course at night is always the worst.

I was well enough to go out to dinner to see a friend of mine off. She’s going away for a few months so I’m glad I was able to see her before she left.

I also took Wednesday off to go to brunch with a friend, which was so yummy. We then went to a local bookstore (one I’ve been to before) and we spent a lot of time just browsing – the best way to spend a day!

Also on the Sunday my coworker and friend dropped off a monitor so that I can continue to work from home since I had to bring the one from work back. Being in the office again (even for an hour) was very welcoming – it was so nice to see old faces again, even though our working stations have completely gone through a renovation.

I did A LOT this week πŸ˜‚

What I’m watching:

The Good Doctor; season 5. This week was the fall finale and I was on the edge of my seat. Shaun finds out about what Leah did to his patient scores; Glassman’s ex-wife comes back and reminds him of the important things in life… mainly Shaun (someone needed to open his eyes) and that ending just made me feel sad for Shaun.

Sex Education; season 2. I’m back to this show and I’m loving it. Watching Maize try and tell Ottis she has feelings for him, my heart. The whole Ottis/Ola, his mom/her dad, thing I’m not living for. One of these couples need to break up because I can’t deal with both of them. Plus, his mom coming to the school to work as a sex councillor I don’t really like either. What I’m really loving, Eric and the new French boy, omg they are SO cute… then of course Adam comes back… drama! I love this!

Star Trek: Enterprise; season 2. This is getting better – there are still epiosdes I’m sitting there questioning what is really happening. There have been so many epiosdes that take place on the ship the whole time and I’m finding I don’t care for them as much as when they’re off on adventures to other planets.

What I’ve watched:

The Queen’s Gambit; limited series. This was such a fun series to watch, I loved it and it was the perfect thing to watch between Sex Education. Watching the chess games were a lot of fun, this show really made chess exciting. I loved Beth, as much as she had her issues, I still really liked her. Her relationship with Jolene was great, I love Jolene. I definitely recommend this one.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

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