Photography · Travel

Photo Blog: Liverpool & Manchester, England

Hi guys, happy Friday! Here I am with the last photo blog from my big UK trip! I can’t believe we’re here already! Today I’m going to be showing off my photos from both Liverpool and Manchester, I hope you enjoy! πŸ™‚



I just want to thank everyone for liking and commenting on all these blog posts, it has meant so much to me! πŸ™‚

14 thoughts on “Photo Blog: Liverpool & Manchester, England

  1. These are brilliant photos Meghan, it seems like you had a lovely time in England. I’ve never been to Liverpool myself, but I was at Manchester for the day as part of a work trip (unfortunately didn’t get to do much exploring, was pretty much just in and out).
    I love the street with the umbrellas, it looks so pretty and it must be a popular spot for instagrammers right?
    Great post. πŸ™‚ ❀

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    1. Thank you so much Beth! I did have a lovely time in England! πŸ™‚
      You’ll have to take the time to visit both cities, they are both really pretty!
      It’s such a cute little spot, I actually have that photo as my lock screen on my phone. I wouldn’t doubt it if it was a hit with the Instagrammers!


      1. That’s all right, and I’m glad you had a good time. Funny thing is I was talking to some of my work colleagues again and I may be going to Manchester again for work before I get there for any other reason. One day I’ll go for the touristy stuff though, one day. πŸ™‚

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