TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Fuller House Season Three

Hey guys and welcome to TV Tuesday! Today I’m going to be talking about the Netflix reboot Fuller House, season three!

Yep, I watched the third season of this show… just yep. Don’t judge.

Gahhh, right when this season started, I questioned why I started watching this show. It opens on Max singing about the first day of summer… then a whole bunch of the cast join in and just whyyyyyy?!?!?!

Turns out it’s a dream, but still ugh. Then to top off the lovely intro every guy character gets a large audience screaming introduction, and it’s awful. Why is his show so lame?

So the summer starts off a little Rocky… literally. So Jackson has to go to summer school, and well the first day doesn’t go so well. He meets a girl named Rocky who draws on his face when he falls asleep. Yikes.

Steph and Jimmy see Fernando with another woman, and they think he’s cheating on Kimmy. So they decide to tell her, and she’s super mad. The very next second Fernando brings her to the house she throws lemonade on both of them… only to find out that Fernando bought a house… he bought her childhood house back. So they will be moving out… why do I have a feeling this won’t last.

It won’t last because she made a pack with DJ and she can’t move out… so what does Fernando do, he says he’s not leaving without a Gibler in his arms, so he picks Jimmy up, and Jimmy is totally cool with it… obviously.

Steve and CJ are getting married… in Japan, damn. I know it’s probably not going to happen, but they are going to draw it out. Well Kimmy is pissed that Steve didn’t ask her to plan his wedding, so her plan is to go to Japan. And to entice Steve she prepares this whole Japanese cuisine, and show… it gets pretty messy, but in the end Steve says that he wants her to plan his wedding.

Then we have DJ and Matt are trying to have a date night, but it doesn’t happen very well, but in the end he tells her he loves her, which is sweet.

So apparently Steph is trying to be an Uber driver… using DJ’s car. DJ only finds out when she orders an Uber, ha! Then she thinks she’s going to quit Ubering when she gets her Spotify cheque for her hit song ‘Boy Next Door’ but it’s all of like three bucks, so she asks DJ for help, and that just makes DJ’s day! She’s been planning on fixing Steph for years… but in doing that Steph breaks her leg, and in the end Steph coaches DJ because DJ is so wound up in her plans, she needs to take a step back from it all. It’s a very sweet moment, and it’s things like this that make the show enjoyable.

It’s the fourth of July and Danny comes home to host his fourth of July clean eating pie contest… where they are all wearing white robes, but instead of eating the pie, they start throwing it at each other. This upsets Danny so he takes every couple and becomes a therapist to all of them. Kimmy hates that Fernando won’t stop talking with his American accent, Matt is angry at DJ for always cutting him off, Steph is mad at Jimmy for not helping her, Max is mad at his girlfriend for laughing at him, and then Lola breaks up with Jackson, oof.

That’s when everyone feels the need to talk to Jackson. That’s when the truth comes out that Danny and his wife Terry divorced, and Danny is taking it really hard. At least Jackson feels better and he’s ready for his first rebound, damn. Before he and Lola broke up he wrote this whole song and dance for her, it was painfully funny to watch, I’m kinda glad they have broken up.

So now Fernando has officially moved out and now he wants back in with the family, but DJ doesn’t want him around… so he’s being extra creepy.

Meanwhile his daughter is growing up, getting her first hickey and she doesn’t know what to do. She doesn’t want to tell her mom because she’ll be embarrassing about it… which in the end she is, but it’s Steph who figures it out and helps her out.

This leaves Kimmy feeling awful that her daughter can’t go to her. So Steph apologizes and when Kimmy and Ramona have a heart to heart everything is all good. I like the way Kimmy tells her she has three moms in the house because that is what’s important.

Then there’s Jackson and his new set of friends… uhm, they all act like they’re stoned and it’s really weird. Are his three weird friends a representation of Kimmy? It just doesn’t have the same feel, I feel like they are failing with that.

Uncle Jesse comes to town and he has to watch all of the kids for the night, and man is it a disaster. Why doesn’t anyone think a fire in the house is bad? They all just ignore it while this whole charade is going on. He feels like he’s lost his touch, but it’s the two girls (DJ & Steph) talk to him and he gets his mojo back. The girls claim they learned all their wisdom from him, it’s a very beautiful moment.

So while uncle Jesse is trying to tame the children, the adults have all gone over to the old/new Gibbler house. I’ve come to realize that we never actually ever saw the inside of it the entire run of the original show. It’s like a freakin fun house inside filled with weird things. They have a Velcro punishment wall, that you run on to get stuck… that’s time out. Kimmy insists there’s a ghost, but Steph doesn’t believe her, and Matt is scared out of his mind… which is both hilarious and a little stupid to watch his antics. In the end Jimmy fixed the house to seem like there is a ghost there, but then there may be an actual ghost… we’ll never actually know.

So Fernando has bought this house, but Kimmy and Ramona still live in the Fuller house, I thought that to be strange. I have no idea why Kimmy doesn’t want to move out. So Fernando has to pull all these strings to get Ramona to want to live with him. He gives her this big Fro-Yo bedroom that turns into a dance studio… so Kimmy comes right back at it and gives her a pony to stay with her… you’d think these two were divorced not married. In the end Ramona is going to live part time at both houses… interesting. Can they just all live under the same roof… but that would defeat the purpose of the show.

Jackson decides he’s going to go to work with his mom and learn some doctor things, and DJ gets a little too excited… turns out he’s a remarkable secretary though.

Why do they make everything so awkward? So Steve is trying on his suit and can’t pick a tie so he calls DJ. She gets there and gets fixated on a dress… that happens to be CJ’s dress. Then guess who shows up… CJ, and DJ tries to leave, but that doesn’t happen. At least it doesn’t turn into a bitch fight, but they all make up. But I still can’t stand this constant back and forth between these three, well four plus Matt since he gets pretty jealous when she and Steve sing a Grease song for karaoke.

We’re seeing a lot of Chia and Rocky… well more so Rocky as she’s partnered with Jackson as a study partner. Chia leaves Rocky with his family, and when Chia spends her night with some random guy she leaves Rocky to stay the night. Well she becomes this fun, baby-loving, girl who wears pink. Her hard rock shell is melting.

Oh no… Joey and his troublesome four are back in town… and all hell breaks loose. I seriously can’t stand these kids, and I can’t really stand Joey either. Bleh. But at least Joey realizes his kids are a terror… it’s funny to watch Kimmy give him a lesson in parenting… it’s actually really sweet.

Aunt Becky is now in back in town for the day so spends the day with Steph… to go to a fertility clinic.

This doctor tells her she has a few viable eggs, and with the help of a surrogate. Steph doesn’t want to get her hopes up, but damn does aunt Becky still have baby fever. You would have thought it would have gone away once she adopted her daughter… well nope.

But when she thinks her family is throwing her a party for the possibility she can have kids she flips and says she doesn’t want to do it because it costs a lot of money. Her family pitches in and is willing to help her, so we’ll see.

We’re on our way to Japan… but before we get there we have to figure out who is perfect for DJ. She’s been acting really weird so Kimmy thinks she should do a BuzzFeed quiz to figure out if Matt is the one. At first he does really shitty and Steve comes over and rocks the quiz, but then Matt comes back and really rocks it. Ugh to this whole plot I am so done with it.

HA! Funny plot, Max and Fernando compete for the first class seat… it’s quite entertaining… in the end Max outwits Fernando by saying he’s going to die soon. Low blow there.

Steph is looking at potential doners for her baby, she doesn’t want to ask Jimmy because it’s too soon. When he finds out he is super bummed, and he tries everything to get her to reconsider. It’s really cute.

OH SHIT! So on the plane Matt goes to Steph and shows her a ring… he wants to ask DJ to marry him in Japan

… buuuuut she tells Steve about how he was going to choose him, but she thinks it’s Kimmy as she has her facemask on. GAHHHH.



So they sing the theme song in Japanese for their trip to Japan… interesting.

I have to say at least Matt gets to propose to DJ without any of the drama, and she says yes and it’s beautiful. Steve watches the whole thing and I think he’s realized and DJ are no longer ever possible. I hope.

So DJ has been roped into being CJ’s maid of honour since her maid of honour can’t make it. So she’s in charge of things, and well things go horribly with CJ’s dress… the toilet eats it…

When DJ finally tells Steph and Kimmy about the engagement, the truth about Steve comes out… so can we move past this? Please? Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse… DJ loses Steve’s wedding ring and a fish swallows it, so what does DJ do, she jumps into the water to save it, and Steve jumps in to save DJ.

They get the ring, but when it comes to saying ‘I Do’ Steve can’t do it.

That’s the end of that wedding, so Matt announces that he and DJ are engaged… he wants to get married right there. She makes so many excuses until she finally tells him she doesn’t want to marry him. What an episode, holy hot damn.

Something tells me Steve is going to be the one for DJ… it’s just going to take as many seasons as this show wants to go on for.

So Ramona breaks up with Papco before she leaves for Japan… she swears off men until three seconds later she meets her soulmate, this Japanese popstar. Uhm, okay. Strange plot.

She later finds out that she got into this dance school, but when she finds out all they do is dance, she isn’t sure she wants that. So she pretends there was mix up since her parents are so happy, but her parents just want what makes her happy… it’s beautiful.

She thinks she’s going to make the dance team in high school, but when she upscales the dance teacher, he cuts her, ouch.

Max and Jackson are becoming friends and it’s really cute to watch. They go on this scary rollercoaster together and when they make it out alive, they realize they enjoy each other’s company.

While on the same ride, DJ runs into Steve, and well he tells her that he loves her and that he’s waited to be with her for 20 years, another month to be together is nothing.

Uhm what is up with Matt. He’s gone on vacation and now he talks in the third person and he doesn’t want his old life. Can you tell the break up is affecting him? He wants to quit his job and open a taco stand. On his last day at the vet he’s somewhat back to normal. That’s when someone drops off an alligator they get stuck in the room with it… obviously feelings ensue.

Ugh high school. Jackson becomes the laughing stock of the school by being baloney boy as he slipped on a piece of baloney, but it’s Rocky spreads a rumour that he’s an amazing kisser, and then she kisses him. Oh boy.

Oh boy is right as Kimmy and Max go to school to try and make Ramona popular… yikes. It becomes this dance off, why am I not surprised? Well when Chad boy falls, he admits that Ramona is a good dancer he lets her on the team… and then they all start doing the Gibbler. How do they all know the moves?

DJ thinks Tommy needs to go to this prestigious preschool, and well the interview doesn’t go very well. The woman who gives the interviews smiles waaaay too much. She tells DJ that Tommy is behind on his speech, which he barely ever speaks.

So Jackson has a new look… gothic clothes and blue hair. Turns out it’s Rocky who has changed him, and he’s changing his attitude as well, I guess every teen has to go through this stage.

So what does he do, he moves his room outside so that he doesn’t have to live under his mother’s roof. But then it starts to rain and DJ decides it’s time to have a heart to heart. She finds out he likes Rocky… which duh! But they make up and it’s sweet. Then Jackson stands up against Rocky and she actually thinks that’s really bold of him… they are so cute!

We find out that Kimmy is the perfect candidate to be Steph’s surrogate mother, and she’s willing to do it. I had a very strong feeling that it would be someone she knew.

This plot they have with Jackson’s friend being in love with DJ is super creepy! Why do they continue with this, they need to drop it.

Oof, so Matt isn’t going to be opening a taco truck or whatever it was he was going to do, nope instead he’s leaving the pet clinic and he’s opening up his own clinic, oof. But at least Steve and Matt are back to being friends… which is a little weird.

Steph and Kimmy spend the day together and they realize how much they enjoy each other’s company, and that Steph thinks Kimmy is one in a million with her quirkiness. They end by playing Miss Suzie, the hand clapping game, which got me thinking… do kids even play hand clapping games anymore? Uhhh those days were so fun!

Steve sets this countdown until he and DJ start dating again… so when the day hits midnight he goes and kisses her and says they’re dating again. I feel like that is so fast.

When they finally go on their first (third) date fog rolls in so bad that they have to stay at home. This also happens the same day that everyone comes home so everyone decides to cater to them and turn the house into a restaurant. It’s cute and funny. Their dinner is fish sticks on a bed of mac and cheese, haha!

Steph has this weird dream, and at the end she sees that Kimmy doesn’t get pregnant. As the day goes on everything from her dream starts to come true, and everyone gets bad news.

We end the season on the 30th Dad Anniversary… yeahhhh. So apparently 30 years ago was when Joey and uncle Jesse moved in to be dads, so of course we’re throwing a party.

I have a slight feeling that something is going to happen with Steve and DJ. Steve got an offer to work for the Lakers, and he would have to move cities for that… so, so much for getting back together.

Danny, and Becky have lost their jobs because they ask for more money, which means that Becky thinks Jesse should get himself a real job. But then it turns out that the station just wants Becky back and not Danny. Yikes. Then Joey and Jesse buy back the Smash Club (a club they used to own) and so now they have jobs too… and they decide to have an 80s themed party at the Smash Club.

Steph and DJ track down the woman their dad almost married… Vicky. Maybe that will make him feel better.

Jackson is having a hard time defining the relationship with Rocky. And Max is having love issues as well as Rose isn’t allowed to see him since CJ (her mom) is still mad at DJ. But Rose makes an escape to see Max at the party and the two are happy as clams.

So it turns out the place that used to be the Smash Club is now a laundromat. I guess they’re going to try and restore it.

Everyone is now declaring they are moving back to San Fran from LA… and Danny says he’ll move back into his old house… oof.

But then Kimmy let’s everyone know, but mostly Steph, that she’s pregnant with her baby. I have to say that was such a sweet moment, but then it gets sweeter because Kimmy turns to Danny and tells her that she’s practically family, and he replies that she always has been, I melted. That was so beautiful.

We really end on a high note, and I can only assume there will be a season four.

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