Books · Non-Fiction · Reviews

Review: The Sound of Gravel

Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday! Today I’m going to be reviewing Ruth Wariner’s memoir: The Sound of Gravel.

The Sound of Gravel

The Sound of Gravel by: Ruth Wariner: This is author Ruth Wariner’s coming of age story; it’s a harrowing tale of a girl born into a polygamist family and the trials and tribulations that she had to endure and see around her. It’s hard to believe all this heartache happened to one family, let alone one person. Wariner proves in her story that she is a survivor and that she is brave and courageous. The reader can tell how difficult it must have been to bring up all these memories, but it was a story that demanded to be told and heard. Wariner doesn’t rush any of her stories; her pacing is very well done because it totally engrosses the reader into this world, she almost makes the reader feel like they are part of the family. The photos that she included were an added touch that really brings it home for the reader that these are real people. This was definitely an eye opening experience that really showcased what the dynamics of a polygamous household looks like.

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