Memes · Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Have Been On My TBR the Longest and I Still Haven’t Read

Hello everyone! Welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday. Today’s topic is: Books That Have Been On My TBR the Longest and I Still Haven’t Read. Let’s get into it.

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week’s topic  is Books That Have Been On My TBR the Longest and I Still Haven’t Read.

  1. War and Peace by: Leo Tolstoy. I had to consult my paper list for this as that goes back 2012; yes it’s been a long time. I started reading it but I had to give it back to the library and I never took it out again.
  2. To Kill a Mocking Bird by: Harper Lee. Off that same list, which is a list that is on a separate piece of paper inside the notebook.
  3. Dracula by: Bram Stoker. From the same 2012 list; I actually own this book now… I bought it last summer, I just haven’t read it yet.
  4. Anna Karenina by: Leo Tolstoy. Another Tolstoy novel; I’m not sure which one I want to read more, but I do want to read them one day.
  5. Belzhar by: Meg Wolitzer. This is from 2014.
  6. Afterworlds by: Scott Westerfeld. I liked his Uglies series so naturally I wanted to read this as well, haven’t gotten to it yet.
  7. Six of Crows by: Leigh Bardugo. I actually put a hold for this at the library so maybe some day in the near future it can come off my tbr.
  8. Dumplin’ by: Julie Murphy. Every time I want to take out this book from the library, someone has it and it discourages me from wanting to take it out, therefore it stays on the tbr list.
  9. The Light Between Oceans by: M.L. Stedman. This is the first tbr book on my Goodreads which I believe I put in 2015. Who knows if I’ll actually ever read it.
  10. Harry Potter: Film Wizardry by: Brian Sibley. A friend recommended this to me on Goodreads so I put it to be read… in 2016. I feel bad that I haven’t read this yet.

And that’s all for me. Do you agree? Disagree with my choices? Let me know! 🙂

15 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Have Been On My TBR the Longest and I Still Haven’t Read

    1. I know, I know AND I own it so it’s even worse! I keep telling myself I need to read the books I own!

      tbh I’m not really sure what Dumplin’ is about, but I’ve heard nothing but good things about it! I was told it’s short too so I should get on reading these short books!

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  1. I just reread To Kill a Mockingbird about a year ago. Definitely worth it! I thought The Light Between Oceans was lovely (and I still need to see the movie version.) Good luck with all these!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great picks for this week Meghan! I love how you have so many classics on your list because they’re not my thing so I know better than to even add them, but I hope you get around to them one day. Same with Six of Crows, that’s an all-time favourite of mine so I’m sure you’ll love it as well! 😀

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  3. I read Anna Karenina in high school and I seriously adored it! It was such an interesting book with well developed characters. I hope you enjoy it whenever you get around to it! 😀 I haven’t read War and Peace yet, though I hope to do that in the future. Great list!!

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