Book Lists & Recommendations

Pondathon II Announcement – I’m Joining the Readathon

Hi friends, I hope you’re all having a good Tuesday. This is a very spontaneous post today because I wanted to announce on the blog that I’m participating in Pondathon II!

I know I already mentioned it on Twitter and Instagram, but I thought I’d do a quick post here too!

If you don’t know, Pondathon II is run by CW @The Quiet Pond where it’s a year long readathon and the goal is to read books to build a garden.

This sounds really cool to me. I’m not very artistically inclined, but I look forward to trying to build a cute little garden. I’ve always wanted to participate in a readathon, but I’ve always been afraid – this year I’m breaking out of that shell and this one seemed really chill. Read a book, log it in and build your garden.

You can read all about the readathon here and you can read all the questioned asked on their FAQ post.

Lastly, here is my character. I’m really proud of how it came out because again, I’m not artistically inclined 😂

And that’s all from me. Are you participating? Let me know!

3 thoughts on “Pondathon II Announcement – I’m Joining the Readathon

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