Graphic Novels · Novels · Reviews

Review: Wires & Nerve

Hello friends, happy Wednesday! I hope you’re all having a good week so far. Today I’m posting my review of Marissa Meyers graphic novel, Wires & Nerves.

Wires & Nerves

Wires and Nerve Volume 1 by: Marissa Meyer: Taking place after the events of the Lunar Chronicles, this graphic novel follows Iko, a loveable android. When rouge wolf-hybrid soldiers threaten the peace between Earth and Luna, Iko steps in to hunt down their leader. This leads her to working with a royal guard who makes her question everything she’s ever known. This graphic novel is a spin-off to Meyer’s Lunar Chronicles series and anyone who is a fan of that series will definitely love this. It was so fun and exciting to see all of the characters again and to see them in new adventures. This was so fast-paced because there was just so much happening. The story was so good and addicting; the whole trying to change the way they govern was such a powerful plot that really pulled the reader in. Then the plot with Iko and how she’s a robot was also such a strong and emotional plot that really pulled on the reader’s heartstrings. The characters were all characters we’ve met in the previous series but we really got a deeper look into the main character Iko and the reader loved it. Her growth was so well crafted; she’s so spunky and does what she wants, despite what is expected of her and the reader loves how defiant she is and the fact that her friends are there for her, melts the reader. The illustrations were so well done and really brought the story to life. The way this one ended left everything up in the air and the reader can’t wait to get their hands on volume two to see how all these stories come to a close. In the end, this was such a fun yet intense read that the reader can’t get enough of.

4 thoughts on “Review: Wires & Nerve

  1. Ooh this sounds good! I hadn’t heard of the Lunar Chronicles before but funnily enough I did start on Meyer’s novel Renegades this afternoon and I’m looking forward to seeing how that goes (I may end up becoming a fan and working my way round to this one!). Great review ✨💛

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