Photography · Travel

Photo Blog: Berlin, Germany

Hi guys! Happy Friday, and welcome to another Flashback Friday! Today I’m taking a look back at my trip to Berlin Germany. 

Back in 2014, I went on a study abroad trip with my university. It was a 2 week trip to London and Berlin. We were learning about media propaganda, and what better than the propaganda around war time. Anyways this blog is part one of my trip. I have to do it in parts because there are 400+ images, so for now here are all my Berlin photos.

This blog includes:

  • A lot of downtown Berlin, also known as Potsdamer Platz. It looks quite modern and nice.
  • The remains of an old train station
  • There’s a mall where the Sony Center is.
  • Parts of the Berlin Wall
  • Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
  • Brandenburg Gate
  • Parts of their Parliament Building (which later on we got to go inside & tour)
  •  Topography of Terror. This is a museum where you can see the Wall, and all sorts of propaganda posters, stories from the war, it’s all very interesting.
  • Checkpoint Charlie
  • Deutsche Welle. This is a public international broadcaster. We got to see their TV studio, and a little radio. We also got to see on top of the building of the view.
  • Inside the Parliament Building. That circular dome in the middle of the room is used for airflow. They use the air from outside to circulate, and that’s about as much as I remember.
  • Those giant goggles are night vision goggles that I took a photo from Deutsches Historisches Museum.
  • The Berlin Victory Column
  • Then we walked two hours to the Charlottenburg Palace and it was all under construction and so we walked two hours back. I’m telling you I walked to the moon and back, and that’s how I ended the trip.

Thanks for viewing! 🙂

10 thoughts on “Photo Blog: Berlin, Germany

  1. These are amazing photos Meghan, it looks like you had a great and busy trip there. I’d love to visit Germany one day for myself, I think it would be amazing to see the Berlin wall (or where it once stood) for myself. It seems like a city with a lot of history as well, which I’d love to explore as well! 😀

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