Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Lucky in Love

Hello friends, happy Friday! I hope you’ve had a good week. Today I’m going to be posting my review of Kasie West’s novel Lucky in Love.

Read more: Review: Lucky in Love
Lucky in Love

Lucky in Love by: Kasie West: Money can’t buy happiness and Maddie learns this the hard way. When she impulsively buys a lottery ticket on her eighteenth birthday and somehow ends up winning the jackpot, that happiness only gets her so far. Soon, people she doesn’t know start asking her for money, even her own family and friends start to treat her different and she’s unsure who she can trust anymore. This novel was entertaining and the reader enjoyed the overall plot, but over the course of the novel, the plot got to be repetitive and boring. We got it, she had money and she was spending it in an outrageous fashion. It did ring true to real life because a teen who wins the lottery isn’t going to really know how to deal with that kind of money, no matter how responsible they are. The reader didn’t really like that even the adults in her life got crazy with greed; they should have been helping her be more money safe but instead they let her do her own thing. We get that she’s an adult and it’s her money, but she’s still eighteen and in high school, she needs guidance, not asking her for money like they’re asking for an allowance. That aside, the romance plot felt like it got squished out, there wasn’t enough of it. It never felt like we could get into it because there was always the money plot looming overhead and it sucked the fun and joy out of what could have been a really cute romance. The characters were well balanced and developed; the reader really enjoyed them, minus Maddie’s parents because they felt like stereotypical, two dimensional characters that the reader never got to really know aside from needing money. The teens in this though were a lot of fun to read and get to know, the reader only wished that the plots had been better so that we could have seen them and enjoyed them more. Overall, this had cute moments throughout while also exploring themes of friendship and learning to deal with money.

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