Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: A Psalm of Storms and Silence

Hi friends, happy Monday, I hope you are all well! Today I’m posting my review of Roseanne A. Brown’s sequel to A Song of Wraiths and Ruin, A Psalm of Storms and Silence.

Read more: Review: A Psalm of Storms and Silence

You can read my review of book one: A Song of Wraiths and Ruin

A Psalms of Storms and Silence

A Psalm of Storms and Silence by: Roseanne A. Brown: After Karina lost everything, her last hope is to claim what is rightfully hers, by going to a hidden long lost city to gain it. Meanwhile, Malik has become Farid’s apprentice where they are trying to restore balance in their country after resurrecting Karina’s sister has caused utter chaos. It’s only a matter of time before they realize that Karina herself is the key to that balance. Now they must locate her and, hopefully work together. This is the conclusion to A Song of Wraiths and Ruin where we pick up where that book left off. The reader would have liked to have seen a bit more world building, it was good, but they didn’t feel immersed in the world. The overarching plot was good, but the smaller subplots and how we got to the end felt really dragged out. There were moments where those subplots would take the reader out of the story and left them feeling bored and they just wanted the story to move along. That side though, the characters were really rounded and the development we saw in them was so well done. We really got to see their motives and reasoning’s behind the things they were doing and it was interesting to watch it all play out. The reader also got to feel more in the know than the characters thanks to a few chapters sprinkled in that were in a narrator’s point of view. This gave a lot of perspective to characters and plots. The only time it wasn’t really needed was at the very end. This ended with a narrator chapter that didn’t add to the story, if anything it made it feel like this wasn’t the end, so this didn’t feel like it was needed. In the end, the reader enjoyed the characters and most of the plot, they just wish it had been shorter and dragged a little less. 

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