Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Fireblood

Hi friends, happy Wednesday! I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’m going to be posting my review of Elly Blake’s novel Fireblood, the second novel in the Frostblood trilogy.

You can read my review of book one: Frost Blood


Fireblood by: Elly Blake: After Ruby defeated the Frost King’s throne, the violent Minax is out to terrorize everyone she loves. In order to destroy it she must search for answers in the south where the Firebloods live. Upon arriving, Ruby is put through tests to control her fire by the Fire Queen, only she learns a lot more than control as she practices her defences for the Minax attack. This novel was a step above the first book; where the that book opened us up to the world and rules, this novel truly expanded on it and gave the reader so much more in terms of world building, plot and characters. This felt like it had a little bit of everything, from forbidden romances to betrayals, hidden royalty and everything in between, there was never a dull or slow moment. The pacing was fast and really let the reader get immersed in the world; they hated having to stop reading because this was so addicting. The plots took the characters to new heights and truly brought out new sides to them. The reader really enjoyed getting to know them all better. We had a surface level idea of who these characters were, but now we’ve gotten to know them so much more and the reader couldn’t be happier. Not only the growth from first to second novel, but from the beginning to the end of this novel was so well done. The backstory we got on characters and their developments brought the story together and prepared the reader for the final novel. The way this ended was the perfect set up, mind you this whole novel was the perfect set up, for the final novel and what these characters have to face. Watching as these two kingdoms who were once enemies come together for battle was brilliant to see and leaves lots to be expected in the last novel. The reader can’t wait to see how it all ends, but as for this novel, this was an action-packed, captivating read.