
Red Book Tag

Hello friends! Happy Thursday, I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’m back to complete another Taylor Swift book tag where I was tagged by my Swiftie friend, Lauren @Narrative Paradise,thank you so much for thinking of me! ๐Ÿ˜Š


  • Link Back to original post Nashita @BooksandBrownies
  • Thank the person who tagged you and link their post
  • Tag 4 people because 1+3 = 4
    (Taylorโ€™s number is 13 and hence )

1. Red โ€“ A red book that you love with a burning passion

I probably have so many… but my memory can be trash ๐Ÿ˜‚ so I’m going with the Rockton series by: Kelley Armstrong

With each passing book the series gets better and better. I can’t get over how well written these are! The next book comes out this month so I’m very excited!

2. I Knew You Were Trouble โ€“ A book you knew would cause you emotional trauma

I had to read Speak by: Laurie Halse Anderson in 9th grade English. At that time I don’t think I had the capacity to fully understand what the book was really about. I re-read it last year, fully prepared for it to destroy me, and wow, it was hard-hitting this time around.

3. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together โ€“ A book youโ€™ve cut ties with

I’ve finally, finally removed my physical copies of the Divergent trilogy off my shelves. It’s only taken close to 10 years but I’ve done it. I never cared for them… but I read them all. I even thought about re-reading them before I parted ways because I remember nothing (basically) from the series, but people have told me I shouldn’t bother… so I won’t.

4. I Almost do โ€“ A Book you know is trash, but you love it anyway

I honestly can’t think of a trashy book that I love. I’m sure there is and if I were to scour the depths of my Goodreads I could probably find something, but time is limited and so I’m going to have to leave this answer blank ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

5. All Too Well โ€“ A Book you remember everything about

The Picture of Dorian Gray by: Oscar Wilde… but that could be because I read it every year… and even then I find new things to love about it with each re-read.

6. Begin Again โ€“ A book that got you out of a slump

For me, when I feel a bit of a slump coming on… my cure is to… keep reading… which might sound counterintuitive, but I find it works for me. Recently, audiobooks have been that savour for me. I mean, audiobooks have been a game changer in my life, but we won’t get into that, so for the sake of this prompt I’m going to put Tamora Pierce’s Alanna series because I started listening to it last year and I’m currently reading the third book and am very much enjoying it and it’s kept me from slumping so far this year!

7. Everything has Changed โ€“ A book you knew you would love at the first sight

I don’t always know I’m going to love a book, but I’m always extremely happy when I buy a book and end up loving it. For this one I’m going to go with Cemetery Boys by: Aiden Thomas. I love, love, love this book. It was just so heartwarming and beautiful and I couldn’t get enough of it. One day I should re-read this.

And that’s a wrap! This was a lot of fun. I’m supposed to tag 4 people, but I don’t know who wants to be tagged so I’m going to leave this open. If you see this and want to take part, consider yourself tagged! ๐Ÿ˜Š

6 thoughts on “Red Book Tag

  1. SPEAK IS SO PAINFUL AND SO GOOD. Also I’ve seen you mention Kelley Armstrong a bunch so I might have to read her! Good ol Alanna, getting people out of slumps. Loved your answers! Why are book tags so GOOD?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh so painful, but I agree, very good!
      Haha I stand by my claims and you should definitely check out Kelley Armstrong โ€“ her writing is really good!
      Haha thank you!! ๐Ÿ˜„


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