Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #20 πŸ’„

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 152

I’m currently reading, and will be reading for quite a while is The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde. Every year I re-read The Picture of Dorian Gray, but this year I’m going to be reading all his work, little by little, but obviously starting with Dorian Gray!

What I’ve Read:

Last week I finished The Burning Page by: Genevieve Cogman, the third book was filled with so much action… it’s also the book where I found out this isn’t a young adult novel and an adult fantasy series πŸ˜… I can’t wait to continue with this series.

I also finished The Dead Zone by: Stephen King. The ending was alright, it wrapped up characters’ stories well, but the out of left field explanation as to why Johnny was the way he was felt out of place, but I still enjoyed this novel as a whole.

Lastly I finished Freeks by: Amanda Hocking. This was a fun, interesting take on the supernatural; the story was definitely engrossing.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #19 πŸ‘’

Review: Take a Hint, Dani Brown

Let’s Talk About… The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Season Four

Review: Pip Bartlett’s Guide to Sea Monsters

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Elli @Ace Reader talked about her book buying habits – I enjoy reading about how people buy books… or well anything to do with books πŸ˜‚

Kate @Your Tita Kate talked about 7 underrated books by Asian authors – I’m always on the look for new books!

Zainab @Zainab Chats posted a great post to raise awareness to what is happening in Palestine – this was a great place to start if you’re unaware of what’s been going on

This week started with sunshine, which was great! I had my first massage in over 2 years! 😱 It felt really good, I will definitely have go back to continue to work out all the knots – so much stress I’ve been carrying around for 2 years!
It’s been pretty quiet, then the end of the week work got really stressful – it’s been a little while since I’ve felt this upset over something work related.

A few positives from this week:
– a lovely, relaxing massage

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 6. I completely forgot that Jess comes back for an episode and his famous line “why did you drop out of Yale” (if you’ve seen the show I’m sure you can hear the inflections in that πŸ˜‚). I forgot that it was Jess who kinda got her back on track with her life. I think Rory’s anger at Logan is a little misplaced because Logan didn’t tell her to drop out, her anger is at his father. The way Logan interacted with Jess was awful though. I hate when an ex comes around and the current partner feels like they need to defend their territory, for lack of a better way to put that.

One Tree Hill; season 7. I always love the episode where we learn about Clay’s wife Sarah, it’s always so heartbreaking no matter how many times I watch it. But I hate how Nathan and Haley treat him, after they’re supposed to be “best friends” only for Nathan to fire him when things don’t go his way and he loses his millions of dollar job, sorry if I don’t feel sorry for Nathan. I like the friendship that Quinn and Clay have formed. I can’t forget about Millie becoming an model and it totally going to her head and she starts doing drugs, and Alex falls for Julian and I hate the way she manipulates Julian and Brooke, gah! Alex needs help. I can’t stand Rachel, all she wants is Dan’s money; I’ve always said she deserved better.

Orange is the New Black; season 4. So instead of the panty business this season, as they get caught selling them, they’re out doing construction as a “class”. So weird. Piper finds herself in this white power group (dear lord) and when the Latinos brand her with a swastika, I honestly don’t feel bad for her because she did this to herself. Then we have this famous Martha Stewart type character, Judy King, who needs to be protected because she’s famous; then the Black girls want to get money by getting a photo of her, so a fake dating relationship starts between King and one of them… I have no idea what is going on!

The Good Doctor; season 4. This week Shaun and Lea both attempt to go back to work after everything that has happened and obviously it doesn’t go great. It wasn’t a very memorable episode.

This Is Us; season 5. This week was the bachelorette and bachelor parties and it was cute. We also see sorta how Miguel and Rebecca got together, and Kevin getting cold feet – it was definitely something to explore, especially the way he and Madison got together.

Station 19; season 4. This week’s episode focused on Warren going in for surgery to remove the cancer he has and on Corrina and Mia really dug into their relationship as they’re on the cusp of Corrina having to go back to Italy because of her Visa. I’m glad they could work it out and they decided to get married so she can stay in America and make her life with Mia.

Grey’s Antaomy; season 17: This was officially Avery’s final episode, and it really had me questioning how long he’d been on the show, I believe he started in season 5, damn! He will be missed (that is, if the show continues, which I think it’s going to). This episode also focused on an Indigenous family, which I thought was really awesome because you don’t see them represented in media. I love how inclusive this show has gotten. Also watching Koracick really change over the course of this season was unexpected; at the start he was his awful, ass self, but after getting Covid and seeing what was happening in the world, it was like it opened his eyes to being a better human. So when he asks to join Avery, I was shocked but it’s good to see him become a better person.

What I’ve watched:

Patch Adams. Technically I watched this last week, I just forgot to add it. So as the movie went on I realized that this was based off an actual person. This was definitely a good movie, and I was engaged for most of it. There were a few were sexist moments that could have been done better, (but I will chalk that up to being a 1998 film) and there were many cheesy movie moments that had me rolling my eyes, but it was still interesting.

The Matrix. I’ve never actually seen this movie… shocker I know. I’ve seen clips over the years but never the whole thing and I get why… this was over 2 hours long! I don’t really get why it had to be so long, but it was still a really cool movie and I get why I saw clips of it in my philosophy class in high school. I also just found out there are 2 other movies that I may watch as this world is so fascinating!

The Dead Zone. Since finishing the book it only seemed right to watch the film… oh did I not like this movie. I just finished recording a 4 minute voice memo to a friend my thoughts on this, but in short it was slow, I didn’t like who they cast for the main character and they changed everything in the movie – the only thing that stayed the same was the bare bones of the plot, but all the small, subtle plots changed.

The Matrix Reloaded. I am hooked on these movies. Someone needs to record my face as I watch them because I’m like what is happening aha! I feel like the biggest reason these movies are so long is all the fight sequences and the special effects. I can’t wait to watch the third movie because this one ended on a cliffhanger.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

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