Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: A Gentleman in Moscow

Hello friends! Happy Wednesday! I hope you are all well. Today I’m going to be reviewing Amor Towles novel A Gentleman in Moscow.

A Gentleman in Moscow by: Amor Towles: Count Alexander Rostov has been sentenced to house arrest and because of this, he meets people he never would have before, especially a young girl. When her life is put in his hands he does everything in his power to protect her and her future. This novel was a journey worth taking. At first it doesn’t seem like much, but once really immersed in the story the reader begins to, not only feel for the story, but feel for the characters too. But first, the plot takes place over several years and decades and it’s fun to watch these characters truly grow and change over time. The main character was so strange and fascinating, and that’s what really drove the reader to keep reading because they had to find out what he was going to do. Towles did an amazing job creating his characters and all the side characters that are just as important. The writing at times could be so witty and fun, while others more serious and reserved; it was such a balance of different tones that really worked well. The prose in this novel was great too because it didn’t bog down the overall story and it was used effectively. This was definitely an enthralling novel, with a bit of a slower pace to it that lets the reader breathe in these characters and truly get to know them. A beautifully written story with strong characters.

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