
The Perfect Book Tag

Hello friends! Today I’m going to be doing the Perfect Book Tag. I was tagged by my lovely friend Jenna @Bookmark Your Thoughts. Thank you for being so thoughtful and tagging me to do this! Now, let’s get started.

The Rules

  • Answer honestly, there are no wrong answers.
  • To make it a little harder, you can’t mention the same book twice.
  • Have FUN!
  • Pingback Sofii’s post, for she’d love to read your answers!
  • Tag at least 5 people.

The Perfect Genre

What genre would your perfect book be?

 💫 || Pick A Book That Represents Perfectly Its Genre || 💫 

I’m going to go with cute contemporary for this and say The Unexpected Everything by: Morgan Matson. This book was everything a contemporary should be and I wouldn’t mind even re-reading it again.

The Perfect Setting

Because every story needs the perfect setting.

 💫 || Pick A Book That Takes Place In A Perfect Place || 💫

The world that Seanan McGuire created in her Wayward Children series. I enjoyed the world so much, I can’t wait to go back.

The Perfect Main Character

Because every book needs that brave and amazing MC

 💫 || Pick The Perfect Main Character || 💫 

I’m going to make this plural and say ‘characters’ because I think all four girls from the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants are perfect in their own way. I love them all so much.

The Perfect Best Friend

Because we always love that character who supports our MC, no matter what

 💫 || Loyal and Supportive, Pick A Character That You Think Is The Best Friend Ever || 💫

I’m stealing Jenna’s answer for this because I adored Simon as Clary’s best friend. He’s just so loyal to her no matter what.

The Perfect Love Interest

Although not all stories need it, we all love a bit of romance

 💫|| Pick A Character You Think Would Be An Amazing Romantic Partner || 💫 

I wanted to steal Jenna’s answer for this to because Peeta, but I’m obsessed with bad boys, and I know a lot of people hate him, but I’m going to say Jace… super cliche of an answer, but I’m #sorrynotsorry

The Perfect Villain

Because even when sometime we hate them, we always need them

 💫 || Pick A Character With The Most Sinister Mind || 💫

I’m going to go with Lord Voldemort. He’s very morally grey, and sometimes his motives aren’t always explained, and later on in the series you can see how his childhood really affected him and made him the villain he was and I truly liked him as a villain.

The Perfect Family

Our book wouldn’t be the same without that unconditional support from the MC’s family

 💫 || Pick a Perfect Bookish Family || 💫 

Simon’s family from Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda. They are so loving not just to Simon, but to one another, and it looks like a lot happens in that family; a lot of acceptance.

Perfect Animal or Pet

Because we all need a good loyal companion

 💫|| Pick A Pet Or Fantastic Animal That You Need To See In A Book || 💫 

Lily, from Lily and the Octopus by: Steven Rowley. This book has stayed with me, even though I only read it a few weeks ago, and it truly explores the love you have for your pet. It’s gotten me thinking about owning a dog in the future.

The Perfect Plot Twist

“OMG, how I didn’t see that coming!”

 💫 || Pick A Book With The Best Plot Twist || 💫 

I’m going to go with The Rockton series by: Kelly Armstrong. Anything can happen, and it’s been a whirlwind of a series so far. I can’t wait to find out what else is in store.

Perfect Trope

 💫 || Pick That Trope You Would Add To Your Own Book Without Thinking ||💫

I Googled tropes to answer this because I couldn’t think of anything, this one site had this ‘Will they? Won’t they?’ trope about two characters who may get together, they might not, you just have to wait it out, and I live for stuff like that. I don’t know what it is, but watching two characters really figure it out is fun. It may be torture at times, but is fun.

Perfect Cover

Because we all love a good, beautiful and artistic cover

 💫 || Pick That Cover That You Would Easily Put On Your Own Book || 💫

I’ve used this before, but I just loooove purple so The Forbidden Wish is definitely my favourite.

Perfect Ending

Because every great adventure has an ending

 💫 || Pick A Book That Has The Perfect Ending || 💫 

Again, this is so hard to answer because there are so many books I can choose. I really liked the way the Land of Stories ended, after everything the characters went through, Chris Colfer knew how to create a world filled with so much imagination, it was a lot of fun.


Anna | Norrie | Alex | Melanie | Kristen

Of course, never any pressure, and if anyone else would like to take part, consider yourself tagged! 🙂

16 thoughts on “The Perfect Book Tag

  1. Oh yeah!! You did it!! I think “The Unexpected Everything” is on my TBR list … pretty excited for it 🙂 I never read Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, but I wish I did … maybe one day. I did watch the movie and thought it was super cute.

    Oh my gosh … I love that scene in the Mortal Instruments movie! People rated it low … but I actually liked it. Too bad they didn’t continue with it …

    Voldemort = epic pick. And Armstrong’s Rockton series!! I haven’t read it yet but I’m super excited to get my hands on it!

    The family in Simon vs is so adorable!! I love them so much!!

    Awesome list! I basically agreed with all of the things you said ha-ha!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! Yes I did! 😀
      I hope you enjoy The Unexpected Everything, it’s SO cute!

      Oh boy, another series to add to my long list of books you should read… 😂😂😅 I loved every minute of the traveling pants, I didn’t care for the movie. Like it was good, but I couldn’t part with the books.

      Right!? So many people didn’t like the Mortal Instruments movie, I on the other hand loved it. I was told to watch the TV show on Netflix, so I may watch it sometime.

      Why thank you, although I think I liked Voldemort more in the movies than the books… but that just could be because of Ralph Fiennes 😛
      I agree, I can’t wait for you to get your hands on Armstrong’s Rockton series! 😀

      Haha, thanks! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I enjoyed it too! I really loved who they cast as Simon ❤ I wanted to like the TV show but it's just meh. It's something that I still watch every so often, but it wasn't as good in my opinion.

        I think I'm the one person who prefers Voldemort in the books ha-ha! Don't get me wrong, I like Ralph Fiennes, but Voldemort seem so much scarier and sinister in the books for me lol!

        Oh man … me too. I'm thinking later this year!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah, see everyone says that about Shadowhunters and I’m like eehhhhh should I bother? I probably will because that’s how I am! 😛

        Oh I’m sure you’re not the only one… talking about it though has made me want to re-read the books 😛

        Yay! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Makes me so happy that you’ve made the tag and that you liked it!,😭
    Simon’s family is undoubtedly one of the best families, always supporting and always present, what I like the most! 😍
    The Wayward Children series have the best settings, OMG, you’re so right 💛✨

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course I liked the tag! It was so much fun to do! 😀
      Right, I love Simon’s family a lot, gives me the warm fuzzy feelings! 😊💞
      I’m glad you agree with the Wayward Children series! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This looks like such a fun tag and I loved reading all of your answers! 💙
    Everyone really does hate on Jace but I love him too! He gets such a bad rep but everyone loves Will and they have really similar personalities so it doesn’t make any sense to me 😂
    And I need to finally get around to reading The Wayward Children series.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Feel free to do this tag! It was a lot of fun! 😀
      Yes! This is a very fair and valid point! Jace and Will are very similar. I don’t know why everyone hates Jace so and not Will.
      Oh yes, I hope you enjoy the Wayward Children series! 😀


  4. Great answers for this tag Meghan. 🙂 I really loved The Unexpected Everything, when it comes to YA contemporary there’s few authors I love more than Morgan Matson. All her books have been favourites of mine and I can’t wait for her next release (whatever it may be). Also I really love the world of the Wayward Children series, and the family in Simon Vs are incredible. I love supportive families and they were just as amazing in the film too.
    Great post, and again great answers for this tag. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love the world (or worlds) of the Wayward Children series! I can’t wait to get my hands on the fourth book in that series and read it. 😀 Lord Voldemort is an amazing villain! Also, I really adore the cover for The Forbidden Wish – the colours are just sooo pretty. Thank you for tagging me! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh! I hope you enjoy it! It was such a great book! 🙂
      Right?! I love anything purple, and the Forbidden Wish truly is one of the best representations of the colour purple! 😀
      You’re welcome, I hope you have fun with it! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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