
The Secret Life of a Book Blogger Tag II

Hi guys! Happy Thursday! Today I’m going to be doing the Secret Life of a Book Blogger tag. I was tagged by Bella @All Things Annabella, thanks so much for the tag, and make sure give her a follow! πŸ™‚ Now let’s get into this!

Again, I realized as I was answering this that I’ve done this tag before back in 2017, but I’m still going to do this because I like doing tags!

1. How long have you been blogging?

Way too long? Haha, I’ve been blogging for 12 years, holy I just counted it out, and holy crap I didn’t realize it had been that long. I started in 2007. I didn’t really blog about much, bands I was listening to, the occasional photos here and there, nothing like what I do now.

2. At what point do you think you’ll stop blogging?

Well, at the rate I’m going, why stop now? At the moment I don’t see myself stopping, I enjoy doing this!

3. What’s the best thing about blogging?

Connecting with lovely people who love to talk about reading and books and just anything really, I love connecting with you guys! πŸ˜€

4. What’s the worst thing about blogging?

I wouldn’t say that there is a ‘worst’ thing because that seems really negative, but sometimes it’s just time consuming to get blogs ready, as much as I love doing it, sometimes I’d just like to be reading!

5. How long does it take you to make/find pictures to use?

It depends on the type of blog it is. My TV Tuesday posts can take anywhere from 1-2 hours, but for book reviews/tags it’s close to 10-20 minutes.

6. Who is your book crush?

I never know how to answer this because I just don’t feel like I get crushes on characters, so I’m going to pass on this. Pretty sure I said the same thing the last time I answered this.

7. What author would you like to have on your blog?

I can bet that I said Stephen King the last time I did this, and I still would say that, but to be different this time I’d say maybe V.E. Schwab or Maggie Stiefvater.

-I just looked and yep, I said Stephen King.

8. What do you wear when you write your blog posts?

I don’t really understand why that’s relevant, but I wear whatever I wear during the day, pants, top, dress, whatever I’m feeling. I’m currently wearing a t-shirt and a pair of leggings.

9. How long does it take you to prepare?

Ha, this is vague. It all depends on what I’m doing really. But with blogging it takes me a few hours to put my posts together. I usually get them all ready on a Friday or a little bit at a time during the week.

10. How do you feel about the blogging community?

As I said before, I love it. Seeing as I did this tag two years ago and I’m still here doing it again, I definitely must love it.

11. What do you think one should do to create a successful blog?

Oh gosh, I have no idea. I wouldn’t say I’m “successful” but as long as you’re nice to people and supportive, people will be nice and supportive back to you.


Daniella | Jenna | Lauren |

Alright! That’s it for me! If you want to do this tag, feel free to go ahead and consider yourself tagged! πŸ™‚


12 thoughts on “The Secret Life of a Book Blogger Tag II

    1. HAHAHA! I’m dying of laughter oh man… I don’t think anyone wants a t-shirt with my face on it πŸ˜‚but I thank you for the compliment! πŸ˜€ I’m glad you think so highly of me! πŸ™‚ ❀️

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    1. Haha, yeah it’s definitely something that I’ve liked doing, and continue to like doing!
      Wouldn’t it? I would die if Stephen King ever acknowledged me!
      I’m not familiar with Mark Lawrence but his books look intriguing! πŸ™‚

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  1. Oh WOW 12 YEARS now this is amazing, wow. It’s incredible that you stuck with blogging for so long and still love it! πŸ˜€ and right here with you on being nice and supportive, it’s the best way to blog and to chat with others and honestly, the best way to make friends and feel part of it all, too πŸ™‚ ❀

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    1. Haha, it’s something that I’ve always enjoyed, I’ve always loved documenting my life and my reading/watching so I don’t see myself quitting any time soon!
      Exactly! You can only receive what you put out πŸ™‚ πŸ’ž

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  2. SUPER sorry … I saw this and NEVER got around to replying! I have to agree … the community is definitely one of the best elements of being a blogger! And I ALSO agree that getting blog posts ready can be … frustrating at times ha-ha!

    YOU’VE BEEN BLOGGING FOR 12 YEARS?!! DUDE! I wish … I’m glad I eventually discovered blogging but I wish I did sooner ha-ha!

    I actually did this last year, but thank you for tagging me! https://bookmarkyourthoughts.blog/2018/11/13/secret-life-of-a-book-blogger-tag/

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