Monthly Wrap-Ups

July 2019 Wrap-Up

Hello friends, welcome to the end of yet another month! Summer is just slipping by and I’m not sure how I feel about that. I love summer, but I also love fall… it’s mixed feelings really 😂 Now that I got that out of the way 😅 it’s that time of the month to recap what went down, let’s get into it!

If you missed June’s wrap up, catch it here!

Currently Reading:
The Shining
New Moon
Island of Legends









I’m continuing my re-reading of The Shining for my Stephen King project; so far I’m liking it just as much as I did the first time. I’m in the midst of part 3 out of 5 and I love the slow build up.

Since I finished Twilight, I guess it only seemed fitting to continue my torture and start New Moon. I ran a poll on Twitter, to see if I should continue with my Twitter rants, and Twitter spoke (all 7 people who voted, maybe I’ll get more engagement when I ask for votes next time around) and so follow me for all my continued thoughts!

I just started Island of Legends by Lisa McMann. I don’t have any thoughts on this just yet, but I’m hoping to enjoy it like the past 3 novels in this series.

What I read this month:

I got to books this month. How I read more books last month I don’t know, but I’m happy with what I did read (minus Twilight 😂).

The Hike by: Drew Magary
The Nix by: Nathan Hill
Smoke and Iron (The Great Library #4) by: Rachel Caine
Twilight (Twilight #1) by: Stephanie Meyer
Unrivaled (Beautiful Idols #1) by: Alyson Noël
Enter Title Here by: Rahul Kanakia
Blacklist (Beautiful Idols #2) by: Alyson Noël
Behold the Dreamers by: Imbolo Mbue

Book Reviews this month:

The Chalk Man by: C.J. Tudor
Georgia Peaches and Other Forbidden Fruit by: Jaye Robin Brown
The Muse by: Jessie Burton
The Hike by: Drew Magary
The Nix by: Nathan Hill

Currently Watching:
Season 9
Season 7



Season 7









I’m still watching The Office; I’m sad that I only have a few episodes left! I never thought this moment would come so fast, but it did! It’s going to be bittersweet to end it!

Elementary is still going strong. I still can’t believe that it’s the last season and that there are 3 episodes left! HOW did that happen?!

Technically, I haven’t started season 7 of ER as I write and post this, but I hope to start tonight so I wanted to add it. I’m nervous about starting this season since I wasn’t happy, well I wouldn’t say I wasn’t happy, but I had mixed emotions with how season 6 ended, but I’m going to solider on!

What I Watched this month:
Seasons 7-8
Season 5
Season 3
Season 2
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald








Season 35










Christopher Robin
Murder Mystery
Season 2









I’m continuing my journey with The Office. I’m really loving it, but as I neared the end of season seven I just don’t know, the show isn’t the same… I think those who have seen the show know what I’m talking about. I’m obviously going to watch the last season, but it’s just not the same. I didn’t even see it coming… I thought it was just a gag.

I literally finished Black Mirror the first of July. This season was so good I wished it was longer. I loved hoe in-depth the stories were, now I want more!

My brother and I finally, finally finished season 3 of Nailed It! it only took us 3 months… 6 episodes and we couldn’t find time. Now we’re unsure what to watch next, any recommendations to shows that are like Nailed It?

I finally, finally, watched the second season of The Marvelous Mrs. Masiel. I’ve been putting it off (because I don’t have Amazon Prime, yeah I had to find it online) to watch it, but I finally just sat down and watched it. I’m so glad I did; this season was even better than last. I HATE the way it ended too and I NEED more epiosdes! I may need to get Prime just for this show.

I’ve also finally watched Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. I happened to come across it at the library, we (meaning my dad and I) were supposed to go see it in theatres (like we’ve done for all Harry Potter films) but we missed our chance. I liked the first movie better, I may write a review on my thoughts.

Jeopardy came to an end July 26, now they’re airing the best moments of season 35 until the new season starts in September. Season 35 was a memorable one and I can’t wait for the new season!

I rewatched Christopher Robin. You guys have no idea how much I love this movie, it makes me so happy. My brother only watched the ending so I may watch it again with him 😊

I ended up watching Murder Mystery in pieces, a half hour here, half hour there. I don’t know man. The set up took forever, and this really made me realize that I don’t like Adam Sandler as an actor, ugh it was just so bad… but damn I still ended up watching it and being engaged because they were in a real life (cheesy) murder mystery!

I watched The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina season 2, finally. I have to say I think I liked season 1 better. There was just a lot more whining and the love triangles they kept trying to pull, don’t even get me started on Nick! UGH! Anyways, needless to say I’ll be watching season 3!

TV Tuesday Posts:

TV Tuesdays are on hold until September!

Posts from the Month

Music Monday: Oh Canada by: Classified
Music Monday: Lula on the Beach by: Seaway
Music Monday: Summer Girl by: Stereos

The Cliché Book Tag
Get to Know the Blogger Tag
The Secret Life of a Book Blogger Tag

Sims-a-Thon Read-a-thon Wrap Up
My Twitter Party Review: Twilight
Bony’s 2019 Bookish & Personal Goals Mid-Year Check In

I feel like I did so much in June that this month feels so inadequate. I tried to just lay low and catch up and relax… although it’s been hard to relax as every night this month I’ve been chipping away at all my travel and photo blogs to have them ready!

Here’s a recap of what has already come:

Tuesday, July 9: Glasgow Write-Up
Friday, July 12: Glasgow Photo Blog
Tuesday, July 16: Edinburgh Write-Up
Friday, July 19: Edinburgh Photo Blog
Tuesday, July 23: Wales Write-Up
Friday, July 26: Wales Photo Blog
Tuesday, July 30: Spice Girls Write-Up

So far I have 7 posts up and I will be continuing throughout August as well. Here’s a review of what’s to come:

Friday, August 2: Spice Girls Photo Blog
Tuesday, August 6: Oxford + Brighton Write-Up
Friday, August 9: Oxford + Brighton Photo Blog
Tuesday, August 13: Liverpool + Manchester Write-Up
Friday, August 16: Liverpool + Manchester Photo Blog

Aside from my travel posts that have made me feel like I’m still on vacation, sorta haha 😂 this month my aunt had a Hawaiian themed birthday party which was fun!
One of my close friends’ had a birthday lunch at a Mexican restaurant La Carnita, they specialize in tacos and it was tasty! We went to Bake Three Fifty for milkshakes after… that was so filling but SO good!

Then a few weeks later another close friend of mine had a birthday party (a lot of July birthdays!) we went to the Rec Room (in Mississauga, which I have to say is SO much bigger and more organized, and just has more to do than the Toronto one, totally recommend this one!) It as fun to play all the games, have a beer, socialize. We then had dinner at a Chinese buffet called Wok of Fame. The place is huge and the decor is amazing, the food was also good too!

A few days later my close friend who works in New York state, who’s home for 3 weeks, spontaneously asked if I wanted to go for ice cream, how do you say no to that? 😝 While catching up, since I haven’t seen her since before my trip, we made plans to go to the Rec Room with the whole crew.

We did just that, on the Friday night all 5 of us got together and headed to the Rec Room. This is the first time all 5 of us have been home in months. We had such a good time playing the games, watching (and scream/singing along) to people on stage singing karaoke, it was quite the night. I love nights like that ❤️

What I’ve noticed is that I’m lacking in photos this month! I truly think I’m photo-ed out. After taking probably closer to 1000 photos last month, I just had no energy to snap pics with even my phone. This is something I’ll try to do better at next month!

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