TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… True Blood Season Four

Hi! Welcome to TV Tuesday! This week I’m going to be talking all about season four of True Blood.

From left to right: Nelsan Ellis as Lafayette Reynolds, Rutina Wesley as Tara Thornton, Sam Trammell as Sam Merlotte, Alexander Skarsgård as Eric Northman, Anna Paquin as Sookie Stackhouse, Joe Manganiello as Alcide Herveaux, Stephen Moyer as Bill Compton, Ryan Kwanten as Jason Stackhouse, Kristin Bauer van Straten as Pam Swynford De Beaufort and Deborah Ann Woll as Jessica Hamby 

We head to the new fairy realm and we see Barry again! I was happy to see him! Sookie also runs into her grandfather and she finds out that the fruit that they’ve been eating has been causing everyone to feel like they’ve only been around a few hours instead of years.

The queen of the fairy world is mad at Sookie for letting a vampire drink her blood, as vampires have drunk them into this weird world. She doesn’t want the fairies to mingle with humans any longer.

It’s all very dramatic, I think a little more than it needed to be. She has to jump through a portal to get back to earth and only she can because she has tasted the fruit, her grandfather goes with her and since he has the fruit he can’t stay very long before he dies again.

Dammmmmn. I thought she had come back to an alternative universe instead she’s been gone 12 months. Jason is now a full on cop. Sookie finds out that Jason sold the house since he didn’t think Sookie wasn’t coming back, and now she has to work to get her house back. Something tells me it won’t be easy.

OMG, Eric is the one who bought the house because he knew she was never dead and now he wants her as his. I like that he cares about her, but I don’t like that he’s claiming her. Ugh these two, I can’t handle their banter!

Lafayette is still with Jesus and they are off doing voodoo/black magic shit. Jesus wants him to join this cult it’s quite freaky. God there is something deeper than this cult. It’s connected to the vampires… Bill Compton. I don’t understand Bill’s role this season… not yet anyways.

So he’s now the king of what, Louisiana? And so Sookie thinks she can go to Bill to get Eric to move out of his house.

And Andy is hooked on V, damn.

So now Tara, who goes by Tony now, boxes and she has a girlfriend.

Jason is still taking care of Crystal’s people feeding all the children. He was just trying to do a good thing and those kids throw him in a freezer. Turns out the children had orders from Crystal’s ex boyfriend/mate. Oh boy.

So Sam has found himself a group to talk to about his anger… a group of shapeshifters, a group of horse shifters.

I have to say Arleen’s baby is adorable, even though she thinks he’s rotten to the core.

Last season Hoyt bought Jessica a house and they were so happy, now that they’ve been living together things get rocky. She sees others, and he’s fighting other vampires. But every little thing that Hoyt does that conflicts with the way a vampire lives trips her up. So she says she’s going to get Hoyt some medicine, instead she goes to the club to drink blood since Hoyt doesn’t want her blood.

When she goes to tell him what she’s done she can’t stand his reaction so she glamours him to forget anything ever happened. Oh boy. Now he keeps asking her if something’s wrong.

Ooooo so the cult Lafayette joins is a Wiccan cult and the reason Bill was looking in was because he finds out that they can bring back the dead and if they can do that then they can control the vampires. Yikes! Bill sends Eric to stop it all, and Eric tries but oh lord does he get fucked up instead. He even forgets who Sookie is. Ohhhh lord this is bad! He can’t remember anything and when he’s trying to explain what happened to Sookie he sounds like he’s five years old.

The cult doesn’t like Eric very much. You know they want to get rid of him and the vampires. They also have no idea 1) what they did to get rid of him and 2) what they’ve done to him.

This new Eric is really sweet and wants to do everything to protect her and to be with her, it’s kinda cute to watch.

When Sookie goes to Pam about it she lets us know that she thinks Bill set Eric up and new the witches would try to kill him. Aaahhhhh Bill!

Lafayette just wants to make it even with Eric but since he’s missing Pam wants the witch who did what she did to Eric or she’ll kill Lafayette, Jesus and Tara.

So the three go back to the witch that did it and she can’t do anything because it wasn’t her that did it to Eric but a spirit that manifested itself in her. They find the spell, but they’re not sure if it’ll work without Eric. Instead it does something to Pam, but what?!?!

The ruin her face! Now she wants revenge to kill the bitch but Bill says she can’t. So Bill gets his insider to the cult to trap the witch so they can capture her and get answers, but she has no answers. None at all. So he gathers some vampires to help find Eric and when Pam gets tried of not being able to torture the witch, she spills the beans about Eric’s memory being wiped and she has to tell Bill that he’s at Sookie’s… NOOOOO!

Soooo the shapeshifters are keeping Jason so that they can turn him into one of them. So they make him have sex with all of the girls, even this one girl who is just a kid. Jason tells her that she doesn’t have to do it, because he doesn’t want to do it. He talks her into letting him go, and she complies since she doesn’t want to have sex.

He escapes, kills Crystal’s ex and almost kills her, but he leaves her and goes away. He kinda dies at the side of the road until Hoyt and Jessica find him and Jess gives him her blood. That seems like a bad combination, whatever drugs they had him on plus vampire blood.

Alcide is back yay! Sookie totally thought Alcide was single but when she sees Debbie well she leaves. Not only does she leave because of that, but because Debbie tried to kill her last season. But she wants Alcide to take Eric in.

Well Sookie has to go back to Alcide so he can help her find Eric as she kinda lost him when he drank fairy blood and he gets drunk off of it. It’s hilarious.


Hoyt’s mom has taken in Tommy after Sam shot him and is teaching him to read. And now he’s going into some deal about natural gas as apparently the house she’s living in is sitting on is sitting on a lot of money.

Shit! So Tommy’s mom lies to him that she’s left his dad to get him to come back so that he can go back to earning them money because they need it. Ohhh man. Well when his father comes at him, he pretends to be dead so he can kill his father. When his mother protests because she can’t live without his father, but Tommy kills her too, although I don’t think he means to.

Of course he goes to Sam for help and Sam helps him dispose of the bodies.

Ooooooo Bill finds out that the girl he’s now sleeping with is his great, great, great, great (ok I’m not sure how many greats are needed) granddaughter. Yikes! Ew Portia wants to keep seeing Bill and doesn’t care about incest. So he glamours her to think he’s horrible… I don’t think we’ll be seeing her anymore.

Uhm how does Godrick come back if he’s dead?! He wants to drink from Sookie but Eric doesn’t want to. Ohh it was just a dream, I was gunna say, what is going on here Godrick is everything good. Turns out it was a nightmare and Eric is just so sad, and he’s crying. God this Eric!

I think Sookie is starting to get a crush. Now she’s sniffing around trying to save Eric. She goes to get a reading done from the witch and gran shines through telling her the witch is dangerous and she should run.

Well Sookie tries to get Tara to leave before Eric wakes up but it’s too late she sees Eric and she flips out. She tells Sookie all the bad things Eric has done and even though Sookie tries to tell her Eric has changed Tara leaves. This could be bad.

Well Tara’s girlfriend comes looking for her when she finds a letter that says Tara on it. Now Tara must tell her girlfriend the truth.

Geeeeeez when Bill finds Eric he gets super mad at Sookie, but Bill soon realizes that Eric truly knows nothing about anything and he doesn’t know what to do. He sentences Eric to death, and Eric has no problems with dying because he doesn’t want to live this way, but he wants Sookie to be happy and find love even if its not with but with Bill. I feel like Bill won’t kill him.

I was right, he doesn’t and so Eric goes to find Sookie in the woods and they make love in the woods.

I have to say I’m not really enjoying the Arleen and Terry plot line with their possessed baby. It’s kinda tiresome. Just like Andy’s plot about being hooked on V and hating Sam. Okay so now the baby has burnt down their house, lord.

So because of this, Sam asks Tommy to open the bar, and bam Tommy turns into Sam, now he knows how to shift into people, damn! Well now Tommy knows what people actually think of him, and it’s kinda sad. He also fires Sookie, yikes!

Then he runs into Sam’s new girl, sleeps with her and then yells at her to get out. That is going to be really bad for the real Sam.

When he shifts back it’s super painful. And when Sam comes back he finds Tommy passed out in his own vomit.

Well now Sam is facing the truth of what his brother did and now he doesn’t know if his girl will forgive him. Because she has skin-jacked before and the only way you can skin-jack is if you’ve killed someone so that’s how Sam figured out what Tommy did, so he kicks Tommy out and tries to get the girl back.

Lafayette and Jesus are now off to Mexico to see Jesus’s grandfather to see if he can protect them from the vampires. This should be good.

His grandfather makes them take a sacrifice, and they have to wait for an animal to come to them, and of course it has to be a snake. He does something to it and it possesses Lafayette, but I don’t know what it all means. So Lafayette is a medium now. Goddamn.

Jason is freaking the fuck out. It’s a full moon and he thinks he’s going to turn into a were-panther. Sookie finds out and wants to help him, in the end it’s Jessica who helps since she can sense his fear. But when Sookie runs into Alcide he tells her that you can turn into a were anything you are born into it, so Jason isn’t going to change. He is disappointed about it because Sookie got all the special stuff and he got nothing; it’s Jessica again who tells him he is special.

This weird attraction between them is super weird.

Ohh shit, one of Bill’s vampires goes rouge because the spirit that entered the witch is someone that he used to know and he tries to free her.

We learn that the spirit, Antonia, is a woman who could control vampires, she died 400 years ago and now she’s back through this witch to her all vampires to walk into the sun and kill them all.

So now to protect themselves they must chain themselves with silver.

Antonia now is recruiting Tara since they have had the same experiences with vampires and now Tara is recruiting the rest of the cult. Oh man this is going to be an all out war.

Oof Hoyt is so in love with Jessica and he tells Jason that he might die if he looses her, and Jason feels guilty because of his new found feelings for her, and I think Jessica has those same feelings for Jason as she tells Bill she thinks she’s fallen out of love with Hoyt.

Well the cult cast their spell and all the vampires want to move into the sun. The silver does its part but Jessica breaks free and Jason is on his way to save her. Only for her to want to eat him, but once the spell is broken she kisses him instead, oh man!

So Jason has to put her back because hey know the spell isn’t over yet. The witches will try again. But before they can try again Bill wants to work with Antonia to see if they can work something out.

Sookie and Eric want to go along and fight, so we’ll see how this plays out. When the two parties get together Sookie sees Tara on her opposing side.

It’s a terrible fight as Sookie gets shot, and guess who saves her, Alcide when he shouldn’t even be seeing her. It’s also Bill who brings her back with his blood; this gives Sookie this really weird sex dream where we get the real Eric back for 5 minutes and she wants both of them.

Will Eric get his memories back? He meets the witch once more and who knows what’s going to happen when he does, I miss the old Eric.

Nope, he is now under Antonia’s command and everyone who was part of her cult who wants out, well they aren’t getting out.

What is with Arleen and Terry’s baby seeing this singing woman? Lafayette can also see her, and she’s just really creepy. It’s Lafayette who can see this woman’s past life, her baby was killed by the baby’s father.

Dammnnn the spirit of the lady just entered Lafayette’s body. And what does he do, or should I say she? She takes Arleen’s baby and brings it back to Hoyt’s house because that used to belong to her.

It takes a whole team of them to try and defuse the situation. Arleen and Terry want to run in and grab the baby but Jason thinks it’s a bad idea, and Andy is too high on V to do anything. It ends up being Jesus who can talk down the spirit in Lafayette and give the baby back.

In the end they find the spirit’s baby buried in the front yard and that lets her spirit go.

So Alcide joins this new pack with his girlfriend Debbie because she wants to, then she tells him to stay away from Sookie, this should be good.

Ooooohhhoooohhh. So the new girl Sam is seeing her ex, Marcus, is the leader of the wolf club Alcide just joined. Hmmmm. The world just got a little bit smaller.

Well Marcus wants to pick a fight with Sam, on the runs into Tommy instead so what does Tommy do, he shifts into Sam to take the fight, only he gets kicked so hard by the werewolves that he turns back. Things are going to get worse.

Alcide is the one who calls Sam and they bring him back to the bar where he wants to help him but Tommy doesn’t want to be helped, he’d rather die. So Alcide and Sam are there for him until the very end. It was hard watching Sam lose his brother and telling him that he loved him and that he was loved. Quite nice.

Things aren’t over with Jessica and Jason. She breaks up with Hoyt and that is a disaster because he completely loses it. She then goes to Jason who doesn’t want any part of any of it. I knew he was going to be pissed when he found out because Hoyt is his best friend.

So when Hoyt makes Jason take Jessica’s stuff to her, they end up having sex to Taylor Swift. It was the weirdest thing, I guess it was the time when her Speak Now album came out and the show was promoting it.

Jason doesn’t like that they slept together so he wants Jessica to glamour him so he won’t remember, and won’t feel guilty but she says who’s going to make her forget her guilt so she doesn’t.

What is up with Debbie? She takes a whole whack of V, she goes to Sookie to help her, and so the two end up at the witch’s place. Well at least Debbie helped and they were able to find Eric and Tara was able to help them find Bill to hopefully get this all to stop.

The witches want to use Eric to kill Bill and Sookie is off to stop them, but she does it in the worse way. She tells Bill in the crowd and this starts a panic.

ERIC IS BACK!!!!! The spell he was under breaks during all the pandemonium thanks to Sookie and her weird power.

God I’ve missed his witty sarcastic ass.

I think Antonia is losing her powers over the witch. So now Bill wants to blow up the club Moon Goddess where the witch is hiding, but the only thing is there are humans locked inside, one of them includes Tara. So now Sookie is recruiting anyone she can to help them stop Bill.

Well Antonia comes out of the witch and realizes that the world is too big to conquer all the vampires. But what we also learn that the witch also hates vampires a looooot! So much so for thinking she was ever innocent. Lord Jesus thinks he can do the same thing he did with the spirt in Lafayette because he thinks the witch is innocent, this is going to be bad.

Well he doesn’t even make it to the club because of a protection spell- a spell Antonia wants him to walk through to prove his worth. Once he does, he’s let in.

When he finds out that he can’t do what he was planning he warns Sookie, meanwhile Tara is doing some spell that breaks the curse for a few seconds before Antonia realizes what is happening, she vanishes them somewhere only Jason is left behind.

Terry finds out that Andy is doing V and he wants to help him. It’s good to get some backstory on the Belfour family and learn more about them as characters. We see that it’s always been a competition between the two of them.

Turns out Antonia just poofs them into the club, so they haven’t gone anywhere too far. When the witch hurts one of them Antonia doesn’t want any part of this anymore saying she isn’t the person she thought she was. Antonia wants to get away but the witch puts a binding spell on her.

The vampires are trying to get into the club to kill but Jason tells them that Sookie is inside and that they can’t go in guns a blazing.

When Antonia finds out that the vampires are here she makes them an offer, the two vampires and she’ll let Sookie go. Bill is willing to do this so Eric is willing as well, but Pam is not, she ends up shooting the protection spell and things just explode.

Jason got really beat up in the blast and Jessica is freaking out and giving him her blood.

Sam is on the hunt for Marcus for murdering Tommy and Alcide is ready to help… but what Alcide doesn’t know is that his girlfriend Debbie is sleeping with Marcus. Talk about triangles.

Well then Sam’s girlfriend comes in wanting to know where Marcus is just as much as Sam since her daughter is missing. Ew Marcus wants Debbie to be the mother to his daughter and he wants to create this perfect were family.

When they find Marcus Alcide is beyond furious about finding Debbie there. Sam is ready to kill and he goes a Marcus pretty good, but in the end it’s Alcide who kills Marcus. Damn!

I don’t even know if it’s the witch or Antonia now who is controlling the body, but she sees the future in a pool of blood and it’s her dead but she tells everyone that the vampires are trying to kill all of them, ugh I hate this bitch. They cast another spell to make all the vampires walk to the protection spell that is made out of sunlight so it’ll kill them if they walk in it, Jason tries to save them but in the end it’s Sookie’s powers that break the spell. She tries to plead that it was an accident but the witch doesn’t care and tries to burn Sookie at the stake.

In the end it’s Jesus’s weird powers and the spell he casts that lets Antonia out of the witch and the protection around the club is gone, along with the fire around Sookie. That’s when Eric and Bill tag team to kill the witch once and for all.

NOOOOO!!! FUCK! So Lafayette says to Jesus that they’re alive and safe and I knew that it wasn’t going to be for long. Shit like 2 seconds later the spirit of the witch appears and goes into Lafayette’s body. This is going to be worse than when she was alive. SHIT!

In the season finale Jason tells Hoyt the truth and Hoyt punches him out. Lord. I’m sad to see that friendship ruined.

Now that the witch is alive in Lafayette, she kills Jesus for his powers so that she can then kill the vampires.

Gran comes back!!! She’s the one who rips the witch out of Lafayette’s body! Damn. Even Antonia comes back to take her away. The witch declares that she’s no longer afraid anymore, but between the two spirits they get the witch to cross over.

Pam is really destroyed that Eric is choosing Sookie over her. But now Sookie must choose Bill or Eric. So she’s not going to choose either of them even though it kills her. Eric looks so freakin heartbroken, and Bill just looks as he usually does.

Lafayette sees Jesus’s spirit and tells him he’s happy with how things ended. He’s the most chill ghost, but as he points out Lafayette is a medium and he’s dead, he’ll always be with him. That was sweet.

So Jason and Jessica are basically friends with benefits and when she leaves, he think she’s come back when it’s really Steve the leader from the religious group shows up… and he’s a vampire- daaaaamn!

Oooo Bill and Eric team up to kill the spokesperson for all vampires, Nan, oh boy is it a bloodbath.

And to add to the bloodbath over at Sookie’s house Debbie comes to kill Sookie and shoots Tara, that’s when Sookie shoots Debbie. Oh man, is Tara dead?!?! We can’t just end like that!!!!

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