Movies · Reviews

Movie Review: Spider-Man: Homecoming

Hi guys! I hope you all have had a good start to your week. Mine has been okay. I have a case of the Monday Blues; it’s cloudy here and quite cool for summer, I’m hoping that our August is better than our July! Today I’m going to be posting my review on the new Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Spider-Man: Homecoming: This film starts right where the end of Captain America Civil War ends, and Peter Parker is excited about his last mission that he can’t wait for his next, you might say he’s a little desperate. Living his life as a normal high schooler by day and Spider-Man by night, that is until he runs into this really big operation that he decides to take on himself. This film was so well done. The plot was different than the past Spider-Man films and it took a different approach to the series that was done really well. Things were revealed that will change the course of the series, and it will be something we haven’t seen yet. The characters were written and created brilliantly; the actors really brought the characters to life. The creators have tried to bring in some diversity to these films and it was done tastefully. The action was also so good, and engaging to watch, so go, watch it.

5 thoughts on “Movie Review: Spider-Man: Homecoming

  1. Great review for this film Meghan. I saw Spiderman: Homecoming a couple of weeks ago when it was first released and I LOVED it. It was so much better than I thought it would be which was a surprise because I couldn’t say I had low expectations for this film or anything. It was hilarious in places and what I really enjoyed was the fact it wasn’t another origin story for Spiderman!
    I’m glad you enjoyed this film as well! 😀 ❤

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