
Celebrating The Little Things Tag

Hi! Today I’m going to be doing the Celebrating the Little Things tag. I was tagged by Birdie and I’m excited to get started! πŸ™‚

Who was your very first follower (if you can find out)? Tag them and give them a shout out!

Apparently my first follower was someone named Dr. K.L. I’m not really sure who they are, but I appreciate the follow! πŸ™‚

What was the last milestone you reached?

I actually have no idea. I haven’t gotten a notification for a while. The last one I can remember is that I had a spike in viewership about a month ago. Yay for more views! πŸ‘€

What was the very first post you posted on your blog? Share it with us!

It was the most basic post ever. I titled it Hello WorldΒ and it was pretty much my introduction to my blog and what I had planned for it. I sounded so ambitious, I was also still in school. Things were so different than they are now. I still believe in the things I said, and it actually inspires me to do more.

Who was your most recent follower? Tag them and give them a shout out!

My most recent follower was lakeshaweb. Thanks for the follow! πŸ™‚

What was the last post you posted and who was the very first person who took their time to click the like button? Give them a shout out!

My last blog post was my review of The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness.Β The first person to like it was: Alex @Whimsy Pages πŸ™‚

How many months have you been blogging for?

I have been blogging (on this blog) for 23 months. Very close to two years, woohoo! I am excited! I also find it funny that it’s been 23 months. I’m telling you guys, the number 23 follows me around, it’s my favourite number because it chose me.

Do you have any bloggers you’re friends with? Give them a shout out.

Hi friends! Obviously Birdie is a good friend, but some other amazing people are: Beth @Reading Ever Night,Β Sumaya @Sue’s Reading Corner, Reg @She Latitude, Β Shouni @Through the Book Portal, Alex @Whimsy Pages

Who originally created the last meme or tag you participated in? Give them a shout out!

Okay I have no idea who created the Burn, Re-write, Re-read tag: trust me I kept going back to people’s blogs to see if anyone named a creator no one did, (you should see the amount of tabs I have open right now ha!) I went all the way back to April 2015 and it ended in a dead end, so the tag I did before that was “This is my Genre, Tell Me Yours: Book Tag” and that was created by Drew @The Tattooed Book Geek.

Have you any social media related to your blog?

It’s not really related to my blog, but I have an Instagram that I do take book photos from time to time as well as my every day life: meghan___murphy
Same with my Twitter: miiloh

Last but not least …. just say thanks to all your followers.



Alright, so if I have mentioned you in this post, consider yourself tagged! πŸ˜€

17 thoughts on “Celebrating The Little Things Tag

    1. Haha yeah, tell me about it. Although I feel like I’m cheating a little because a lot of content was from a previous blog I had, (which is totally off the internet because the site just decided they were going to delete all of it’s users and their content and become more like BuzzFeed, can you tell I’m still mad about that? haha) Yes I’m still bitter about it, but it led me to this wonderful blog and this wonderful community so I guess it was a good thing.
      That all being said thank you, and thank you for tagging me to do this! πŸ™‚


      1. Wow! That would have made me bitter too. I’m still terrified that they could get rid of my WordPress theme and I’d just be SOL. To be completely kicked off would be horrible.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yep like my entire page is gone, and all the content that I uploaded has also vanished. I tried to save as much as I could before it went black, but they were so kind in only giving us a week to do that. So try to get onto a site that was 1) extremely busy with everyone trying to get on and grab their crap and 2) it was already wonky because their host wasn’t good.
        But it’s almost a blessing because then the 13-year-old me posting on the internet is now gone and no one will ever know I was a stupid teenager haha!
        I am so sorry for my ramblings!


      3. I cringe thinking of my 13-year-old thoughts. And it was called Buzznet, buzznet.com. It’s still around you can go, but it’s very BuzzFeed feel. It’s not like how it used to be. It used to be about music and art and photography, I miss the good ol’ days.


      4. Yeah, I can tell you I didn’t get everything but I think I managed to grab everything that was important to me.
        Thinking about this is giving me blog post ideas that I didn’t have before… πŸ™‚


  1. I always love seeing other’s people’s posts for this tag. It’s such a fun one to take part in and to just kind of share the love with your followers as well.
    Wow I can’t believe you’ve been blogging for nearly two years now. That is an amazing achievement you must be so thrilled. Are you planning anything special for your two-year blogiversary?
    Also thanks so much for the shout-out, it means a lot that you thought of me for that question! πŸ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, and not really. I haven’t really thought too much about it. I didn’t do anything for my first blogiversary because I wasn’t really part of the community. Maybe I’ll have to start thinking about it.
      You’re very welcome! πŸ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

  2. AWWW, this was so sweet!!! Thank you for including me! Oh wow, 23 months is a long time! I think that’s about how long I’ve been blogging too except when I started, I only updated once a month so it really doesn’t count. The number 23 had deemed you worthy πŸ˜€ . This is such a cool tag, I’ll try to do it soon! (she says even though she hasn’t done the last tag you tagged her in) πŸ™‚

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