
The New York Times Book Tag

Hi guys! Happy Friday! I know it was only a four day week for me, but gosh am I ever happy that the week is over. On this not so lovely Friday, actually it was quite shitty- I decided what better way to end the week than with a book tag. So today I’m posting my answers to The New York Times Book Tag. I was tagged by the lovely Reg @shelatitude, I’m excited so let’s get started!

What book is on your nightstand now?

At this very exact moment there isn’t one, because it’s on my bed and I will be reading it after I write this. Being literal aside, I’m reading Undertow by Michael Buckley. It’s really good! It deals with fish people, and I’m glad there is another book because it’s that good!

What was the last truly great book you’ve read?

This could possibly be The Rosie Project, but let me consult Goodreads…
According to my Goodreads, the last 5 star rating was in fact The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion. Those two books really need to be read; SO GOOD! 🙂

If you could meet any writer – dead or alive – who would it be? And what would you want to know?

Unfortunately he’s dead, but Oscar Wilde. Gosh everything? He was such a fascinating man, and so full of wisdom. I’d love to know who, or what truly inspired him to become a writer.


What books might we be surprised to find on your shelf?

I’m not quite sure because I read pretty much read anything, so nothing is surprising. I have a one of those leadership building, self help type books on my shelf. It’s called Leadership and Self-Deception by the Arbinger Institute. My mom gave it to me because her boss gave it to her; she never read it, but I thought it was a pretty good read, not that strive to be a leader in life.

How do you organize your personal library?

How about I don’t? It’s very messy right now. I’ve had this shelf for at least half a year now, and I still don’t use it properly. If I was to actually get it together, it would be by series/trilogy, then by size.

Disappointing, overrated, just not good: what book did you feel you are supposed to like but didn’t?

The Nest by: Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney. I feel like I’ve used a lot of these books before in tags, but I can’t stress enough how much I really did not like this novel.

What kind of stories are you drawn to? Any you stay clear of?

Things I like: A really good plot, or a really good plot twist. Really relatable characters, or characters who are just really well developed and I feel like I could know them.

Things I don’t like: like Reg said in her post, sex scenes, or well unnecessary ones. The occasional scene I can live with, but if every other chapter that’s what your characters are going to do, count me out.

If you could require the president to read one book, what would it be?

Here in Canada have a Prime Minister, what would Trudeau read? Maybe for a fun read: The Real Doctor Will See You Shortly by: Matt McCarthy.

What do you plan to read next?

On my shelf I have
A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas
Dark Side of the Moon by Sherrilyn Kenyon
The Carlyles by Cecily von Ziegesar


I’m going to tag a few of my new followers.

Alex @ Whimsy Pages
Kourtney @ klbradleyreviews
Angel & Aura @ BookHearts Forever
Nicolynne @ Geek Girl Speaks

And you, if you would like to do this tag, go forth and have fun! 🙂

11 thoughts on “The New York Times Book Tag

  1. Thanks for doing the tag! I love – LOVE – The Rosie Project too, but the sequel wasn’t as amazing, I feel. I think he wrote it because the demand was high, and it shows. The Rosie Project though was just super sweet and likely one of my favourite books ever. 💕

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    1. Of course! I can agree the second wasn’t as good, I actually really hated it for a while; I was like what is the cop out crap, but I thought it did get better, and it was kinda funny to see Don in the situations he was put in.


      1. I need to reread that book! I borrowed it from a friend and only read it once so can’t remember much of it… but I remember The Rosie Project pretty well because I loved it so much and reread it tons of time. 😊

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