TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Riverdale Season Two

Hi guys! Welcome to another TV Tuesday! Today I’m going to be talking all about Riverdale, season two!

Season two starts off right where the first ended, Archie drives his dad to the hospital and we spend the whole episode trying to figure out who the guy in the mask was. Most suspicions are leaning towards the Serpents. Since Jughead just kinda became one (even though he doesn’t want to but man is he doing a lot of pretending) tries to find out more, but instead this just gets some guy beat up so that Jughead can go back to his father to tell him the Serpents are doing their due diligence.

Veronica seems to think her mother is involved and pretty much accuses her, this just makes Mrs. Hodge really angry. Veronica is trying to change, but her parents are scheming assholes. Her father is now out of jail and is back in Riverdale, boy oh boy, good times ahead.

Archie’s dad does wake up, after all these weird visions he has of Archie in the future, but then realizing he’s dead… those were weird.

Speaking of weird, so Cheryl burnt her house down and her mother ran back inside to save a picture, which got her severely burned. Now Cheryl is in control of her mother’s life. Oof.

WHAT MISS GRUNDY IS BACK!?!?!?!?! AND SHE HAS A NEW STUDENT LOVER: BEN! WTF?! Oh but two seconds later she dies as the guy who shot Archie’s dad kills her, what is this plot?

Archie is going insane. So I have no idea why the principal goes into the class to announce her death, she’s not even a teacher there anymore. So now Archie thinks they are connected (which I don’t doubt they are) but he thinks that he himself is the connection. He think’s Miss Grundy’s abusive ex-husband found out about him and killed her because of it. I don’t think it’s right.

Okay so now this killer is killing random kids, I don’t get the connection.

So the diner that Fred got shot in, Pops, is going under due to the circumstances, and Betty is not having any of it. When they find out that an anonymous buyer is going to buy Pops… sounds familiar… Veronica’s father. She confronts both her parents and they straight up lie to her. They make a large “donation” to the diner, but really they bought the place. They are so conniving! W-o-w.

Betty threatens Cheryl to testify saying that she forgives Jughead’s dad so he can get a lesser sentence (as he’s looking at 20 years). Jughead goes to Peabody this Serpent lawyer and his dad tells him that was a bad move, oh no.

After dealing with Jughead’s dad, Betty runs a big party at Pops to keep business going… but we know that it’s not really Betty’s doing.

I have a strange feeling that Veronica’s father is behind the guy with the black hood. So Betty’s mom gets a threat in the mail from the guy in the black mask and it proves that all the murders are connected. This fires Archie’s fuel and he starts a watch group at school, The Red Circle. Well Veronica’s father finds out, he doesn’t seem too happy about that, but Archie isn’t going to back down.

I don’t like where Kevin’s storyline is going. He’s chasing strange men in the dead of night in a forest. Betty is just worried about him, but he sees it as being over protective and slightly judgemental.

Betty is just loosing people left and right, so she loses Kevin since she told his dad what he was up to; Polly just left because she doesn’t feel safe, and now Jughead has started his new school on the south side and that’s not going so great.

Jughead gets jumped his first day because he doesn’t want to be associated with the Serpents, but that’s not going to fly. He is starting up the newspaper there and getting close to the photographer, Toni. This could get interesting; I don’t want it to, but it could. I like Tony as a friend for Jughead so I really hope things don’t change.

Well I don’t know who I find more annoying: Toni or Betty. Jughead is trying to live these two lives and the two can’t even coexist.

The Red Circle has really gotten everyone riled up. North siders think the Black Hood is a South Sider, and South Siders are pissed. Archie wants the guy after him so he does everything he can to get his attention, but it just makes the South Siders madder. There is this whole shakedown between the Serpents and the football team, and it is Veronica who has to put a stop to it all, with a gun… Archie’s gun?

But really it’s Betty the Black Hood is after. He sends her a letter that she has to decipher that says that it was her speech at the Jubilee that inspired it all. But why? I don’t understand this at all. Then at the end of the episode he actually calls her. Where is this plot going?

He keeps calling her to, telling her to get rid of the people in her life one by one because he wants her to herself. Apparently she would recognize him without his mask… I wonder who it is.

So first she publishes an article about her mother, about an arrest from when she was younger. Then she tells Veronica off, making it seem like she never really trusted her. Next she gets Archie to break up with Jughead, I wonder why he hasn’t made her get rid of Archie.

When he does find out she’s been telling Archie he threatens to kill her sister, why is Archie so precious? I don’t get it. In order for her to get the Black Hood off her back she has to give him a name of someone guilty because he keeps claiming they are the same, so Betty tells him to hurt a guy named Nick St. Claire, Veronica’s friend from New York who has been nothing but trouble. He tries to make a move on Veronica, then drugs Cheryl. Ugh.

Well Jughead has his dilemmas. He is becoming a Serpent because he wants to be the in between and peace keeper for the North and the South side, just like his father was. Toni tells him that he can’t play for both sides, when Archie brings him the news about Betty, he full embraces the Serpent life… and kisses Toni. Meh.

We have a jingle jangle problem. This is the drug that has hit Riverdale. The South Siders are the ones selling it so the North Side are out to get them. What I’ve learned are that there are two gangs on the South Side, the Serpents who we’ve been led to believe are the bad guys, and the Goolies who are now even worse, because they were the ones selling the JJ. The North Side go to raid the school, arresting students, one of them being Toni.

Quick side bar here, so Toni and Jughead didn’t really get together because she’s gay, interesting plot twist. Now we can get back to those two just being friends because that is what they were good at.

We find out that the jingle jangle or the JJ is being sold by someone called the Sugar Man, and the Black Hood wants to know who that is. So he’s seeking Betty’s help. Betty is reconciling with everyone to get their help, one being mainly Veronica.

Cheryl is going through a lot after just being almost raped. Her mother doesn’t want Cheryl to talk or press charges because of a deal with Veronica’s parents, that is tied in with the St. Claires. It’s when Veronica tells her parents about Nick and herself that they cut all ties… literally killing them, but Nick.

So we’re not going to learn who the Sugar Man is? After Betty, Veronica and Cheryl all went to such great lengths to find out who he is. Okay never mind: WHAT?! Jughead’s teacher Mr. Philipps is the Sugar Man, WHAT?!?! My mouth literally dropped when they arrested him. It explains why he didn’t want Jughead to write about the drugs, but still I did not see that coming.

Well now the Black Hood is definitely going to be going after him… and he does, breaking into the jail and murdering him.

We have all these different theories floating around; some I’m not too fond of. So first off Peabody is back and needs Jughead to do something big for her, as she’s cashing in her favour. She uses his father (saying he’s been in a fight at the jail) to motivate him. So he and Archie go on this quest to move a box that they don’t know what it contains. This gets them into some trouble, in the end it turns out that Jughead is now becoming a permanent delivery boy. When he finds out his father is perfectly fine, well he’s in hot water.

Then there is Josie, who we see on and off throughout the show; she’s the main act of Josie and the Pussycats, and her mom is the mayor. So her mom has been getting threats from the Black Hood, but that’s to be expected when you’re the mayor. But now Josie is getting these weird messages and gifts, the last one being a pig heart with a drawing of her saying ‘If I can’t have you, no one can’. Later we see Cheryl drawing a similar drawing, are we supposed to believe that she’s been doing it?

Then we have Veronica who thinks the sheriff is having an affair, and Betty way on the other spectrum thinking he’s the Black Hood.

Wow, so Veronica was right, Kevin’s dad, the sheriff is having an affair… with the mayor, which kinda makes sense why so many threats to her since this Black Hood just seems to know everything about everyone.

So Jughead’s dad, FP, is getting out of jail and he couldn’t be happier. FP gets a job at the diner, and lord he looks hilarious in that uniform.

FP doesn’t want to go back to the Serpents he wants to start a new, clean life. So Betty thinks they should throw him a retirement party… and they do but surprise 1) Betty does the Serpent dance to become a Serpent, uhm what?! 2) FP is no longer retiring.

Oooooo so he’s not retiring because of the deed that Jughead did for Peabody, and now he has to clean up the mess; and the whole reason Betty wants to become a Serpent is because it means so much to Jughead, but I don’t think he appreciates it much. He realizes he ruined his dad’s one last chance to get clean and now he sees he’s ruining Betty… so are they breaking up again?

Speaking of breaking up, Archie uses the L word on Veronica and she completely freaks. They are working on the Black Hood case trying to figure out some new leads (which leads us to the school janitor, which I thought there was something creepy about him from the start but when I realized he didn’t have green eyes figured it couldn’t be the Black Hood… unless Archie saw wrong?!?) But they drop that lead. After that’s said and done, the two have to face their feelings and Veronica breaks it off.

Are you kidding me right now? Archie and Betty are looking all googlie eyed at each other now really?

Betty’s mom is pissed about her Serpent dance, as she shows up at the party because 1) FP invited her (I swear there is a thing going on between the two of them, or there was one when they were kids, can we explore this more?) and 2) she thinks Betty is becoming a Serpent… which she was right about.

Well the pieces are starting to fit as to why Betty. So the theory about the janitor isn’t completely dead, they find out that his family was all murdered but him, and he was able to identify the person who did it… only he identified the wrong guy… Now the reason he’s taking revenge on Betty is because her grandfather was among the ones who buried the innocent man alive.

Just before Archie and Betty set out they kiss, oh boy.

All the clues lead them to where they think the janitor is buried alive, instead it’s an empty coffin and they meet the Black Hood. Oh wow, Archie actually shoots him, goddam! So he dies, but apparently it was the sheriff who really killed him. WHAT?! So it was the janitor the whole time! He tricked them into thinking he had kidnapped the janitor… when it was him all along. He even cut off his own finger, like ew.

Jughead’s dad is super pissed at him for the whole mess. So what does Jughead do? He rounds up all the young Serpents and drives Peabody out of town. When he tells his dad this, he’s even more enraged because he knows she’ll be back… I know she’ll be back.

So it’s Christmas day and Veronica is now all of a sudden ready to say the L word to Archie, and so now are they back together?

Uhm what? Why is there some creep taking photos of Archie and Veronica? Well he’s our next mystery.

Hmmm I have my suspicions about who could be taking the photos… Betty’s brother. We found out earlier this season that Betty’s parents had a kid before they were ready in high school and she gave the baby up for adoption. Now that we found out that Polly had the babies (and named them some ridiculous names) Betty realizes that she doesn’t want her family in her or the babies lives. So Betty takes it upon herself to find her brother. He’s really weird and lives in a hostel, but he’s kinda off put by them. Okay seriously this guy is super creepy, why is he watching her sleep? Ugh, yet another creep.

Archie gets cornered by the FBI because they think the Lodges are into some really dodgy and illegal things. This FBI agent thinks Archie is the only one who can help him, and at first he doesn’t want to, but when truths keep coming up well he’s got more suspicions now that what this agent is saying is true.

And how does Cheryl know that he and Betty kissed that one time? Cheryl is just everywhere and she confuses me; she also kinda scares me because you don’t want to get on her bad side.

Big changes are happening as the South Side High high school is closing, because guess what- the Lodges bought it so they can dig it up. I wonder what they have in mind; this time Veronica is in on it so she’s not surprised. Now half the students have to go to Riverdale High and Jughead is suuuuper pissed about it. There is such a thing as too much pride. Like he won’t even take off his jacket to “shed his skin”. The others are okay with it because they have better amenities.

I love what Kevin calls Betty’s brother, Chic: a digital gigolo, haha, who even says that anymore? So Chic makes videos online, dude when Betty’s father finds out, he freaks, but Betty and her mom are okay with it. Interesting.

Ugh Archie. So has made it his mission to get to know Hiram better. So what does he do? Oh he joins the wrestling team because Hiram was the biggest wrestler on Riverdale’s team. But nothing Archie does, just doesn’t live up to Hiram’s standers, and Hiram pretty much tells him that, but when he does beat one of the biggest guys in the class, there is some respect.

But Archie is just getting close to report back to the FBI agent.

Picken’s Day is this day they celebrate every year and this year Jughead finds out even more about the history of the day. So instead of the man and maple syrup and fun stuff it’s known for we learn that Mr. Pickin’s murdered the first colony of Serpents… Toni’s grandfather’s family.

Jughead feels the need to make things right but Toni says no and that he should apologize and her grandfather has an idea. So they go to the celebrates, trying to halt it with their protests, but Hiram shuts it down real fast… in his condensing way.

Oooh, so someone decapitated the statue of Pickin’s and Hiram believes it to be the Serpents.

Weelllll it was a Serpent… Tall Boy did it. He’s a bit of an idiot and very annoying, but we find out that it was Hiram who hired Tall Boy to do that, and Tall Boy would do anything to go against Jughead and his father because he thinks they’ve gone soft.

Also Peabody is baaaack, like I knew she would be and we find out not only did Jughead drive her away, he cut her Serpent tattoo off her skin… which is against the law. So now that the Serpents have found out they are voting to remove Jughead from being one of them… it’s when he and Betty find the statue’s head and find out the real story that is Jughead saved.

Archie is getting farther and farther into the dragon’s den. Hiram is actually starting to trust him, but Veronica doesn’t want Archie mixed up in any of their affairs. Wow did Veronica really think that Archie didn’t know that her father was a monster? Anyways, he warns Hiram of his so-called associates and how they plan to leave him pretty much, so his information gets one of the men dead. That’s when the FBI agent makes a personal stop to Archie’s house to let him know… so now Archie is going against the FBI and is becoming a true villain.

Oh that statue head gets around. Since Jughead and Betty found it at the dump and brought it back to the Serpents, it has now been given pretty much back to Hiram, and I know this is F.P’s doing. I was wrong, it was Jughead, and Jughead alone, damn.

I don’t understand where Betty is going, she gets her dark side on with Chic and his online business, then she’s getting back together with Jughead. I don’t understand.

Blackmail, blackmail, blackmail. It’s everywhere. So the Lodges are threatening to expose the mayor’s affairs with the sheriff in order to get what they want, but it’s sweet little Veronica who tips her off and she resigns before they can do anything, this makes her parents very suspicious.

Hmmm. I really can’t tell whose side Archie is on, but now I think I know. Since he wasn’t giving the agent anything, he starts to get to his dad, threatening him about bills and now Archie knows this FBI agent isn’t going away. So Archie goes to Hiram and tells him everything… I think he wants Hiram to do his magic on this agent and get rid of him.

Things kinda take a sideways turn as he gets asked to meet the boss (Hiram) and when he is taken to the middle of nowhere to meet Hermione (Veronica’s mother) … WHAT! The whole thing was a ruse to see if Archie would snitch and since he didn’t, she welcomes him to the family. Apparently the ‘agent’ works for Hermione. Wow, I did not see that coming, but I can understand where they’re coming from.

Then there’s Betty and this whole mess. She comes home to find a dead man on their dining room floor. Her mother is frantic, but knows she can’t call the police. This guy was a dealer for Chic and when he tried to hurt Alice, Alice was defending herself and she kills him so she and Betty has to get rid of the evidence. When Hal comes home (even though he’s left because he can’t stand Chic) he notices something is off.

But Hal has things up his own sleeve too, he’s been seeing Cheryl’s mom, and Cheryl tells Betty, which Betty uses against him. Ooooo.

Betty is still freaking out about the body and so she recruits Jughead, who then tells his dad. Aw FP is going to help out Alice, I think that’s incredibly sweet. Those two; that’s a ship I can get behind.

Again with the creepy Chic… he’s sitting in the dark and he takes a family photo and cuts out Hal, their dad. Is he trying to get them all against each other? I don’t get it!

Hiram is just off buying everything. While the kids go up to the Lodge the adults go on and buy things.

Well while cabin does drama ensue… Cheryl tells Jughead about the kiss Betty and Archie shared (which I know how she knew… it happened in front of her house) they get mad, but make up which gets Jughead and Veronica to kiss (I seriously think that was added in because the actress who plays Veronica just wanted to kiss the actor who plays Jughead.)

We find out that not only did Hiram buy the trailer park where Jughead lives, but he also buys the Register, the paper which Betty’s parents used to own… well this ends in a big fight between Veronica/Archie and Betty/Jughead. There are definitely two sides here and you can clearly see it.

Just as they’re in the middle of this fight a group of boys wearing black masks try to raid the house for money, but they don’t leave with what they want.

Are they making Cheryl’s character gay? She uses Love, Simon to relate to herself, and she’s been hanging out with Toni… which I kinda like.

Wooahh, so the next step in Hiram’s master plan is getting Archie’s dad to run for mayor so he can have someone on the inside. Archie is pissed and doesn’t want this for his father. Or well he doesn’t want this for him until he knows what Hiram’s game is by buying all the properties on the South Side.

Jughead is still on the witch-hunt, Archie gives him some fuel in the hopes it slows his dad down from running for mayor. He tells Jughead that Hiram bought Pop’s diner. When the Lodges find out, ooh do things go south fast. Jughead gets some more intel which leads to his dad’s old prison, who tell them what Hiram’s plan is.

Hiram wants to build a prison?!?!?! That’s his grand plan? The South Side High is being turned into a prison, and the only reason we get to find out, and Fred for that matter, is because Jughead is going to expose them. W-O-W. Fred flips out, he is so not about this, he tells Hiram that he’s leaving Riverdale, and he wants Archie to leave with him, but Archie says he’s going to stay… I’m surprised how ok Fred is that Archie wants to stay, he just tells him ‘I’ll see you at home then’ he just sounds so defeated.

Okay, so there is a public reading of Mr. Blossoms private will, and only anyone with Blossom blood in them will get the money… and it’s a lot. Well you can bet your ass the Coopers are there. Betty wants Chic to get tested, but he keeps refusing… want to know why, he’s not really their brother… I’m not surprised. I want to know what Chic’s deal is.

Then to add more drama to the story, what looks like Mr. Blossom, but who is really his twin brother shows up at the reading. Apparently there is a Blossom twin curse, one always hurts the other, and that almost happened, but this guy ran away before it could. Now that Mr. Blossom is dead it’s safe for his return.

WHAT?!?!?!?! Cheryl’s mom and new found uncle, Cliff are what a couple, who want to get rid of nana and Cheryl to start their own army.

Archie has officially joined the dark side by spilling his blood and burning all the blackmail he has on the Lodges.

So Chic is still Betty’s half sibling… it’s Alice’s kid, but not Hal’s. My first thought was Chic’s father is FP, but Alice denies that… but there could still be a possibility that it is. But Chic is still really weird; the two of them keep going at each other by one upping each other to how scary the other can be.

Cheryl’s mother and uncle try to kill nana, but she’s a fighter, now her mother claims to fix her… what does she mean by that?!?!

OMG they are keeping Cheryl with the twisted nuns at that creepy church that Polly was at. They are trying to take out all her demons, good lord!

Ugh this whole Lodge business is so annoying. So Jughead and the Serpents chain themselves to South Side High to help save the school from being a prison… but it’s Archie and the wrestling team who cut the chains off… on the orders of Hiram of course.

Jughead wants to run for student body president and he wants Betty to be by his side… which he thinks will conflict with her being by Veronica’s side, weeeeelll. So Veronica was running for school body president (against her parent’s orders) and things get real ugly, she gets a milkshake to the face, and truths start to comes out… truths that hurt everyone… even Betty, so Betty doesn’t think she can be friends with her anymore.

Archie’s mom comes back to town because his dad asks her to. He’s trying to get out of his contract with the Lodges, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen… that is until Archie tells Hiram he’ll stop Jughead if he lets his father go. Hiram sees this as an opportunity and takes it. Fred thinks it was all his ex-wife’s doing, but really it was his son’s.

Alright so the school presidency is Veronica/Archie against Betty/Jughead and another two people that don’t really matter. The Serpents don’t want to vote for Betty & Jughead because they have this hate for Betty because her mom abandoned the Serpents years ago.

Now Betty wants to do everything in her power to get them to like her, so her first thought is a tattoo. Ok. But Betty’s got bigger fish to fry. They find the car that Betty and Jughead tried to drown and we find out the owner of the car is still alive. The guy that Alice killed stole that car and turns out it was his girlfriend’s car. Well Chic thinks he’s doing the right thing by going to ask her questions to see how much she knows- (which I’m not sure I believe because he hates Betty, I think he’s trying to get rid of this family and he thought that girl was going to do the trick…welllll)

The girlfriend wants all this money, so Betty goes to the bank, her mother tells her not to come back home… but she does, with her Serpent friends. That’s when the girl takes the money and runs. Alice goes to the Serpents and thanks them, and starts to embrace her Serpent life… by seeing FP… omg are they going to be a couple because yes! As much as I like Jughead and Betty, I like FP and Alice more.

Ew Archie is bringing back the Dark Circle. Haha Archie’s mom doesn’t know who he’s becoming… well let’s see he’s talking for Hiram at meetings and bringing his stupid circle back to scare the people who are after him away, and he’s become Veronica’s driver as they give him this brand new car. Wow, just wow. Archie, who have you become?

Then there’s Cheryl, so Toni doesn’t believe when Cheryl’s mother says she away in some camp in Switzerland so she does some investigating; it’s actually Nana Rose who informs Toni about the sisters. I think Nana Rose is going to die soon because that last scene with her, ugh.

Toni and Veronica do more digging and with Kevin’s help use this tunnel to get to the church camp where they have Cheryl and they bust her out. Now Toni and Cheryl can finally be together, cute!

Why did the show do a musical episode? You can tell they aren’t really singing and it just doesn’t add anything to the plot that they’re singing all their emotions, ugh. I hate musicals and this was cringe-worthy to watch. So they’re doing a musical of Carrie (also not sure why they are doing a musical of a scary book/movie)

Cheryl wants so badly to play Carrie, but someone is trying to harm her… I believe it was her mom since her mom was so against it; I have no idea why. Now Cheryl has gone a little psycho, puts blood on herself (like Carrie) and she threatens her mother to leave. Wow.

Betty’s mom is playing Carrie’s mom in the musical (a little weird, but ok). She breaks out because everyone in her life has left her. This whole episode is about every yelling at everyone, then apologizing.

Dear god we have a love triangle, ugh. So Hal comes back because he wants to be back in Alice’s life, she wants FP, but FP isn’t really showing interest. But guess what they both show up to the show, hmmm.

We do find out that Chic isn’t Hal’s… so FP’s? Chic does make his return as well, so this should be fun.

Well the musical goes well, the new girl playing Carrie gets pinned to the set wall, and is presumed dead… dear lord. It’s signed B.H. supposedly meaning the Black Hood, but at this point it could be anyone.

So Nick is back, he’s blackmailing Veronica by kidnapping Archie, ugh to that whole plot. I hate it.

Just like I hate the whole Chic plot… so yes Chic is back but he’s not who he says he is… is anyone surprised? So he’s not really Alice’s son, and we do find out that FP was the father, instead Chic lived with Charles and Charles OD-ed because of Chic. Alice has to tell Hal everything, and now they don’t know what to do with Chic. That’s when Betty lets him go so that the Black Hood can have him.

This show has just gone off the rails from where it’s started and where it’s gone. It feels like the creators and writers wanted to throw everything they could possibly throw into in this second season.
The seasons last few episodes it’s like so much happens, but for what reason?
Gosh the whole plot with Veronica and her parents is a headache in and of itself. She learns more and more about the dirty, manipulative ways and wants nothing to do with it. When she finds out her mother is in on a lot of it she’s shocked and realizes that she doesn’t want to live a life like that.
So she and Archie start to break away from the Lodges. Veronica learns that her father pretty much wants to rule the whole Southside and has been secretly buying more and more properties. When she finds out a place called the Whyte Worm and so she buys it before her father can. When he learns that she’s bought it he’s obvious pissed odd to learn his daughter has gone against him and he gives her an ultimatum: it’s either she keeps the Whyte Worm and is on her own, no more protection from him, or she comes back home. She takes the Whyte Worm with an ultimatum of her own, she’ll sell the Whyte Worm in exchange for Pop’s dinner, which he accepts. Good for Veronica for standing her ground and getting away from Hiram, I hate that guy. He’s got nothing but one thing on his mind and that’s money and power money gets him. He was even spotted meeting with Cheryl’s Mom and Claudius, meaning some more take downs. I’m sure season three will have many more of his awful plots.
So the Black Hood is Hal, Betty’s Dad. I was right! See I thought so, even though Cheryl didn’t think so, I knew it! He reveals the truth to Betty and Alice in their living room. He tells them that he has always had a darkness in him, and that that darkness lives in Betty too. Betty knows this to be true, but she still wants her father gone for everything that he’s done.
He admits to some of the Black Hood attacks, but not all of them. Shooting Archie’s Dad the second time wasn’t him, nor the attack at the debate was him either, which means there are two Black Hoods.
They try to kill Jughead, which I did not like. I don’t think anyone liked it because let’s face it, the majority are watching Riverdale for Cole Sprouse. So the Ghoulies have returned and they’re ready for a fight. Penny kidnaps Toni because she knows Jughead will come for her and he does. He makes a deal with her once Toni has been set free, fight him and leave the rest of the Serpents alone. She takes him up on this offer and the Ghoulies beat him to death. The only way anyone knows about any of it is the phone call he makes to Betty telling her he loves her. She thinks that’s odd, as it sounded very final and so she involves FP. It’s FP who finds him and brings him home, gosh that scene was so sad.
They start up the next episode with Cheryl and Betty at a grave which we’re supposed to believe is Jughead which it’s not, he’s just in the hospital, like geez talk about cruel.
After all this we find out that the second Black Hood was Tall Boy, but he’s already been killed.
After Jughead is back up and feeling better, being his detective self again FP announces that he’s retiring from the Serpents and names Jughead their new king, which accepts and makes Betty his queen. Cheryl also joins the Serpents and everything seems to be doing okay for the Serpents. They have found refuge in the Northside so no one is fighting, which is good, but of course things can always change.
We learn that Hermione wins the election which is terrible news for Fred, but at least Hermione is a good sport about it, she goes over to shake Fred’s hand and tell him it was a good race. Even though we all know Hiram has plans for the future with her as her puppeteer.
Right after this we learn that Archie won student body president but his glory doesn’t last long. The show ends with Archie getting arrested, that I don’t understand. The only thing I can see is it’s just a plot to rouse the next season because really there isn’t any other reason for it. All I know is that it has to do with Mr. Lodge because Archie’s too much of a loose cannon for him so he has to get rid of him somehow.
I guess we’ll only find out next season.

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