Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Fall of the Poppies

Hi guys! Happy Wednesday! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Fall of the Poppies which was written by a collection of authors from the historical fiction genre.

Fall of the Poppies

Fall of the Poppies by: Multiple Authors: This is a collection of short stories written by various authors in the historical fiction genre. Each story touches on the day that the Great War ended, November 11, 1918. From points of view from soldiers to their lovers and families, they each had a story to tell. With each passing story, the writing obviously varied; some stories were just really well written and so heartfelt, while others were more character driven and drawn out. The important thing about them all was that they flowed and worked together to create this beautiful book about war; the survivors, and the lives that were lost. Each of these authors are a master in their craft and these short stories really showcase how well they can write in this genre. Characters felt so palpable that it really made the reader feel for them. This was a wonderful collection of love and loss that is definitely recommended.

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