Books · Non-Fiction · Reviews

Review: Sons and Soldiers

Hello friends, happy Wednesday! I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’m posting my review of Bruce Henderson’s book, Sons and Soldiers.

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Sons and Soldiers

Sons and Soldiers by: Bruce Henderson: This non-fiction book dives deep into World War II and follows some of the young men who were part of a group called the Ritchie Boys. These were men who fled Nazi Germany at a young age and found themselves in the United States where they join the U.S. army to help defeat Hitler. This was very well researched and executed. The reader had no idea before reading this, that this group ever existed and that something like this ever happened. It was really eye opening to read about these lives and everything they had to go through in order to get away to save themselves, their families and hope to destroy a corrupt leader. That being said though, as much as this was well written and told, this wasn’t this reader’s cup of tea and so there were moments throughout that they found it a little tedious to get through and to keep track of the handful of young men we followed throughout. The information was presented to the reader in a way that was easy to comprehend and read; there were points here and there in the book where they felt a little overwhelmed by everything being told because there was just a lot to be shared. This was still an important read and a different perspective to a piece of history that was not so long ago. The images that were used throughout the book helped to tell a story and helped visualize that these events and these people really did happen and exist. Overall, this book is geared more towards fans of history and of World War II, but it was still a well written and investigated narrative.  

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