WWW Wednesday #40 ðŸ•·

Hi friends, I hope you’re all doing well. Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday; I thought this would be a fun way to see a snapshot of what I’m reading!

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at.


On page 110
On page 85
On page 42

Night Shift: I’m 22% of the way through; I’m beginning to see a pattern here; one week I like the story, the next I don’t and this week I did not like this short story at all – it was super short and he spent time bashing women, for what purpose I don’t know.

The Fellowship of the Ring: I’m 15% of the way through; this is a re-read for me. I want to watch the movies (finally) so I thought it would be best if I re-read them first. I’m liking the story so far; we’re just about to embark on adventure!

Lastly, I’m reading The Wedding by: Nicholas Sparks. This is a novella sequel to the The Notebook and at first I didn’t get the relation until about the second chapter. So far, I’m breezing through this faster than I thought I would and for the most part am enjoying it.


I finished Two Dark Reigns by: Kendare Blake and I really liked this. Like I mentioned last week, I’m glad that I decided to continue with this series because this book was actually really good. It was super fast paced and I really liked the characters. Looking forward to the finale.

I finished Always and Forever, Lara Jean by: Jenny Han. GUYS! I’m SO sad that I’ve finished this trilogy, but I’m SO happy that I read it. This was such a beautiful end to Lara Jean’s story.

I also finished my re-read of The Notebook by: Nicholas Sparks. The last time I read this (I think 2009) I had seen the movie recently and I had that in my head and I think that really effected my thoughts on the book. Now, years later, I haven’t seen the movie in years so re-reading this with the movie in the past, I think this made me like this novel more. This was so cute and I love the way this was told.

Lastly, I finished So You Want to Talk About Race by: Ijeoma Oluo, this was very thought provoking and I think it is such an important read for anyone.


I have added a few new books this week. I just came back from the library so I’ve picked up:

Five Dark Fates by: Kendare Blake
Still Life With Tornado by: A.S. King
Origin by: Dan Brown

I also had some bookmail last week that I finally opened the packages 😅 which as added:

Each of Us a Desert by: Mark Oshiro
The Lost Book of the White by: Cassandra Clare & Wesley Chu

And I can’t forget from my past weeks, I still have (I’m so bad at reading books I own):

A Blade so Black by: L.L. McKinney

What are you all reading?

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