TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Heroes Season One

Hi friends, welcome back to another TV Tuesday! This week I’ll be diving into the show Heroes by talking all about season one.

This show is so mysterious, and I’m loving every second of it.

The writing is so good and the way episodes all seem to end on this cliff hanger type deal just keeps me even more engaged than I already am.

The show starts with Mohinder’s father has been killed. He had all these theories about people having different abilities, in which Mohinder thought his father crazy, and couldn’t understand how he could leave India for New York to pursue them. It isn’t until he goes back to India and meets a boy with abilities that Monhinder starts to believe.

Mohinder is an interesting character, he doesn’t have abilities but he’s the gateway for them all. His father had so many tracked down that it made it easy for Mohinder to find everyone. But then there’s Sylar… this nerdy guy who’s always wanted to be different. When he meets Mohinder’s father and he’s told he has no powers, well this makes him angry. Sylar then finds someone who does have powers, cuts his head open and transfers the powers to himself. He gets so high off these powers that he needs more, so he begins to hunt down all the special people so he can kill them and steal their powers.

He knows that Mohinder has taken his father’s place, Sylar is the one who killed his father, so now he’s joined Mohinder so that he can kill him too. I don’t know how Monhinder knew who Sylar was, but that scene when he takes him out was pretty good… that is until Sylar is strong enough to use his powers again.

Meanwhile, the rest of the characters are on a quest to save the world, in actuality, New York. Isaac is a painter and his gift is that he can paint the future. Everything that he’s painted so far has come true. He paints a giant mural on his apartment floor depicting a bomb blowing up Manhattan.

That bomb going off is actually Peter, another gifted person. At first we’re not really sure what his gifts are. His speciality is flying, but as we learn more and more about Peter, we find that he can simulate and take on other abilities if he’s around another person with a gift. In some drugged dream he finds out that it’s going to be him that takes everything down so he runs away.

Only he runs away to a guy who is invisible. This opens up so many cans of worms because this guy was supposed to be dead.

This show is so tightly woven with its characters, it amazing, but hard to write about!

It turns out that the invisible man used to work for Mr. Bennett, Claire’s dad. Claire is a teen girl whose gift is to heal very quickly, meaning she never dies. I like Claire she’s smart, and spunky. Her storyline is one of my favourites because she’s hidden this secret from her family, not realizing her father’s known her whole life. Claire was adopted, and her father was asked to raise her and if she was to show signs of being gifted he’d have to turn her in.






The poor guy fell for her and can’t help but try and protect her. When Sylar shows up, this freaks him out, but it’s Peter who comes to the rescue and saves the day, there to “save the cheerleader”. I’ve gone back and forth between whether Claire’s father is good or not; he’s so shifty that I kept going back and forth. I honestly think that he’s tried to protect her and he’s thought what he was doing was for her good.

Now the people that he works for know about Claire, his new partner, a man who can erase memories (which explains SO much as to why Claire’s mom was such a ditz all the time, her father got his guy to erase her memories all the time!) but in order to keep Claire safe he removes all memories of the last few weeks of her life. His guy then takes Claire away, but she runs away… to Peter in New York.

Instead of meeting him she meets her grandmother.

So a while back she actually finds her birth mother, not the weird people that her father claim to be her birth parents, that was weird and totally awkward. Turns out her mother has powers too… when Claire wants to meet her father she’s not sure he’d like to meet her, but she calls… her father is Nate, Peter’s brother.

At first, I have to say I hated Nate. He’s arrogant and cares about nothing but himself. He’s running for congressmen of New York and he’s obsessed with how everything looks, can’t have bad press. He treats his wife like garbage, but as the series went on, I could see a softer side to him. And one of the characters, Hiro, points out at first he thought Nate was mean and didn’t care, but really he cares too much and that’s why he has all these walls… it’s SO true!

Speaking of Hiro, he’s so cute and definitely one of my favourites as well. He’s just a guy from Japan, but one day finds out that he can bend time. One minute he’s on the train home, the next in New York months later. When he gets there, he sees himself in a comic… a comic that Isaac painted. When he goes to visit Isaac he finds his head cut off and his brain missing, meaning in the future, Sylar gets to him. So Hiro knows that he must do something.

With his friend Ando, the two travel to America, Las Vegas, to start their mission of saving the world. Again, at first I wasn’t a big fan of Ando, but when he comes to Hiro’s aid after Hiro tells him to go home… I literally screamed “ANDO!” I was so happy to see him.

They are on their way to New York, they make it to Texas where they help to save Claire. They finally make it to New York where Hiro thinks he’s stolen the sword that will help him save the world, turns out it’s just a replica, the original belongs to Linderman.

Now Linderman is this figure that no one seems to have met, but is someone with SO much power that what Linderman wants, he gets. All the characters are so wrapped around his web. We finally do meet him; he was nothing like how I thought he’s be. He’s this old man who does not look frightening at all. He looks like he could take care of children.

Anyways, I knew he was full of money, but when he starts talking to Nate about special people and knowing he can fly, I was like WHAT DOES THIS GUY KNOW?!?! OMG IS HE CONTROLING EVERYTHING!? I wouldn’t put it past him.

So, someone else who is caught in Linderman’s webs is Nikki/Jessica. When we’re first introduced to Nikki, I didn’t care for her, her story didn’t interest me. She had this alter-ego who lived in her shadows that came out a killed people and I just thought it was very weird.

In a flashback episode, in which the exposition was so helpful for the viewer to have better context about these characters. We learn that Nikki had a sister, Jessica, but she was killed when her father strangled her to death. Jessica now lives inside Nikki; the two are like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

Jessica stole money from Linderman, two million (yikes) and blamed it on her husband, DL (double yikes) but he doesn’t know it was her. Now DL also has super powers, he can stick his arms into things that are solid, which means their kid also has powers, Micah can fix anything with computers just by touching them. He’s also very cute, and very smart; he knows when his real mom (Nikki) isn’t around. Nikki can’t trust herself around her family so she turns herself in for all the murders; thinking they’re finally safe, Linderman turns around and gets Nikki set free. Now Jessica locks Nikki away in a mirror so she can finish what she started, taking the money and running.

Someone else who is now also tied with Linderman is Matt. One day he wakes up and realizes that he has powers. He remembers going to a bar, being knocked out, his memories being taking away, and now he can read minds.

This is why I thought Mr. Bennett was shady as all hell. He took Matt, had his guy erase his memories, so it seemed like he gave him this superpower. As the show progresses we learn that, that isn’t the case. It isn’t guaranteed when you’re going to show your powers. Matt was late to the game and so in order to protect him, Mr. Bennett tried to wipe his mind.

This happens to Ted too, he all of a sudden finds out he can blast nuclear high rays of radiation through his hands. He thinks that Mr. Bennett did it, but it really wasn’t. Ted is extremely pissed about it because his power is what killed his wife and he wants revenge. This is how he ends up outing Claire, by holding their house hostage as he seeks answers.

I can only imagine waking up one day and finding out you have powers, powers that kill the person you love, that’s heart wrenching.

With everything going on with Claire, we find out who passed the baby along to him, it was Hiro’s father! I was SHOCKED! This means his father knows about gifted people, why did he make it out that he though Hiro was just being dumb when Hiro proclaimed he had to save the world? Who are these people that hide the gifted? What are they going to do with them? So many questions!

When Hiro’s father tells him everything and starts to train him to be the best warrior he can be, I loved it! Hiro and his father getting along was so good to see.

What wasn’t great was that weird episode set five years into the future where the bomb went off, millions were killed and Slyar is pretending to be Nathan and wants to kill off all the gifted people. It was like a ‘what-if’ scenario that I don’t want to think about because I love all these characters.

After that episode what we really learned that everyone, including Hiro and Claire’s father worked together in harmony to keep the gifted safe, but as time went on people’s thoughts started to change and they deviated from the group.

Essentially, we’ve got two teams: the good ones who want to protect the gifted, and the bad: the ones who think the bomb should go off to kill a bunch of them. Of course Linderman, who we find out is one of the gifted (I was surprised by that), wants the bomb to go off and he’s got Nathan on his side. We also learn that Nathan’s father was gifted too.

On the flip Peter is trying to stop the bomb, along with Claire and Hiro.

Nikki/Jessica and DL want to take down Linderman… and they do. DL with his weird powers takes a piece of his brain out and kills him. They’re able to save their son, as Linderman took Micah to help ‘save the world’ (really it was to help Nathan win the election so he could make sure the bomb would go off). But now that Linderman is dead, they help in killing Sylar.

Mohinder starts working for the bad guys so he can help Molly, a little girl who can track anyone, anywhere. Mohinder believes she’ll be able to stop Sylar… and she finds him, helps them take him down; it’s Hiro who stabs him, but then Sylar banishes him to another time period.

I still have SO many questions. Obviously Sylar isn’t dead because he hid in a manhole. But why was Hiro teleported to Japan 1671? And because the bomb didn’t kill millions like it was ‘supposed to’, what’s going to happen to everyone? Where did Peter and Nathan go? They blasted off like Team Rocket does in Pokémon. I have to say though, I really enjoyed Nathan coming to Peter’s side in the end. Just when you thought he was going to let Peter destroy everything, it’s Claire who changes his mind, makes him a better person. That was some great character development; I actually like Nathan’s story arc.

I like how we finally get to see pretty much all the characters come together to take down Sylar. It was cool to see them all as a team.

Lastly, I also really hope that Matt doesn’t die… HE CAN’T DIE!! I LOVE HIM!

This was definitely a solid first season that is intriguing and makes me want to continue.

3 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About… Heroes Season One

  1. Love, love, love Heroes!! 🙌 It’s brilliant (although the very last episode on season 4 was disappointing but doesn’t tarnish the rest of it so you’ve loads more to enjoy!) Hope you continue to like it🍿💞

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    1. Omg I know right?! I’ve seen all of Heroes (plus Heroes Reborn) I’m just getting around to posting my thoughts… but I agree that last episode was such a let down and made me feel meh. But I enjoyed the series overall, such a good series, so well written! 😊

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