Children's Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Chronicles of Narnia

Hi! Today I’m going to be reviewing an oldie but a goody, C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia.

It only took me 23 years to finally read this series, and I’m happy to finally say I’ve read Narnia! It was a fun and exhilarating ride!

The Magician’s Nephew

The Magician’s Nephew by: C.S. Lewis: The first novel in the Chronicles of Narnia. Digory and Polly become friends and find themselves in Digory’s Uncle Andrew’s study where they aren’t allowed to be. This leads to finding out about his uncle’s magic use, and these magical rings that can take them to other worlds. Polly and Digory make the trip to different worlds, finding a place called Narnia, where there are talking animals. The novel is a fantastic look at a fantasy world in which lions can talk, horses can fly, and apples can heal. All the characters are a bit black and white and only two-dimensional. Some are more rounded like Uncle Andrew, who has stand out traits, but the majority of the characters are generic. The plot makes up for what the characters lack, and really makes the reader keep turning the page. As the plot develops, things get better and better. This novel also sets up for the next really nicely, and makes the reader excited about what’s to come. Overall, a good first novel, and introduction to the world that is Narnia.

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by: C.S. Lewis: The second novel in the Chronicles of Narnia. It is years later, and Lucy has found a wardrobe, while playing hide-and-seek. She slips in and enters a whole other world. She tries to convince her siblings of it, but they don’t believe her. It isn’t until they hide that they all realize Lucy wasn’t lying. Meeting a talking lion, and a pair of beavers, the children learn of the evil White Witch. She has made it forever winter and whoever tries to rule against her, she turns to stone. It’s a fantastic tale of adventure and overruling. The novel had plotline after plotline in a world of fantasy. The characters were all well developed and rounded, which led to a great reading experience. The very end hints at what is to come in the next novel, and it seems exciting. Overall, this novel was really well written and told.



The Horse and His Boy

The Horse and His Boy by: C.S. Lewis: The third novel in the Chronicles of Narnia. In this novel we meet Bree, who is a talking horse and a boy named Shasta. The two of them are traveling together to escape their old lives. As the novel proceeds the two run into more than what the bargained for. Through the ups and the downs, and through a battle, in the end they make it to Narnia. Shasta finds out who he truly is, and Bree can’t believe his fortune. Although most of this novel takes place outside of Narnia, it was a good introduction to new characters who will become part of Narnia. The storytelling was all right in this novel. Characters jumped all over the place from chapter to chapter, and things progressed a little slow. It wasn’t until the last couple chapters where the plot started to get exciting. Overall, it wasn’t the most enjoyable novel in the series, but it was necessary in order to meet new characters.


Prince Caspian

Prince Caspian by: C.S. Lewis: The fourth novel in the Chronicles of Narnia. In this novel we obviously meet Prince Caspian; but first our four friends are back. Edmund, Susan, Peter, and Lucy are on their way back to school when they find themselves on a journey that leads them back to Narnia. Prince Caspian has called on them to help Narnia. The place has changed since they were last there, an evil King is in charge and it is against the law to use magic. The novel was an adventurous tale of fighting for the place that brings comfort to many. This novel was better than the last, and made up for what the last one lacked. There was lots of action, adventure, conflict and character development in this novel that made it exciting and worthwhile to read. From beginning to end it was written well. The ending was a little surprising, and makes the reader curious what will happen in the next novel.


The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by: C.S. Lewis: The fifth novel in the Chronicles of Narnia. Edmund and Lucy have found themselves on the Dawn Treader with new friends. Joined up with Caspian, they have adventure after adventure on their way to the world’s end, but is it the end, or just the beginning? The novel tells stories of dragons, and long journeys over seas unknown. Each chapter felt like reading a new tale, as all sorts of different things happened to keep the plot entertaining. The new characters were welcomed additions as they opened the plot for adventure, and more developing. The new characters also helped to replace the old ones who have moved on, and are too old to visit Narnia. Overall, this was a fun novel in the series, with more to come.




The Silver Chair

The Silver Chair by: C.S. Lewis: The sixth novel in the Chronicles of Narnia. Eustace is back with his friend Jill who by chance find the passage into Narnia. It’s only a time later that they are approached by Aslan who sends them on a mission; they are to find Prince Rilian, Prince Caspian’s long lost son. It’s yet another adventure that the two have to go on, and along the way new characters, and creatures turn up to make the story more interesting. The author’s characters are also really well crafted, each having their own personalities that also enhance the story. This novel takes another generation of characters to a world that is magical, and mysterious that leaves the reader wanting to explore it more and more. Lewis has a way of capturing the reader, and making them feel as if they are immersed in this world.



The Last Battle

The Last Battle by: C.S. Lewis: The seventh and final novel in the Chronicles of Narnia. The final novel takes its readers to final highs and final lows as the characters we’ve all come to love, or hate, take on one last battle. Aslan is acting strange, and making everyone do cruel things that he would never do; it’s only a select few who believe that their leader wouldn’t make them do these things, and they hope the real Aslan will come to save them. This tale was beautifully written, with plots that were intricately woven with every character that ever appeared in this series. The ending was a conclusion one can live with, even though it felt like it was a beginning, or possibly a beginning to an end. Overall, this series was one adventure after another, with fun and memorable creatures.



2 thoughts on “Review: The Chronicles of Narnia

  1. I love The Last Battle, but haven’t found many who agree with me; your review is one of the kindest I’ve seen. 😉 That being said, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader was always my favorite. I like the variety and the action, and that we got to spend a lot of time with Lucy. The Magician’s Nephew is still my least favorite, though. Diggory’s uncle and Jadis always creeped me out.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I found the series as a whole exciting because there were all these adventures, but kinda boring at times. It’s not something I would read again, but it is something I’m happy to say I have read.


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