Memes · WWW

WWW Wednesday #4 ✨

Hello friends! Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday! I thought this would be a fun way to see a snapshot of what I’m reading! Look at me, I kept this up for a complete month and I’m super proud of myself! 🙂

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at.


On page 107
On page 212
On page 150









I have hit the 100 page mark on The Stand woohoo! Things are progressing… slowly, but like I say I’m really excited to get into the heart of the story. I’m continuing my re-read of the Uglies and I’ve been enjoying the concept of the novel; I have no idea where this is going, but I’m liking that Tally isn’t quite sure if she wants to stay behind and stay Ugly with her new friend Shay, or turn Pretty to be with her best friend Peris. Lastly, I’m reading We Used to be Friends by Amy Spalding. So far, I’m flying through this; it’s so fast-paced and there are relatable moments. Definitely enjoying this.









Wow, I finished Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult last Friday. Wow, what a novel. I have so many thoughts and I still have to write my review, but this really let you think and really shed light on race in ways we may not always consider. I also finished The Lovely Reckless by Kami Garcia, I also have thoughts on this book too, but I’m not sure where my thoughts are. I liked and didn’t like this book; the romance I wasn’t a fan of, but the street racing was really cool and the friendships were interesting… when they were present.






I have Holding Up the Universe by Jennifer Niven and Endless Water, Starless Sky by Rosamund Hodge sitting on my shelf waiting for me to pick up. I’ll probably pick up Niven’s novel first.

What are you all reading?

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